Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Noticeboard 25th October - 9th November 2014

Sunday 26th October - Clocks Go back an hour !

8.30am - Holy Communion

11am - Morning prayer - Family Service

Monday 27th October

 NoPrayers for the Parish - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 28th October

7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome  

Thursday 30th October 

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.

6.30pm - ‘Engaging with Islam’, course run by Irish Church Missions, Bachelors Walk, learn about the history, beliefs and customs of Islam as well as the questions Muslims have of Christianity. 7 wks   €25.

8.00pm-10pm Table Tennis club. Play for fun. New members welcome @ parish centre.  

8.00pm - Music Group practice, small hall, singers and musicians welcome.

Friday 31st October

10.30am - Parish Coffee morning, come along for a coffee and a chat, Small Hall, all welcome!

No Boy’s Brigade – Halloween

9pm - Crossroads Social club meet at Buswells Hotel

Sunday 2nd November

8.30am - Holy Communion

11.00am - Holy Communion

Monday 3rd November

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust refresher for workers and panel members in Malahide Parish Centre.

Tuesday 4th November

2.00pm -Crafty Chatters in the Small Hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or bring a new one, all welcome! 2.00pm – 4.30pm.

7.30pm - Bowls Club at the Parish Centre. New members welcome    

Wednesday 5th November

10.00am - First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for sick.

Thursday 6th November

11.15am - MU (Tallaght) Holy Communion Service in Christchurch Cathedral.

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Saturday 8th November

10.00am - St. Joseph’s College, Lucan, Parents Assoc, Arts and Crafts Fair,  (beside St. Mary’s Church) Sat & Sun 10 – 5pm  Free entry.

Sunday 9th November

8.30am - Holy Communion. 
10.45am - Act of Remembrance.

1.00am - Morning Prayer.  Return of Christmas Shoeboxes