Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday 20 June 2009

Rector's Letter June 2009

A Word from William...

On Sunday the 10th May, during Christian Aid Week, we were delighted to welcome Tendai Mondondo as the speaker on behalf of Christian Aid. She spoke of her experiences working in various locations around the world particularly on gender- based violence and how important the work of Christian Aid is as it improves the quality of life for so many.

In the following week the Refugee Drop in Centre who use our Small Hall on a weekly basis held a coffee morning in aid of Christian Aid Week. The women of the centre provided the refreshments which was more of a feast that a coffee morning! Tendai also came to speak to those attending reiterating the subject matter of her Sunday morning visit.

On the Sunday 24th May we were visited by some of the crew members of the Logos Ship. The ship is a converted car ferry and it now functions as a floating bargain book - fare with a crew of 400 self supporting volunteer crew members from 45 different nations. They sell all sorts of books from general - interest, reference, careers, family life to bibles and Christian books. Perhaps the next time the ship is moored in Dublin you might consider visiting.

At this time of year when all the parish organisations are winding down for the year I have been attending the various AGM’s. I enjoyed both the Boy’s Brigade and Girl’s Brigade displays, it was great to see the culmination of the children’s hard work throughout the year. Congratulations to the leaders on all that they do for the children. I also attended the table tennis dinner in Joel’s and I am looking forward to the bowls bar- b –que in a few weeks time.

I hope that all the readers of the Losset have a lovely summer while remembering those doing exams and that this glorious weather continues.