Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 30 August 2012

NOTICEBOARD  2nd September - 15th September

Monday 3rd September

7.30 -Badminton Club resumes after the summer break.

Tuesday 4th September

2.30pm - Board of Management meeting in the Parish School, Kilclare Ave, Jobstown.

Wednesday 5th September 

11am  - First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hand for the sick.

6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade resumes after the summer break.

8pm - Good Book Club studying  the gospel for the following Sunday in the Parish Centre.

Monday 10th September 

8pm - Mother’s Union opening service with Rev. Avril Bennett preaching.

Tuesday 11th September 

1pm - Alpha Express lunchtime bible course in St. Anne’s Church, Dawson St. running for 6 weeks from 1pm – 1.50pm.

7.30pm - Bowling Club reopens after summer break.

Wednesday 12th September

8pm - Good Book Club studying  the gospel for the following Sunday in the Parish Centre 

Thursday 13th September 

8pm -  Table Tennis resumes after the summer break.

Saturday 15th September

2.30pm - Rev. Robert Warren’s institution as Rector of Taney Parish.

Monday 17th September 

8pm - Whist drive in Small Hall