Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Monday 15 October 2007

School News - Oct 07

The start of the new school year is always a busy time in schools, but there’s a great buzz around the place with lots of happy faces! The sunshine certainly helps to lift our spirits. Our shared Learning Support Teacher, Ms. Breda Rouillier has been made permanent in her base school and we will be interviewing shortly for her replacement.

We are glad to have, Ms. Edel McGlynn, Ms. Caroline Rountree, and Ms. Annette Boles still in the classrooms and Ms. Jane Barnes is our Resource Teacher. Ms. Adrienne McKevitt, Ms. Geraldine Healy and Ms. Bernie Dixon are our Special Needs Assistants and Ms. Marion Hefferon is our Home/School/Community Liaison Co-ordinator. Of course our school would not be complete without our Secretary, Ms. Karen Mooney and our Caretaker Ms. Lesa O’Dowd. Great to have everyone back!

We were delighted to welcome in the new families into Junior Infants and 2nd class, everyone has settled in well.

This year we will be putting on an extension, the architect has drawn up the plans and we are looking forward to seeing them. The room will be used for Parents, HSCL and Resource.

The Breakfast Club, which is run by Lesa and the Homework Club, which is run by Annette starts on Monday 17th September. The School Completion Programme, which is co-ordinated by Ms. Emily Ryan finances these initiatives.

Marion will be running a course for parents called, “Take a Fresh Look at Parenting.” The course will start on Tuesday 25th September.

Edel and the Principal will be attending a seminar on Monday afternoon 17th September in relation to a Critical Incident Policy. Sadly it seems necessary in today’s world to have such a policy.

On Friday 21st September the Principal will be attending a Training Day in the Religious Education Programme, Follow Me.

Our school has been invited to participate in two exciting programmes during the academic year.

In October we will be part of the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme. Annette will be
co-ordinating this. The programme itself will last for 16 days during which the children will each receive fresh fruit and vegetables daily. There are lots of incentives and it should be fun as well as healthy. As a follow-up to our Golden Tree Project in June 2000 we have been invited by Alternative Entertainments to do an Arts’ Week in the summer term, it sounds really exciting, watch this space!

Edel is organising the new Green Schools Committee at the moment, we hope to get our Green Flag before the end of this academic year.