Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday 20 June 2009

Girls' Brigade

We are at the end of another year and after a wonderful Display we break for the summer months.

I have special ‘Thank Yous’ to say at this time to all my Leaders and helpers who give so willingly their time and talent to work with all the girls in so many ways.

We had a very successful year with the Junior / Senior team winning silver medals at the District club camp and the Explorers winning gold medals in the hoop competitions and silver medals in the modern dance competition.

At the National Modern Dance competition the Brigaders were recalled with three other teams for 4th place, they performed brilliantly and came out winners, we were all over the moon.

During the year the Junior and Seniors did a personal hygiene course which is a great training at their age 9 – 12 years and they all enjoyed, learned a lot and thank Sharon. They also had great fun decorating tee-shirts with re-cycled goods.

The explorers recycled materials to make models of company members and they looked fantastic.

We had a non uniform day when all the girls wear their own gear and Sharon, Nicola and Dara painted the Explorers nails beautifully with little flowers, stars and patterns. We did this because they wouldn’t normally be allowed nail-varnish in their uniform. We were delighted to contribute €262.00 to the District who presented a cheque for €2000 to The Sunshine Children’s Hospice.

We also had a very productive time knitting baby hats. We have over 300 hats to give to Temple Street Children’s Hospital and The Coombe Hospital for their premature baby units.

At the end of the Display the company awards were presented as follows:

The Scripture Cup: Carolyn Crampton
1st Year Junior plaque: Lynda Lynch
Brigader Cup: Lauren Crampton
Senior Cup: Anita Joseph
Junior Cup: Kate O’Rourke
Junior Progress Cup: Joy Nwagagira
Senior Uniform Medal: Carolyn Crampton
Junior Uniform Medal: Kate O’Rourke
Explorer Cup: Alanna Heurie
Explorer Progress Cup: Emma Laughlin
Explorer Uniform Medal: Jade Willoughby
Best All Round 5’s Cup: Abby Phelan
Character Cup: Hannah Gamble
P.E. Cup: Stephanie Graham
Explorer Skipping Cup: Jade Willoughby
O’Halloran Skipping Cup: Carolyn Crampton
Drill Down Plaque: Emma O’Rourke
Popularity Cup: Fiona Monahan
Lieutenants Cup: Andrea Gardiner

We wish everyone a lovely summer and will look forward to seeing you all again in early September when all girls will hear from us and any girl of any age will be very welcome to join in the fun –
Captain Carol Fox 295 3547.