Sunday 23rd March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Family Service. Coffee by Good News Club in aid of CMS
200th Anniversary Lenten Project.
Monday 24th March
8pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main
Hall needs your support .
Tuesday 25th March
1pm - ‘Architecture of Christchurch Cathedral’
talk by Michael O’Neill.
Wednesday 26th March
10am - Lenten Holy Communion, Theme: ‘Church & Culture’
Thursday 27th March
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.
8pm - Safeguarding Trust workers and panel
members training in Kill O the Grange Parish Hall.
Friday 28th March
10.30am - Coffee morning in the small hall,
all welcome! 10.30am – 12.30pm.
Sunday 30th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Mothering Sunday Morning Prayer. (Clock goes forward).
1pm - Building of stage in the Priory for
Now and Then’s ‘Jesus Christ Super
Star’, helpers wanted.
Monday 31st March
8pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main
Hall needs your support .
Tuesday 1st April
2pm - the Crafty Chatters meet in the Small Hall at the Parish Centre. Bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one. 2-4pm All welcome.
7pm - Parish School Board of management meeting in the school Kilclare Ave, Jobstown.
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Wednesday 2nd April
10am - First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion, with laying on of hands for the sick and Lenten Service theme "Church & Society"
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Thursday 3rd April
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Friday 4th April
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm *** Last Night***
Future Planning For Diary
27th April 2014
11.30am EASTER VESTRY - after 11am service, sunday school as normal, tea & coffee will take place during voting.
10th May 2014
10am- 1pm St Maelruains Parish Summer Sale at the Parish Centre. Contact Ronnie Scott if you can help sell raffle tickets, provide for stalls or prizes, Help out on the set up or on the day :-)
Tuesday 1st April
2pm - the Crafty Chatters meet in the Small Hall at the Parish Centre. Bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one. 2-4pm All welcome.
7pm - Parish School Board of management meeting in the school Kilclare Ave, Jobstown.
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Wednesday 2nd April
10am - First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion, with laying on of hands for the sick and Lenten Service theme "Church & Society"
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Thursday 3rd April
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm
Friday 4th April
8pm sharp start - Now and Then Productions "Jesus christ Superstar" at the Priory Tallaght Village . Tickets 10euro /5 euro, doors open 7.30pm *** Last Night***
Future Planning For Diary
27th April 2014
11.30am EASTER VESTRY - after 11am service, sunday school as normal, tea & coffee will take place during voting.
10th May 2014
10am- 1pm St Maelruains Parish Summer Sale at the Parish Centre. Contact Ronnie Scott if you can help sell raffle tickets, provide for stalls or prizes, Help out on the set up or on the day :-)