Saturday 9th March
10am - Bishop Patrick Rooke Churches
Ministry of Healing, Quiet Day in the Megeough Home, Cowper Rd. Bring sandwiches, tea, coffee
and soup available. 10.00am - 3pm.
8pm - ‘Real Christians in a Real World’,
Pastor HB London, Dun Laoghaire
Evangelical Church,
Lr. Glenageary Rd.
‘Focus on the Family’.
Sunday 10th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Morning Prayer, Mothering Sunday.
Monday 11th March
8pm Mothers Union meeting, small hall parish centre.
8pm - Pray for the parish upstairs in the
Parish Centre, needs your support
Wednesday 13th March
11am - Lenten Holy Communion Service. ‘I am the gate for the sheep’
8pm - Select Vestry Meeting in the Long
Room of the Parish Centre.
Friday 15th March
Wedding of Johnathan O’Halloran and Elizabeth Lane.
Monday 18th March
8pm - Whist drive in the small hall, all
8pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs in
the Parish Centre, needs your support.
Tuesday 19th March
8pm - Tues – Thurs Joseph and his Amazing
Technicolour Dreamcoat show in St. Mary’s Priory.
Wednesday 20th March
11am - Lenten Holy Communion Service.
5pm - Confirmation class in the Rectory, 6
Sally Park.
8pm - Lenten Bible Study, upstairs of the
Parish Centre.
Thursday 21st March
7.30pm - ‘Hearts, Hands and Voices’ new music
course aimed at people who play in Church occasionally who would like to
improve their skills in Castlemacadam Church, Avoca, Co Wicklow Continues on
April 6th, 13th
& 27th for more
info email