Monday 18th June
2.30pm Parish School board of management meeting in the
school, Kilclare Ave, Jobstown.
8pm Whist drive in the small hall, all welcome.
Tuesday 19th June
8pm Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the
Parish Centre.
Wednesday 20th June
7pm 1916 Rising lecture series ‘The
Surrender’ Tallaght Library.
8pm Bible study of the gospel for the
following Sunday (Mark 4: 35 - 41), Parish Centre.
Sunday 24th June
11am Family Service. Alroy, Liomia, Leah & Lio
Hoffmeester return to
South Africa.
Commissioning of Amy Deverell in Carrickfergus for
Fields of Life trip to Uganda.
Monday 25th June
11am Parish Primary School end of year Service in the Church.
Wednesday 27th June
7pm Final 1916 Rising lecture series
‘The aftermath’ Tallaght Library.
8pm Bible study of the gospel for the
following Sunday, Parish Centre.
Sunday 1st July
Dominican Blessing of the graveyard.
Wednesday 4th July
11am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for
the sick.