Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Rector's Letter - Nov '07

A Word from William
At our Harvest service on Friday 12th October we were delighted to welcome the new chaplain to Trinity College Rev Darren McCallig as our preacher. He used the story of the Lepers as an example of how often people forget to give thanks and that Harvest is an opportunity for us to give thanks for the everyday miracles of life.

Thank you to Janet Edgely and the ladies who so beautifully decorated the Church for harvest. We are grateful to Janette Wilson for running a flower arranging class in the Small Hall on Wednesday evenings. Thanks also go to the ladies who provided the tea following the service.

An opportunity has arisen for me to go on a Holy Land tour leaders week. We will be squeezing what should be a ten day holiday into a week. I have never been to the Holy Land before and I am looking forward to seeing the sights. They say if you saw the vertical road to Jericho you might be more compassionate on those who didn’t stop to help a stranger, as the good Samaritan did, as you would be leaving your self open to being mugged. Many who have taken this trip speak of how it helped bring the bible alive for them and subsequently brought more life to their sermons. I will be away from Monday 5th November until Monday 12th but as usual will be available on my mobile phone!

Preparations are under way for our Christmas Sing Along on 30th November in the Parish Centre at 7pm and I look forward to seeing many of you there.

God bless. William

Table Tennis Oct-Nov '07

Thursday nights continue to be busy with three tables in constant use! Then it’s into the kitchen for the chat and cuppa, not forgetting the bikkies to replace the lost calories! We would welcome more new members to the club. We welcome all standards of players and have two teams that play in the United Churches Table Tennis League. However, if you would enjoy an informal game and a good social evening, why not join us on Thursdays in the Parish Centre at 8pm.

We are about to start a knock out competition for the Ernie May and St. Maelruain’s Shield and hope to have a result and shields awarded by Christmas.

Mothers' Union Oct-Nov '07

On Sat 6th October we had what you could call a ‘mini outing’ to Dublin Castle. We met at the LUAS by the Square. We got off at the four courts and made our way across to the castle. As the tours didn’t start until 2pm we had our lunch first in a lovely coffee shop beside the castle gift shop. The coffee shop had kept our tables so we could all sit together. After lunch we had the tour of the castle which was most interesting and I’m sure reminded us of a lot of our history which we may have forgotten.

It was nice to see the rooms where a lot of the state functions and occasions take place. After a very interesting time we all made our way home some of us having more refreshments before going home! Our next meeting is on Mon 12th Nov in the parish hall where there will be a talk by “Teen Line” which is phone line for teenagers. Please bring something for a retiring collection for Teen Line. This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in this topic.

Whist Drive - Nov '07

The November whist drive takes place on Monday 19th in the small hall of the parish centre.

School News - Oct-Nov '07

We are delighted to be able to tell you that we have appointed our new part-time Learning Support Teacher, Ms. Maree MacGuinness.

The Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme is going down very well, the majority of the children are actually eating both the fruit and vegetables. The rewards are really “cool!”

We had our Harvest Assembly on Thursday 27th September. The children brought in lots of provisions which Rev. William Deverell brought to the Simon Community.

The children from 5th and 6th class went to the European Commission on Friday 28th September. It was a very interesting field-trip and they got lots of information for their projects. We went by LUAS which is a great asset to our school, we take it as much as possible when getting out-and-about.

The Start of Year Service, in Christ Church Cathedral, was very popular this year, most of the senior class attended.

Ms. Edel McGlynn and Ms. Geraldine Healy, Special Needs Assistant (SNA), will take the children from Junior and Senior Infants to Seán Walsh Park on Thursday 18th October for a Nature Walk. Let’s hope the good weather continues.

Once again the children from 3rd to 6th class have been invited to participate in the GAA Cross-country inter-schools event in Valleymount, Blessington on Thursday 25th October. Last year we were washed-out, surely it couldn’t happen again this year!

On Friday 9th November, 5th and 6th class will be going to the Planetarium in Armagh, this is always a great field-trip and the show helps them to really appreciate the skies above them.

Girls' Brigade

With the miserable summer behind us now we are all ready for another exciting year.

We would really welcome any new girls who might like to join in the fun and activity we get up to each week. We have a very varied programme planned, which we hope the girls will enjoy.

We meet for Junior / Senior Section (9 – 14 yrs) on Wednesdays 7.00pm – 9.00pm and Explorer Section (4 – 8 yrs) on Saturdays 11.00 – 1.00pm.

