Sunday 16th March - St Patrick's Eve
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - St. Patrick’s Eve Holy Communion.
Monday 17th March - St Patrick's Day
11am - St. Patrick’s Day Service.
8pm - Bank Holiday Whist Drive in the
small hall, all welcome.
Tuesday 18th March
1pm - ‘Christchurch Cathedral and it’s History’
talk by Ray Gillespie.
8pm - Safeguarding Trust, new workers
training in Kilternan Parish Hall.
Wednesday 19th March
10am - Lenten Holy Communion, Theme: ‘Church & Culture’
Thursday 20th March
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.
Saturday 22nd March
10am - ‘Praying Well’ in the C of I Theological
Institute, Braemor Pk,
10am – 3.30pm. €15.
Sunday 23rd March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Family Service. Coffee by Good News Club in aid of CMS
200th Anniversary Lenten Project.
Monday 24th March
8pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main
Hall needs your support (Lent?).
Tuesday 25th March
1pm - ‘Architecture of Christchurch Cathedral’
talk by Michael O’Neill.
Wednesday 26th March
10am - Lenten Holy Communion, Theme: ‘Church & Culture’
Thursday 27th March
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.
8pm - Safeguarding Trust workers and panel
members training in Kill O the Grange Parish Hall.
Friday 28th March
10.30am - Coffee morning in the small hall,
all welcome! 10.30am – 12.30pm.
Sunday 30th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Mothering Sunday Morning Prayer. (Clock goes forward).
1pm - Building of stage in the Priory for
Now and Then’s ‘Jesus Christ Super
Star’, helpers wanted.