Noticeboard 12th October - 2014 - 4th November
Sunday 12th October
8.30am - Holy
11am - Morning
8.00pm - Select Vestry meeting
in the Long Room of the Parish Centre
Thursday16th October
Monday 20th October
7.00pm - The
Megeough Home Harvest Service.
Monday 13th October
8.00pm - Safeguarding trust New Workers training in Swords Parish.
800pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main Hall needs your
Tuesday 14th October
3.00pm - Board of Management meeting in the Parish Primary School,
Kilclare Ave,
Jobstown (opposite the swimming pool).
7.00pm - ‘The Dublin Bay Lifeboat Disaster’ talk by Cormac Lowth in
Tallaght Library.
7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome
Wednesday 15th October
Thursday16th October
3.00pm -Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday,
upstairs P’Hall.
8.00pm-10pm Table Tennis club. Play for fun. New members welcome @ parish centre.
Saturday 18th October
10.00am - Mother’s Union meeting at church gates to attend flower
festival in St. Theresa’s Church, Clarendon
Sunday 19th October
8.30am - Holy
Communion. Exodus 33: 12 – 23 M
11.00am - Holy
3.30pm - Boy’s
Brigade Founders Day Service in St.
Ann’s, Dawson
Monday 20th October
8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your
8.00pm - Whist Drive in the Small Hall, all welcome!
Tuesday 21st October
7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome
Thursday 23rd October
8.00pm-10pm Table Tennis club. Play for fun. New members welcome @ parish centre.
Sunday 26th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11am - Morning prayer
Monday 27th October
8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your
Tuesday 28th October
7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome
Thursday 30th October
8.00pm-10pm Table Tennis club. Play for fun. New members welcome @ parish centre.
Friday 31st October
9pm - Crossroads Social club meet at Buswells Hotel
Tuesday 4th November
2.00pm -Crafty Chatters in the Small Hall, bring along whatever
craft you are working on or bring a new one, all welcome! 2.00pm – 4.30pm.
7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome