Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Badminton Club

After a slow start we have had good numbers down since the middle of October. We are delighted to welcome two newcomers this season John and Kats. It is always good to have new people to play with and new people to get to know. This is a badminton club that has as much emphasis on getting to know people as playing badminton. We do play a lot of good badminton games too of course.

Unfortunately, we are without some of our players from previous years for various reasons. We wish Ingrid all the best over the coming weeks as she waits for the arrival of her baby and look forward to her visiting us whenever she can. We wish Daniel a speedy recovery from his knee injury and hope the surgery goes will and he will be back playing badminton with us in the future. We are delighted that Willie had visited us on a couple of nights just for the chat and the cup of tea.

Unfortunately Willie is no longer able to play but he still is a great asset to the club when it comes to sharing news and jokes. Gillian has also taken some time out with a knee problem and we hope that she will soon be restored to good health and back at work and back at badminton. Finally we are missing Aoife this year, Aoife is still in the whole of her health as far as we know but she has moved on now into 5th year and the studies have to come first. So keep up the good work Aoife and there will be plenty of years ahead for playing badminton when the studies are behind you.