Anyone who would like more information please contact Leader Carol Fox through the Parish Office.

Boys' Brigade

All sections are back in full swing now. We are delighted to welcome Paul, Stephen, Karl, Jonathan, Aaron, Robert and Jordan as new members to the Company and hope they will continue to enjoy Friday nights with us.

Meanwhile, we would like to wish Ian Singleton and Graeme O’Meara the best, as they retire from the company after many years of loyal service. Ian and Graeme have been in BB since Anchor boys and have taken part in all activities and events with utmost commitment. The were both very popular with all the members and staff and we are sorry to see them retire. We wish them well as they head into sixth year and get their heads down as they study for the Leaving Cert. Good luck lads!

Junior section had a great day at the hike around Howth Head with other members of the Battalion. Parents were invited to join the walk and it was a nice way for the parents to get to know each other. The weather on the day was very pleasant, so there was plenty to see from the top. We had a bonus at the end when we visited the harbour, to find up to a dozen beautiful seals merrily swimming around the harbour.
As we understand the fish shops sell food for them, once a ”crowd” appears these clever chaps will come right up to the wall and almost dance! Well worth seeing!

The Founder’s Day was well attended in St. Anne’s. The Rev. Gillian Wharton preached about not judging the book by the cover and how we should look to what is inside the person. She did this with the aid of what appeared to be a tin of dog food which she proceeded to consume to the horror of all present, but of course she revealed that the label only said dog food, but the contents were in fact a very nice cake!

Anchor boys are going to NRGY on November 10th where no doubt they will have great time.

Our own enrolment service will take place on November 18th at 11am. We hope all parishioners, parents and friends will join us for the service to support the boys and the staff in the work they do.

This year the chosen charity for which the company will fundraise is the Make a Wish Foundation of Ireland. The Make a Wish Foundation grants very special wishes to children between the ages of three and eighteen that are trying to deal with a life threatening illness in Ireland. Having a wish come true is magic for a child, magic that means a period of happiness after or during a serious medical treatment. In every wish, the Make a Wish goal is to provide memories of joy and laughter which differ dramatically for the environment of hospitals and treatment.

We will have a retiring collection at the end of our enrolment service as a start of our fundraising. Please come along and support this very worthy cause.

Badminton Club

After a slow start we have had good numbers down since the middle of October. We are delighted to welcome two newcomers this season John and Kats. It is always good to have new people to play with and new people to get to know. This is a badminton club that has as much emphasis on getting to know people as playing badminton. We do play a lot of good badminton games too of course.

Unfortunately, we are without some of our players from previous years for various reasons. We wish Ingrid all the best over the coming weeks as she waits for the arrival of her baby and look forward to her visiting us whenever she can. We wish Daniel a speedy recovery from his knee injury and hope the surgery goes will and he will be back playing badminton with us in the future. We are delighted that Willie had visited us on a couple of nights just for the chat and the cup of tea.

Unfortunately Willie is no longer able to play but he still is a great asset to the club when it comes to sharing news and jokes. Gillian has also taken some time out with a knee problem and we hope that she will soon be restored to good health and back at work and back at badminton. Finally we are missing Aoife this year, Aoife is still in the whole of her health as far as we know but she has moved on now into 5th year and the studies have to come first. So keep up the good work Aoife and there will be plenty of years ahead for playing badminton when the studies are behind you.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Sunday falls this year on 11th November. We will have a short service with an ‘Act of Remembrance’ at 10.45am, before the 11.00am morning prayer service.

8.30am Holy Communion service as usual.


On Sunday 21st October Leah Lizette Orfhlaith Harding-Hoffmeester baby daughter of Liomia and Alroy was welcomed into Christ’s Christian family by the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we pray for Leah and her parents.

(There was probably a hint of jealousy in the air that Sunday as the Hoffmesster’s enjoyed a double celebration, their home country, South Africa, succeeded in winning the Rugby World Cup the previous evening!)

Craft Group

The Craft Group will have hand made cards for all occasions for sale at the Christmas Sing Along on Fri 30th November along with various hand made crafts. There will be home baking for sale also.

Please take note the group is appealing to parishioners to bake a cake for the stall. All funds raised go to the re- slating of the Church Roof. Janet Edgely 451 3924.

Christmas Sing Along

Our annual Christmas Sing Along takes place on Friday 30th November at 7.00pm in the parish centre where we will be joined by the D.C.C. singers.

Please come along and get into the festive spirit – Santa will be paying a visit – enjoy some mince pies, wine, tea and coffee or soft drinks. Come and help make this event a success!!

