Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 8 June 2013

NOTICEBOARD 9th June - 21st June

Sunday  9th June  -  2nd Sun after Trinity

8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Morning Prayer.
3pm - St. Columchille’s Well, Ecumenical Service ‘Gathering in Faith’ Rev. Horace McKinley (Whitechurch) speaking.

Monday 10th June 
8pm - Prayers for the Parish – needs your support.

Tuesday 11th June

7pm - ‘Widow Reilly’ talk by Sean Bagnal in Tallaght Library.

Wednesday 12th June

11am - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday following the service in the committee room

Monday 17th June

10.30am - Cutting of the hedges in the Graveyard, volunteers needed!!

8pm -  Prayers for the Parish – needs your support.

8pm - Whist Drive in the small hall, all welcome.

 Wednesday 19th June

11am - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday in the committee room, upstairs in Parish Centre

8pm - Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the parish centre.

Thursday 20th June

2.30pm - Parish Primary School Board of Management meeting in the parish school, Kilclare Ave., Jobstown.

Friday 21st June

7.30pm - Parish School PTA Mid Summer Concert in the Church, featuring, Students, Parents, the Klyemore school of Music and Friends.


Diocesan Summer Camp  Sun 30th June – Fri 5th July @ St. Columba’s College

Please see leaflet in the pews for camp and contact Amy Deverell, a camp leader for more information.
