Monday 17th June
10.30am - Cutting of the hedges in the
Graveyard, volunteers needed!!
8pm - Prayers for the Parish – needs your
8pm - Whist Drive in the small hall, all
Wednesday 19th June
11am - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday in the committee room, upstairs in Parish Centre
8pm - Select Vestry meeting in the Long
Room of the parish centre.
Thursday 20th June
2.30pm - Parish Primary
School Board of Management meeting in the parish school, Kilclare Ave.,
Friday 21st June
7.30pm - Parish School PTA Mid Summer Concert
in the Church, featuring, Students, Parents, the Klyemore school of Music
and Friends.
Sunday 23rd June
Monday 24th June
Sunday 23rd June
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Family Service. Coffee hosted by Good News Club in aid of the Flower Festival.
4pm - Screening of Now and Then’s ‘Joseph
and his Technicolour Dreamcoat’ in the main hall.
Monday 24th June
8pm - Prayers for the Parish – needs your
Tuesday 25th June
Tuesday 25th June
11am - Parish Primary
School end of year Service.
Wednesday 26th June
8pm - Churches Ministry of Healing annual
Thanksgiving and Gift Service with Dean of Christchurch Cathedral, Very Rev Dermot
Dunne preaching in St. George and St.
Thomas, Cathal
Brugha St.
Diocesan Summer Camp Sun 30th June – Fri 5th
July @ St. Columba’s College
Please see leaflet in the pews for camp and
contact Amy Deverell, a camp leader for more information.