Ronnie Scott is appealing for donations of prizes for the raffle, wine, mince pies, soft drinks etc for the refreshments.

Operation Christmas Child

This year’s closing date for your filled shoe boxes is Sun 11th November, 2007.

Fill a medium sized shoe box with items that would be suitable for either a girl or a boy (and print on box Male or female and age category) which will be given to a child in a third world country.

Items which may be included: Small Toys:- yo yo, small car, puppet, cuddly toy etc.
Educational supplies:- pens, pencils, rubber, sharpener, pencil case, stickers, note pad etc.
Hygiene Items:- tooth brush, hairbrush, hair accessories, wrapped soap, facecloth etc.
Something to wear:- gloves, scarf, sunglasses, hat, scarf etc.

Please enclose €3 or more in an envelope, (Cheques would be preferred), made payable to Samaritan’s purse. Place the envelope inside the box and secure with an elastic band, please do not seal box as it will need to be checked to meet customs requirements.

Please do not include liquid of any kind, war toys, fragile items or sharp items or books with words.

For more information phone 01 294 0222

Friday, 26 October 2007

Noticeboard 28/10/2007

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 28th, 21st Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Service. (Shoe box Sermon). Clocks go back an hour.
Bank Holiday. Rector available on his mobile Ph 086 803 0239.

Sun 4th Nov 2007, 22nd Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion

Mon 5th 7.30pm
Focus on Family: "Forgiveness" a women's talk in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. For more info phone 806 6288.

Tues 6th 7.30pm
Music Group Practice in church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 7th: First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick, transferred to Wednesday 14th November as the Rector will be visiting the Holy Land from Mon 5th - Mon 12th. Rector available on his mobile phone!

Sat 10th 7.30pm
Diocesan Youth (Club) Service in At Anne's, Dawson Street.

Sun 11th, 23rd Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

10.45 Remembrance Day, Act of Remembrance. Return of Shoe Boxes.
11.00am Morning Prayer.

Wed 14th, 11.00am
First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick (transferred from Wednesday 7th).

8.00pm Churches Ministry of Healing tri-annual AGM, Overseas House, Belgrave Road, Rathmines.

Fri 16th, 8.00pm
Rector preaching at Healing Service in St. Peter's Kiltegan, Baltinglass.

Sun 18th, 24th Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Holy Communion

Mon 19th 8.00pm
Whist Drive in the small hall of the parish centre.

There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Noticeboard 21/10/2007

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239

Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 21st, 20th Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00 am Holy Communion and Baptism of Leah Lizette Orfhlaith Harding-Hoffmeester, baby daughter of Alroy and Liomia. 75th anniversary of the Churches Ministry of Healing, started by Canon Waring.

3.15pm Boys' Brigade Founders' Day Parade in St Anne's Dawson St.

3.30pm Churches Ministry of Healing, 75th Anniversary service in Christchurch Cathedral.

Tues 23rd
7.30pm Music Group Practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 24th
8.00pm Beginning of Flower Arranging classes in the small hall by Janette Wilson, running for 5 weeks. Gor more info phone 403 3921.

Sun 28th, 21st Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Service. (Shoe box Sermon). Clocks go back an hour.
Bank Holiday. Rector available on his mobile Ph 086 803 0239.

Sun 4th Nov 2007, 22nd Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion

Mon 5th 7.30pm
Focus on Family: "Forgiveness" a women's talk in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. For more info phone 806 6288.

Wed 7th: First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick, transferred to Wednesday 14th November as the Rector will be visiting the Holy Land from Mon 5th - Mon 12th. Rector available on his mobile phone!

Sun 11th, 23rd Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

10.45 Remembrance Day, Act of Remembrance.

11.00am Morning Prayer.

Wed 14th, 11.00am
First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick (transferred from Wednesday 7th).


T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.

Rectors Churchwarden: Alroy Hofmeester
People’s Churchwarden: Regina Donoghue
Sidespersons: Vivienne Bright
Billy Gould
Glebewardens: Desmond Haine
Ronnie Scott

Vestry Members:

Jim Bird, Vivienne Bright, Miriam Gibney, Billy Gould, Percy Griffin, Carol Laughlin, Noelle Lewis, Mary Lucas, Kathleen McEndoo (Hon. Treasurer) Yvonne McGlynn, Gail Sheridan
and Ronnie Wallace.

