12th September – 24th
October 2015
Saturday 12th
9.30am - Diocesan
Come & C day (looking
forward as Christians and Community) in The High School, following on from Diocesan survey, 3 lay people required. Contact the Rector 086
803 0239
Sunday 13th
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer - Good News Club resumes after summer break
Monday 14th September
7.30pm -
& Then recruiting / launch night in the Priory, all welcome
- Mother’s Union opening service, Rev Avril Bennett preaching.
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 15th September
- Crafty Chatters (now meeting on 1st and 3rd Tues of
each month until June). Bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn
a new one, all welcome!
– Bowls Club starts back tonight after summer break. New members welcome, contact rector
or parish office.
- Mother’s Union Festival Service in
- Bible Study of the reading for the
following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved
from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 16th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
7.30pm - Safeguarding trust
refresher course for workers in Castleknock parish.
Thursday 17th September
Note Bible Study now
Tuesday evening 8pm
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis Starts Back New members
welcome to join at any time.
Friday 18th September
- Boy’s Brigade resumes after the summer break.
Sauturday 19th September
12.45pm - Marriage
of Ashling Morris and Paul McEvoy.
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 20th September
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
- Crossroads Social C of I group for 20’s, 30’s ++, Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk. Meet at Bray Head Hotel. Contact Carol
085 2768966.
Monday 21st September
8.00pm - Whist drive in the small hall, all
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 22nd September
7.30 – Bowls Club - New
members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 23rd September
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
8.00pm - Three Centuries of Kew Garden RHS €10/ 5 @ 3 Rock Rovers
Thursday 24th September
3.30pm - Get up & go tea dance , An
Solas, Tallaght Methodist beside AnCosan.
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 25th September
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 26th September
2.00pm - 5.00pm - Christian Aid Family
Fun Day in Dundrum Methodist Church { Correct date it Saturday 26th
Sept from 2pm – 5pm}
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 27th September
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 28th September
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 29th September
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 30th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 1st October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 2nd October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 3rd October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 4th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 5th October
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 6th October
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 7th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 8th October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 9th October
- Boy’s Brigade
Fri 9th
/ Sat 10th Mothers Union Young Members Weekend in City North Hotel.
Saturday 10th October
Fri 9th
/ Sat 10th Mothers Union Young Members Weekend in City North Hotel.
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 11th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 12th October
7.30pm - Badminton
Club Starts back. New members welcome.. 18yrs and older. Contact parish
office for more details.
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 13th October
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 14th
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 15th October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 16th October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 17th October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 18th October
8.30am - Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 19th October
8.00pm – Whist Drive in Small Hall... All
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish will resume
in September, Upstairs main hall
Tuesday 20th October
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at
parish centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the reading for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall. Please note new day and time, moved from Thurs afternoons.
Wednesday 21st
6.45pm - Girl’s
Brigade – New members
please contact parish office or rector..
Thursday 22nd October
8.00pm - Music Group Practice, singers and
musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 23rd October
- Boy’s Brigade
Saturday 24th h October
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre