Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 31 May 2019

June July August 2019
FROM THE RECTOR We have had three school tours of the church and grounds in the last month from primary school students from Old Bawn, who enjoyed good weather and seemed to learn about our church and their own church in ‘compare and contrast’. We also had a visit from ‘An Cosán’ in Jobstown,  founded by Dr. Ann Louise Gilligan and Katherine Zappone TD., whose mission is to empower through education –  providing people of all ages with pathways to learning, leadership and enterprise.

We had our Summer Sale on Sat 11th May and we were blessed with a nice dry day. Thank you to our Sale co-ordinator Ronnie Scott for all his work in the weeks before and on the day. Many thanks to all who helped with the stalls, sale of raffle tickets, setting up the hall, on the day and with the clearing up, all your work is very much appreciated and contributed to the overall success of the day. We wish Ronnie a speedy recovery after he took a tumble off a step ladder while clearing up after the sale, we are glad to hear he is on the mend.

‘Ghost Hares’, a theatrical celebration of the people of South Dublin was playing in the Civic Theatre early in May and told the stories of the lives of people who have lived in the area since it was first developed without the facilities that we all enjoy in Tallaght today. The name of the show came after the writer of the show, Veronica Coburn, had a conversation with a long time resident who described watching hares jumping in the fields from the road before the time of the dual carriageway. Tallaght has come on significantly since those days, really now we are a satellite city of Dublin with a university, teaching hospital, stadium, shopping, hotels, etc …….   It was lovely to see parishioner Ken Cooper (who play the cajon in our Music Group) taking part in the production playing his cajon.

On 25th May I attended the book launch in Tallaght library of ‘From Sunrise To Sunset’ a coffee table book of a collection of images of the wildlife of the Maasai Mara which local man, Michael Finn, photographed in 2015. Many of the featured images have already won international acclaim and helped Michael become Irish Professional Wildlife Photographer of the year in 2017. Beautiful images of many endangered species.

May I take this opportunity to wish all those sitting second level state and third level exams the very best of luck and pray that all your work will pay off. I hope all the readers of the Newsletter have a safe and enjoyable summer.

God Bless                                                                                                                    William.

EASTER VESTRY The Easter Vestry (Parish AGM) took place this year on Sunday 12th May  after a shortened Service. The Select Vestry and Churchwardens are:

Rector's Churchwarden: Joseph Jeevanayagon                     Rector's Glebewarden: Billy Gould
People's Churchwarden: Hilary Armstrong                           People's Glebewarden: Ronnie Scott  

Select Vestry: Jim Bird (Treasurer), Vivienne Bright,  Laura Fryday, Percy Griffin, Brian Good, Pat Hardiman, David Harley, David Hutchinson Edgar (Secretary), Stephen McKee, Femi Oshisanya, Frank Sage, Derek Sargent.

Welcome to the two new members of the Select Vestry and a big thank you to the two retiring members. After a short meeting after the Easter Vestry, Jim Bird has agreed to continue as Hon. Treasurer and David Hutchinson Edgar has also agreed to continue as Hon. Secretary, which we are very grateful for.

CONFIRMATION our Confirmation candidates will be confirmed in Christchurch Cathedral on Sunday 9th of June at 3.00pm. Please pray for Tirzah, Jake, Lauren, Nathan and Beyonce as they prepare for their Confirmation.

WHIST DRIVE Our  next Whist Drive take places on Monday 17th June  in the Small Hall, all welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS We will meet on Tuesdays 4th and 18th June at 2pm.  For July and August we will meet every Thursday from 7pm – 9pm in the Small Hall. You are very welcome to come and bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one!

MOTHER’S UNION Our outing to Newbridge Silver is on Saturday 15th  June. The plan is to share cars and leave Tallaght 10.00am, go to Newbridge Silver and have a tour of the factory and the style icons. Lunch there and then a bit of shopping over the road in the Whitewater  Shopping Centre. Dinner on the way home in the Keadeen Hotel which is also in Newbridge. Meeting at the church gate on Sat. 15th and cars are leaving at 10am sharp.  Newbridge are looking for their €10 now! Valerie

PARISH COFFEE MORNING Our last coffee morning took place on 31st May.  We are taking a break now but we look forward to seeing everyone back again in September.  We hope you all have a lovely summer!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BOYS BRIGADE If you know of any boys who would be interested in taking part please contact myself or the Parish we’d love to have them. Hope you all have a lovely summer and we will see you again in September.
The boys concluded another great year with their annual display which was a great success. Again we can’t thank the parents enough for their support throughout the year. There will be a number of events taking place over the summer break including our annual family and friends BBQ which will be taking place on the 6th July. Leaders will be touch in the coming weeks with further details. We are actively looking for new boys to join and if anyone is interested or knows someone who may be interested please contact the Parish 462 6006 or the Captain directly. It’s worth pointing out you don’t have to be a member of Tallaght Parish or from the Tallaght area to join we are open to anyone.  Our next session will be starting back on Friday 27th September 2019. Until then have a great summer and we’ll see you in September.                    Evan
Anchor Section  Fri, 7.15 - 8.30pm   Junior Section Fri, 7.15 - 8.45pm   Company Section  Fri, 7.15 - 9.15pm

GIRLS BRIGADE The Girls Brigade held their 46th annual Company Display in April.  It was a wonderful evening’s entertainment followed by the presentation of National, District and Company awards.  We are now open for applications for new members who would like to join us in September.  There are some spaces in each of our categories – Explorers, aged up to 8 years old, meet every Saturday morning from 10.30am to 12pm; Juniors, Seniors and Brigaders, aged from 9 years old upwards, meet on Wednesday evenings from 7pm.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Captain Fiona Monahan, 086 8519163, or check out for more information.

SUMMER SALE  The Summer Sale took place on Saturday 11th May While some stalls were up, others were down but overall we made slightly  more than last year. Thank you to all who supported us on the day or donated towards.

Thank you to Ronnie Scott for coordinating the sale and to all those who helped on the stalls, with the teas, buying and selling raffle tickets and with the setting and clearing up – all your help was very much appreciated.


BIBLE STUDY  of the readings for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Hall throughout the summer.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: TALLAFEST takes place in Tallaght Village’s historic Architectural Conservation Area on Saturday 22nd June, organised by Tallaght Community Council (TCC), with support from local businesses and an army of volunteers, Tallafest 2019 hopes to present a colourful and vibrant collage of Tallaght life with the line-up of participants including local sports clubs, youth groups, resident-run support organisations, artists, poets, musicians, volunteer groups, education centres, members of the rural community and more. Put the date in your diary and come along and join in the fun! NEW! for 2019, First time to Tallaght !See a replica 100 year old Blessington tram back in Tallaght Village ! The Senior ‘Hub’ will be in our Parish Centre and Tomas Maher will be giving a historical walk in Tallaght beginning at the church gates at 1pm

CROSSROADS is a Church of Ireland Social Club for those in their 20’s & 30’s and a little older….They meet on the last Friday of the month in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin. For more details contact David on 085 7272 019. You can also follow them on Facebook, to join  Crossroads Group, please send message request to Valerie Raitt Thomas or Beryl Healy.