Thank you to the outgoing the parish officers and vestry members. We appreciated all the work that they put into the smooth running of the parish
Thanks also to those who continue to sit on the vestry and to our new parish officers and vestry members .

There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Monday, 15 October 2007

Rector's Letter - Oct 07

A Word from William..

When I arrived in Tallaght two diocesan priests took over St. Martin De Porres, Aylesbury, from the Dominicans. The curate, Fr. Derek Farrell who is a gifted musician, had helped with many Christian unity services left last year to work as a ‘parish priest’ among the travelling community. Now Fr Liam Lacy PP will be moving to Kilmacud. During his time in St. Martins he was also given responsibility for Bohernabreena and Holy Rosary although he had a curate in each of the three parishes. I attended his leaving mass on Sunday 30th and then went into town to the service to see the first woman to be ordained in the Church of Ireland, Rev Katherine Poulton of St. George and St. Thomas (next to the Gresham Hotel, O’Connell Street) being made a canon of Christchurch Cathedral along with our own parishioner Rev. Patrick Comerford of the Church of Ireland Theological College.

We recently had Hard Gospel Sunday. Some people nowadays ask “Has the Gospel gone soft with all the talk of love?” but there is nothing soft with loving God with all your heart, soul and mind and loving your neighbour as yourself. The Hard Gospel came out of the Drumcree situation ten years ago when the Church of Ireland was seen, unfairly, as aligned with sectarianism. As time has moved on it is still relevant in modern Ireland as it addresses the issues of racism and helps us to deal with areas of difference that we are called to deal with.

We are looking forward to Harvest and to welcoming our visiting preacher Rev. Darren McCallig. Darren is the new Chaplain to Trinity College and is originally from Claremorris in Co. Mayo. He became involved in the church while a student at Trinity so it should be interesting to hear how he makes Christianity relevant to young people. He spent his curacy in my home parish of Monkstown and I am looking forward to his visit to St. Maelruain's.

God bless. William.

Boy’s Brigade

Boy’s Brigade Founder’s Day Parade is on 21st October in St. Anne’s, Dawson Street at 3.30pm.

We reopen on 5th October and look forward to seeing all members back. We have lots of room for new members and would welcome any boy from the age of four to join us. Anchors and Juniors start at 7.30pm and Company Section at 8.30pm.

Mothers' Union - Oct 07

On September 10th we had our opening service. This was followed by an interesting demonstration of flower arranging by Janette Wilson. We look forward to a varied and hopefully an enjoyable programme this autumn. We start with a visit to Dublin Castle on Saturday 6th - more details on that event in next months Losset.

Whist Drive - Oct 07

Our New Season started on Monday 17th September and was well supported.

At our last drive in June, due to the support we had all year, we were in a position to make a generous donation to the Church Roof Repair Fund.

During our summer break, two of our players, Mary O’Neill and Maud Kendrick had spells in hospital, but I’m delighted to say both returned to whist drives in good form. As we go to print my brother Norman is in Tallaght Hospital, wishing him a speedy recovery and back on both feet soon.

Our next drive will be on Monday 15th October in the small hall @ 8pm. Items for our monthly raffle are always appreciated. George Furney, hon sec.


The Club re-opened on Tuesday 11th September. We hope Suzette McKim will be back bowling in the new year and look forward to seeing her back very soon. On Monday 17th September the AGM of the Bowling Association took place in Finglas and we would like to congratulate our Captain Billy Gould for becoming Vice President of the Association. We thank Trevor and Bob for all the work they have done in organising the competitions for the coming season.

We are looking forward to getting our match fixtures for the coming season and our Match Secretary, Ann Gould will be busy arranging the matches. Looking forward to meeting up with some old friends when our competitions begin.

Due to the bad weather during the summer we had to cancel our annual barbeque and prize giving and the committee decided we would hold a prize giving event in the Spawell on Saturday 19th October and hope as many members can attend as possible. Heather Wright hon sec.

School News - Oct 07

The start of the new school year is always a busy time in schools, but there’s a great buzz around the place with lots of happy faces! The sunshine certainly helps to lift our spirits. Our shared Learning Support Teacher, Ms. Breda Rouillier has been made permanent in her base school and we will be interviewing shortly for her replacement.

