Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Notice Board 2nd March - 13th March 2014

Sunday 2nd March

8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Holy Communion.

Monday 3rd  March - Prayers for the Parish upstairs in the Main Hall needs your support

Tuesday 4th March

1pm - Lunchtime lectures in March in Christchurch Cathedral: ‘What are Cathedrals for’, by Cannon Kenneth Kearon. 

8pm - Mother’s Union parenting talk in Lucan Parish Centre ‘Enjoying 10 – 15 year olds, exploring conflict and communication’.

Wednesday 5th March
10am - Ash Wednesday and first Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.

Thursday 6th March
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.

Friday 7th March
8pm - (Women’s) World Day of Prayer Service in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Firhouse, behind Supervalue, Firhouse Rd.

Saturday 8th March 
10am - Church’s Ministry of Healing in the Megeough home, bring lunch.

Sunday 9th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.

11am - Morning Prayer.

Monday 10th March
8pm - Mother’s Union talk on Kilmainham Jail by Shane Kenna, Sm Hall.

8pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs in the Main Hall needs your support.

Tuesday 11th March
1pm - Lunchtime lectures in March in Christchurch Cathedral: ‘Music at Christchurch’ by Ian Keatley.

7 pm - The Pawn and the Castle: Anne Devlin Talk in Tallaght Library.

Wednesday 12th March
10am - Lenten Service.

8pm - Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.

Thursday 13th March
3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’hall.