Sunday 1st July
3pm Dominican Blessing of the St Maelruains
Wednesday 4th July
11am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for
the sick.
3pm Churches Ministry of Healing thanksgiving service
and gift day, St. George and St. Thomas (Obinna), Cathal Brugha Street.
Friday 6th July
Friday 6th July
8pm ‘Dublin
Arise’ prayers for Tallaght, Kilalown House ( The Jolley’s former home). Hosted
by Bethel Church.
Saturday 14th July
8pm Crossroads is a Church
of Ireland Social Club
for those in their 20’s & 30’s and a little older…. They are have dinner at Penang
Garden, South Quay, Wicklow Town,
contact Carol @ 01 2874743 after 6pm
Monday 16th July
8pm Whist Drive in the small hall, all
Wednesday 18th July
Syrian Vacation Bible
School in
the parish Centre Wed – Sat