We are glad to have, Ms. Edel McGlynn, Ms. Caroline Rountree, and Ms. Annette Boles still in the classrooms and Ms. Jane Barnes is our Resource Teacher. Ms. Adrienne McKevitt, Ms. Geraldine Healy and Ms. Bernie Dixon are our Special Needs Assistants and Ms. Marion Hefferon is our Home/School/Community Liaison Co-ordinator. Of course our school would not be complete without our Secretary, Ms. Karen Mooney and our Caretaker Ms. Lesa O’Dowd. Great to have everyone back!

We were delighted to welcome in the new families into Junior Infants and 2nd class, everyone has settled in well.

This year we will be putting on an extension, the architect has drawn up the plans and we are looking forward to seeing them. The room will be used for Parents, HSCL and Resource.

The Breakfast Club, which is run by Lesa and the Homework Club, which is run by Annette starts on Monday 17th September. The School Completion Programme, which is co-ordinated by Ms. Emily Ryan finances these initiatives.

Marion will be running a course for parents called, “Take a Fresh Look at Parenting.” The course will start on Tuesday 25th September.

Edel and the Principal will be attending a seminar on Monday afternoon 17th September in relation to a Critical Incident Policy. Sadly it seems necessary in today’s world to have such a policy.

On Friday 21st September the Principal will be attending a Training Day in the Religious Education Programme, Follow Me.

Our school has been invited to participate in two exciting programmes during the academic year.

In October we will be part of the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme. Annette will be
co-ordinating this. The programme itself will last for 16 days during which the children will each receive fresh fruit and vegetables daily. There are lots of incentives and it should be fun as well as healthy. As a follow-up to our Golden Tree Project in June 2000 we have been invited by Alternative Entertainments to do an Arts’ Week in the summer term, it sounds really exciting, watch this space!

Edel is organising the new Green Schools Committee at the moment, we hope to get our Green Flag before the end of this academic year.


Adam was walking around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked him, "What is wrong with you?"Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.

He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing she'll wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will give you love whenever you need it."

Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"

God replied, "An arm and a leg."

Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"

The rest is history………..

Tallaght Voice

Tallaght Voice is a weekly newspaper which has recently begun publication in Tallaght. In the first Tallaght issue there is a feature in their magazine section on “a day in the life” of our Rector. William talks about his average week and how he decided to go ‘into’ the church. In the second week they inserted a piece on our church roof re-slating project.


On September 1st Ruth Harley and Karol O’Mahony were married in Ardoyne, Co. Carlow and on the following day, Sunday 2nd September the wedding of Wendy Kane and Brian Cox took place here in St. Maelruain's. We congratulate both these couples and wish them every happiness for the future.

Discovery Outing

It is important to mention that our parishioners, especially from the immigrant community joined their fellows in the other parts of the Diocese on the Diocesan Discovery Summer Outing to Greystones. The outing was put in place for the benefit of those who may not afford expensive trips or who may for other reasons decide not to embark on such holiday projects. Our special thanks go to Mrs Victoria Oso, Mrs Abosede Kuti and other women from Tallaght parish who mobilized themselves to cook food for all who attended. Those who attended came back in high spirit and totally enjoyed themselves. The outing was organised by our shared curate with Whitechurch Parish, the Rev. Obinna Ulogwara who is also the Diocesan Chaplain for the International Community.


We extend our condolences to the family of Frances Killilea who passed away on Tuesday 14th August, to her husband Gerry and sons Bernard and Peter and their families.


On Saturday 8th September Kate Williamson daughter of Robbie and Ellen was baptised. We pray for Kate and her family as she begins her Christian life.

Table Quiz - Sep 07

A table quiz was held in the D.C.C. on Friday 28th September. A sum of €500 was raised in aid of the Church roof fund. It was attended by a good number of parishioners as well as a good number of bowling club members.

Thank you to Chris Thackaberry and The D.C.C. members for organising the event, it was much appreciated. It was an enjoyable evening with evenly matched teams.

Cake Sale - Sep 07

The Craft Group held a cake sale after family service on 23rd September. A figure approaching €500 was raised for the church roof fund, thank you to all involved.

The craft group have hand made cards displayed for sale at the back of the church and will also have handmade Christmas decorations for sale after Halloween in aid of the Church roof fund.

Sunday, 14 October 2007


Q. What is this site?
A. This is the website of the St Maelruain's Parish in Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland. We changed from an ordinary website to a Blog in October 2007.

Q. What is a Blog?
A. A Blog (the term is short for "Web Log") is a simplified Website which allows the owner to add content on an hour by hour or day to day basis. It's like an online diary or journal.

Q. What benefits are there to using a Blog rather than an ordinary Website?
A. One of the things we were often asked was "Are the pages you replaced this week with new pages still available?" Each time we had to say "No."

