21st September – 31st October 2015
Monday 21st September
7.30pm - Badminton
Club –hall parish centre, new
members welcome (18 yrs and older) contact parish office or pop by on night.
8.00pm - Whist drive in the small hall, all
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 22nd September
7.30 – Bowls Club - New
members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 23rd September
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
8.00pm - Three Centuries of Kew Garden RHS €10/ 5 @ 3 Rock Rovers
Thursday 24th September
3.30pm - Get up & go tea dance , An
Solas, Tallaght Methodist beside AnCosan.
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 25th September
10.30am – 12.00pm Parish Coffee morning in
the small hall. Meet up last Friday every month September to May unless
otherwise notified. All welcome to come along to catch up, chat and have a
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 26th September
2.00pm - 5.00pm - Christian Aid Family
Fun Day in Dundrum Methodist Church { Correct date it Saturday 26th
Sept from 2pm – 5pm}
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 27th September
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 28th September
7.30pm - Badminton
Club New members welcome.. 18yrs and older. Contact parish office for more
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 29th September
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 30th September
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 1st October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 2nd October
10.00am – Harvest decoration of the Church,
all helpers will be warmly welcomed! Donations of Fruit, Veg, Flowers &
Greenery gratefully received.
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 3rd October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 4th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Leinster Singers will attend. Service followed by tea in the small hall
( please sign Miriam’s volunteer sheet inn porch).
Monday 5th October
7.30pm - Badminton
Club New members welcome.. 18yrs and older. Contact parish office for more
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish Upstairs main
Tuesday 6th October
2.00pm The Crafty Chatters meet at the small hall. New members welcome. Now meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 2pm-4pm September - June. Bring along whatever craft you are working on.
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 7th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 8th October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 9th October
- Boy’s Brigade
Fri 9th
/ Sat 10th Mothers Union Young Members Weekend in City North Hotel.
Saturday 10th October
Fri 9th
/ Sat 10th Mothers Union Young Members Weekend in City North Hotel.
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 11th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 12th October
7.30pm - Badminton
Club New members welcome.. 18yrs and older. Contact parish office for more
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 13th October
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 14th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 15th October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome. Contact parish office more details
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 16th October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 17th October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 18th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 19th October
8.00pm – Whist Drive in Small Hall... All
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 20th October
The Crafty Chatters meet at the small hall. New members welcome. Now
meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 2pm-4pm September - June. Bring
along whatever craft you are working on.
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 21st
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 22nd October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 23rd October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 24th October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 25th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 26th October
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 27th October
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 28th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 29th October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 30th October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 31st October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre