NOTICEBOARD 26th August - 11th September - UPDATED
Tuesday 28th August
7.30pm - Hall allocation meeting in the
committee room of the Parish centre.
8.15pm - Mother’s Union Committee meeting in
the kitchen, Parish Centre
Wednesday 29th August
8pm - Good Book Club studying the gospel for the following Sunday, in the Parish Centre
Thursday 30th August
8pm - Parish Craft Group meeting in small
hall €3. Bring along your handiwork,
knitting, needle work, card making etc. All welcome!
Monday 3rd September
7.30pm - Badminton Club resumes after the summer Break
Monday 3rd September
7.30pm - Badminton Club resumes after the summer Break
Tuesday 4th September
2.30pm - Board of Management meeting in the Parish School,
Kilclare Ave,
Wednesday 5th September
11am - First Wednesday of the month Holy
Communion with laying on of hand for the sick.
8pm - Good Book Club studying the gospel for the following Sunday, in the Parish Centre
Monday 10th September
8pm - Mothers Union opening service with the Rev. Avril Bennett preaching
8pm - Good Book Club studying the gospel for the following Sunday, in the Parish Centre
Monday 10th September
8pm - Mothers Union opening service with the Rev. Avril Bennett preaching
Tuesday 11th September
7.30pm - Bowling Club reopens after summer