With a Blog, each time you post a new item, it is archived. So it is possible to look back over any number of earlier posts, news items, notices, or whatever. Just scroll down to the Blog Archive section to browse earlier posts.

Also, it isn't necessary to make up a page offline then upload it to the Internet. This Blog can be added to quickly and with a couple of mouse clicks the new content is added.

Visitors can also arrange for the Blog to email them when something new is added. Or modern technologies like Feed Readers can be used to alert people when the blog is updated.

Special Websites, called Blog Aggregators, can be told to show when the Blog is updated so that a wider variety of people can be alerted when the site is renewed.

Q. What happened to the old site?
A. It's still there on the server. If feedback isn't positive about the changeover to a Blog (and we have no reason to think the majority of people will find any problems with it being a Blog), the site can always be put back to its old appearance and functionality.

Q. I used to like looking at the Noticeboard page, or other pages, for regular news. Do I have to search through the archives to find these now?
A. No. We have arranged for the site to work similarly to the original Website. A section called "Useful Links" points at the pages you used to visit. These will be updated to show the latest news and other useful information you are used to seeing, so you won't have to sift through page after page of new material.

Q. The articles published here have a bunch of words listed after them at the foot of each article. What are they for?
A. These are called "Labels" and they are a way of categorising articles so that you, the visitor, can find things that interest you. For example, if you like news on the Badminton Club, click on "Badminton" and every article in the Blog with that Label will be shown, even if it comes from quite a long time ago on the Blog. (The list of articles will get longer as we continue to use the Blog). The Labels also allow Search Engines, like Google, to go through the site and make it easier for searchers to find information they're looking for, hopefully bringing them to read the infomation on our site.

Q. Can I add a comment to a post here?
A. At the moment the Comments feature is disabled.

Q. I only see one or two posts on the screen. How do I see others?
A. Click on the link marked "Older Post" or on the link marked "Newer Post". Or look at the Archive showing in the menu to the left of your screen. If you ever get lost on the site, click on the menu item called "Home", or just point at the head of the screen where it says "St Maleruain's Parish Tallaght" and click on those words. This will bring you back to the latest post on the site.

Q. I didn't find what I'm looking for in these questions and answers. What can I do?
A. If your question is about the Website, then send an email to with "Maelruain" in the Subject field. Your question will be addressed as soon as possible.

Q. I have a query that has something to do with the parish, not the Website. How do I contact the parish?
A. The Parish Office can be reached by telephone or Fax at 01-462-6006. Rector: Rev. William Deverell's Phone & Fax number is 01-462-1044. His mobile is 086-803-0239. Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353. You can email us at

Parish Contacts

Our Address:

Main Street, 
 Dublin 24
Tel: +353-1-462-6006
Fax: +353-1-462-6006

Parish Contacts:

Rev. William Deverell,
Mobile: +353-86-803-0239

Rev A. Bennett
Tel: +353-1- 628-2353

Parish School: 
Berna Daly

St. Maelruain's National School,
Kilclare Avenue,
Dublin 24.
Tel: +353-1-452-7933
Website: Click Here

Parish Secretary:
Tel/Fax: +353-1-462-6006

Tel: +353-1-451-3608

Tel: +353-1-452-2684

Church of Ireland Gazette, (National Newspaper) Distributor
Tel: +353-1-490-3111

The Church Review (Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Magazine) Distributor:
Tel/Fax: +353-1-462-6006


Mon 7.30 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006
Fax: +353-1-462-6006

Thurs 8.00 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006
Tel: +353-1-462-6006

Tues 7.30 pm
Sat 7.30 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006
Fax: +353-1-462-6006

3rd Mon 8.00 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006

Wed 7.00 pm
Sat 11.00 am
Tel: +353-1-462-6006

Anchors/Jnr. Sect.
Fri 7.30 pm
Company Sect.
Fri 8.30 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006

Mothers' Union
2nd Mon 8.00 pm
Tel: +353-1-462-6006


We would like to thank all those who helped to staff the Sunday morning Creche during the year. Although members using this facility vary from week to week, it is important to be able to offer parents the choice of bringing their small children to the service of having somewhere safe and warm where they can be entertained until the service has finished. So a big thank you to our small band of willing helpers.

