Sunday 24th Match - Palm Sunday
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Family Service. Coffee Good News Club: CMS Lenten
project education in South Sudan. (GNC parents biscuits please!)
Monday 25th March
11am - Holy Week: Holy
Communion Service Mon – Thurs.
8pm - Prayers for the parish: Parish Centre
Upstairs, needs your support.
Tuesday 26th March
11am - Holy Week: Holy
Communion Service Mon – Thurs.
Wedneday 27th March
11am - Holy Week: Holy
Communion Service Mon – Thurs.
8pm - Lenten Bible Study, upstairs of the
Parish Centre
Thursday 28th March
11am - Holy Week: Holy
Communion Service Mon – Thurs.
Friday 29th March - Good Friday
11am - Good Friday Ante Holy Communion Service.
8pm -Good Friday Ante Holy Communion Service.
Saturday 30th March
9am -11am - Decoration of the Church for Easter,
donations of greenery, flowers and decorations gratefully received, a warm
welcome to all helpers!
Dont forget the clocks go forward an hour tonight !!
Easter Sunday- Sunday 31st March 2013
8.30am - Easter Sunday Holy Communion.
11am - Easter Sunday Holy Communion.
Tuesday 2nd April
2pm - Crafty Chatters will be meeting in
the small hall come along with what ever craft you are working on. 2.00pm –
Wednesday 3rd April
11am - First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying
on of hands for the sick.
8pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
Sunday 7th April
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Holy Communion.