Monday 4th June -
Bank holiday. Amy Deverell running in the women’s mini marathon for
Fields of Life trip.
Wednesday 6th June -
7pm 1916 Rising lecture series postponed until next Wed 13th
8pm Bible study of the gospel for the following Sunday, Parish Centre.
Saturday 9th June -
11am Mother’s Union family day out to the Zoo. Phone 812 9398 or 087 245
1300 to book your place by 30th May, €43 per family of four.
Sunday 10th June -
Start of
Eucharistic Congress.
3pm Augustinian blessing of St.
Colmchille’s Well, top of Ballyculllen Rd. Preacher parishioner Canon Patrick
Wednesday 13th June -
7pm 1916 Rising lecture series ‘The
rising in the provinces’ Tallaght Library.
8pm Bible study in the Committee Room of
the Parish Centre.
Thursday 14th June -
7pm Tallaght historical society ‘The
battle of Tallaght’ by Sean Bagnall in Tallaght Library.
Monday 18th June -
2.30pm Parish School board of management
meeting in the school, Kilclare
Ave, Jobstown.
8pm Whist drive in the small hall, all