Extra volunteers are always welcome. The Creche, which caters for babies and children up to four years of age is based in the Kitchen of the parish Centre. It needs to be staffed by two people form 10.45am until the end of the service. A list is available in the Church porch for anyone who would like to help.For parents who like to have their children join them for Sunday worship soft toys, books and colouring sheets are available in the Church porch and we would also like to thank those who recently donated extra toys for this purpose. Again this is very much appreciated by children and parents.

Repair Fund Appeal

We are very proud that our church and the
adjoining tower are an important part of the heritage of Tallaght. There was a monastery in this place from the ninth to the twelfth century. The tower dates from the Middle Ages and the present church was built in 1829, designed by the noted architect, John Semple. While the principal purpose is the worship of Almighty God, we try to make the building a focal point for the community. The graveyard is the burial place for very many Tallaght families. The church is a venue for concerts of classical music and is used by the Institute of Technology for the awarding of their business prizes. The parish hall is used as a drop-in centre for refugees and for other voluntary groups.

Such a rich heritage brings with it the obligation of stewardship for future generations. We have recently had to carry out extensive essential repairs to protect the fabric of the chuch and tower. These were executed by Skyline Ltd., under the supervision of architect, Stuart Hamilton, and the Conservation Officer of South Dublin County Council. We were very pleased to be awarded the Environmental Award in the Tallaght Person of the Year ceremony for this work. The graveyard with its mature trees is a green oasis in the heart of Tallaght.

The total cost of the work was € 83,000. We received a grant of € 25,000 from South Dublin County Council and a grant of € 10,000 from the Heritage Council. The remaining € 50,000 of the cost will have to be raised from our own small congregation and from well wishers in the community, people who value the ancient heritage of our area.

Will you help us to preserve this valuable part of the history of Tallaght?

All donations will be gratefully received and acknowledged.

If you would like to know more about the church and the tower and the work which has been carried out, please contact:

Rev. William Deverell,
6 Sally Park, Firhouse Road, Dublin 24.
Tel: 01 462 1044


Ronnie Wallace,
32 Cypress Grove Road, Dublin 6W.
Tel: 01 490 3111


St. Maelruain's Parish Office,
Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
Tel: 01 462 6006


St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239

Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353


Sun 14th Oct 2007 , 19th Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Children's Harvest.

Mon 15th
8.00pm Whist Drive in the Old Hall of the Parish Centre

Tues 16th
4.00pm Dublin Synod in Taney Parish Centre

Wed 17th
10.00am Obinna's Faith Clinic in St. Thomas, Cathal Brugha St., 10am - 12pm.
5.00pm Dublin Synod in Taney Parish Centre.

Sun 21st, 20th Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00 am Holy Communion
3.15pm Boys' Brigade Founders' Day Parade in St Anne's Dawson St.
3.30pm Churches Ministry of Healing, 75th Anniversary service in Christchurch Cathedral.

Sun 28th, 21st Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Service. Clocks go back an hour. Bank Holiday. Rector available on his mobile Ph 086 803 0239.

Tues 30th 7.30pm Music Group practice in the Church. Musicians and singers welcome.

Sun 4th Nov 2007, 22nd Sunday after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion


T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.

Rectors Churchwarden: Alroy Hofmeester
People’s Churchwarden: Regina Donoghue
Sidespersons: Vivienne Bright
Billy Gould
Glebewardens: Desmond Haine
Ronnie Scott

Vestry Members:

Jim Bird, Vivienne Bright, Miriam Gibney, Billy Gould, Percy Griffin, Carol Laughlin, Noelle Lewis, Mary Lucas, Kathleen McEndoo (Hon. Treasurer) Yvonne McGlynn, Gail Sheridan
and Ronnie Wallace.

Thank you to the outgoing the parish officers and vestry members. We appreciated all the work that they put into the smooth running of the parish
Thanks also to those who continue to sit on the vestry and to our new parish officers and vestry members .

There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

The Losset Newsletter

In the grounds of St. Maelruain's church is an ancient stone trough, or basin, once commonly called "Moll Rooney's Losset".
[Irish 'Losad' - a kneading trough, figuratively a table spread with food. Also note Irish 'Last' - a large quantity or lot of anything, hence a lot of goods on display and 'Lossets'. (Dineen)]
We have named our Parish newsletter "The Losset". To view back issues, please choose a link in the table, below.
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to view the files. If you don't already have this, click here to download it. It's free for personal use.

