Noticeboard 5th October - 2014 - 15th October
Sunday 5th October
3.30pm - Harvest Thanksgiving with Christchurch Cathedral Choir
Guest Preacher:Rev R Kingston Preaching.
11.00am - Diocesan Primary School Service in Christchurch Cathedral
8.30am - Holy
11.00am - Holy
3.30pm - Harvest Thanksgiving with Christchurch Cathedral Choir
Guest Preacher:Rev R Kingston Preaching.
Co-ordinator and volunteers
needed for Harvest Supper, there is a sheet in the porch for volunteers to sign
up, if you are interested in co-ordinating the supper please contact the Rector
Monday 6th October
8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main Hall needs your
8.00pm - Now and Then are launching their 2015 production for their
20th Anniversary at 8.00pm in St. Mary’s Priory, Tallaght Village,
come along if you are interested in becoming involved.
Tuesday 7th October
2.00pm - Crafty Chatters in the Small Hall, bring along whatever
craft you are working on or bring a new one, all welcome! 2.00pm – 4.30pm.
Thursday 9th October
11.00am - Diocesan Primary School Service in Christchurch Cathedral
3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday,
upstairs P’Hall.
Sunday 12th October
8.30am - Holy
11am - Morning
8.00pm - Select Vestry meeting
in the Long Room of the Parish Centre
7.00pm - The
Megeough Home Harvest Service.
Monday 13th October
8.00pm - Safeguarding trust New Workers training in Swords Parish.
800pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main Hall needs your
Tuesday 14th October
3.00pm - Board of Management meeting in the Parish Primary School,
Kilclare Ave,
Jobstown (opposite the swimming pool).
7.00pm - ‘The Dublin Bay Lifeboat Disaster’ talk by Cormac Lowth in
Tallaght Library.
Wednesday 15th October