September 2007

October 2007

June 2007

April 2007

March 2007

Nov / Dec 2006

June 2006

May 2006

March 2006

Jan / Feb 2006

December 2005

July / Aug 2003

June 2003

May 2003

April 2003

March 2003

Jan / Feb 2003

December 2002

About Us

St Maelruain's Church, Tallaght, on the south-western outskirts of Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is built on an ancient Christian site with a long and distinctive history. Not long ago it was a small rural church. It is surrounded now by the shops, offices and the vast spread of new housing in this area. It stands as a symbol of eternal truths at the centre of the new town which is Tallaght.
St Maelruain's parish is a Parish of the Church of Ireland, a national church in communion with the world-wide Anglican Communion of churches. It is both reformed and catholic with a synodical form of government which involves laity, clergy and bishops in all decision making. We place a strong emphasis on the rights of the individual and individual conscience, encouraging all our members to come to a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Combined with this we have a strong sense of the importance of the church as the visible Body of Christ in the world and we emphasise the need for loyalty to the church and the need for ordered and reverent liturgical worship.
We believe that our faith is something which prompts and motivates our concern for the community and our involvement in the world. We seek to be sensitive to the needs and aspirations of marginalised and minority groups in society and of individuals with intractable problems.

Early History

'The earliest notice we have of Taimhleacht, or Tallaght..., is in the account of the destruction of the colony of Parthalon by the first recorded plague or pestilence, related in The Annals of the Four Masters to have taken place in the year A.M. 2820. The entry by those annalists is "9,000 of Parthalon's people died in one week, on Sean-mhagh-Ealta-Edair, viz., 5,000 men and 4,000 women, whence is named Taimhleacht Mhuin-tire-Parthaloin, now called Tallaght, near Dublin." The word "Tamh" means an epidemic pestilence; and the term "Taimhleacht" ("the plague monument"), which frequently enters into topographical names in Ireland, signifies a place where a number of persons cut off by pestilence were interred together.' -- The History and Antiquities of Tallaght In The County of Dublin By William Domville Handcock, M.A. Dublin, 1899.
Christian worship has continued on this site for over twelve hundred years since the Celtic saint, Maelruain, founded a monastery here in the 8th Century. This monastery became an important centre of spiritual life: The Ceilí Dé (also known as Culdees, or the servants of God) had their headquarters here.
Three outstanding religious texts, "The Martyrology of Aengus", "The Martyrology of Tallaght" and "The Stowe Missal", were compiled here. The 'Rule of Tallaght' and the 'Teaching of Maelruain' reflect the spirit of the Ceilí Dé reform. All these manuscripts or copies may be seen in the Royal Irish Academy in Dawson Street.

The Rule of Tallaght
Drawn up by Maelruain for the Ceilí Dé of Tallaght, this document prescribed the time and manner of their prayers, fasts, and devotions, the frequency with which they ought to go to confession and the penances to be imposed for faults committed.

The Teaching of Maelruain
This book sets out in detail the prayers to be said in the Ceilí Dé monastery.

The Martyrology of Tallaght
A collaboration between St. Maelruain and St. Aengus, the Martyrology of Tallaght is a prose catalogue of Irish saints, and is the oldest of the Irish martyrologies. It was written about 790 A.D.

The Martyrology of Aengus
Also sometimes known as "The Feiliré of Aengus" or his "Calendar", this list of Saints was written in verse by Aengus possibly around 800. It was completed after the death of Maelruain when Aengus returned to Disert-beagh, Co. Laois.

After the Norman invasion [1179 A.D.] the parish of Tallaght was granted to the Archbishops of Dublin and they maintained a country house here and drew income from the estates until the early 19th century. The site of the present-day St. Mary's Priory is where the Episcopal Palace was found.

The tower of the present St. Maelruain's Church dates from the Medieval period, when it was part of the fortifications of The Pale, which seperated those subjects of the Crown within from the native Irish. Tallaght was often raided by the O'Toole and the O'Byrnes and the tower served as a watchpost to give warning against these raids.

Prior to 1829, St Maelruain's church was built up against the tower, which served (and still serves) as a belfry. This earlier church was replaced in 1829 by a design by John Semple, an architect responsible for several churches about Dublin. The similarities between his other designs and St. Maelruain's church are clearly visible. One difference is the lack of a "modern" belfry in the Tallaght church plan -- the original tower still serves. The new church was partly built of materials taken from the original structure.

(Below: More examples of John Semple church architecture)

1826. Kilternan Church, Co. Dublin.1828. Holy Trinity Church, RathminesWhitechurch, Dublin 16.1830. St. Mary's Chapel of Ease (Black Church), Dublin 7.