Church of Ireland (Anglican Communion), Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
- St Maelruain's Parish
- Welcome to the St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Community Blog. The Parish Office can be reached by telephone or Fax at 01-462-6006. Rector: Rev. William Deverell's mobile phone number is 086-803-0239. Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353. You can email us at
Service Times
Service Times
Each Sunday8.30 am:
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.
11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Rector's Letter - February 2009
On Tuesday 16th the Irish Variety Ensemble Concert Brass Band had their Christmas concert which was followed on Saturday 20th by the Leinster Singers Christmas Concert. Both these events were delightful and were followed by refreshments in the small hall.
On the morning of the 20th the church was decorated for Christmas. Thank you to Janet Edgely and her helpers, the church looked lovely for the festive season. On the same day the Indian Marthoma Church had a Christmas Service in the Church with their Bishop present (they use our church for services on a fortnightly basis) and we had a group of people from Zimbabwe praying for their country in the small hall.
Sunday 21st saw our Primary School Carol Service along with our Sunday School nativity ‘sketch’. That evening we had our Nine Lessons and Carols. Thank you to all involved in providing the refreshments following both these services.
On the Sunday immediately after Christmas we had the baptism of Daniel Ademola Osho. His granny, Victoria is one of our longest standing African parishioners. We had a full church with the family’s relatives and friends dressed in colourful traditional African dress. Thank you to Victoria and her friends who provided the meal after the service.
On New Year’s Eve we had a memorial service for Arthur Gwynne who had died in Australia having lived there for many years. His Australian relatives wanted to have the service for his Irish relatives who include our parishioner Caitriona McCoy, daughter of past parishioner and artist, Oisin Kelly. It was nice to meet all the Kelly and Gwynne family who have all had a connection with St. Maelruain's.
The Christmas services were followed on New Year’s Eve by our midnight multicultural service to welcome in the New Year. Thank you to Rev Obinna Ulogwara for all his work in organising it. Tendai Madando of Christian Aid (and is also running as a councillor in South Dublin County Council elections in June) preached.
I attended a talk on the ever current issue of Palestine by Dr. Susan Hood, archivist and publications officers at the RCB library, which was thought provoking and informative and it inspired me to give a sermon on Palestine on Sunday 11th January.
On the afternoon of Sunday 18th January I was asked to take part in an interview on Radio Tallaght along with other local clergy on the subject of religion today.
I was delighted to attend a thanksgiving service in the home of our former Indian Churchwarden John Thomas on the anniversary of his illness. When John was struck down by his sickness his family and friends prayed continuously for his recovery. It was great to see him walking, although aided, and talking again.
God bless William
Bowling Club
A coffee morning was held on Sat. 31st. Jan. to say goodbye to our Bowling Club founder members Eileen and Stewart Whitten, who are moving to County Tipperary to be near their daughter Lynn. We will all miss them and we wish them both every happiness in their new home.
May we thank Alex and Muriel Bryan for opening their home for this occasion.
We held our Annual Dinner on Monday 12th January 2009 in the Osten Square Bistro, Glashaus Hotel. It was an excellent evening and we were delighted to welcome some old friends.
Mothers' Union
St Maelruain’s Mothers Union Project: SAOIRSE.
Many thanks to all for your January donations of tea and coffee which I delivered to SAOIRSE on Tuesday 13th, January.
For February, SAOIRSE would like SMA baby formula 0-6months, baby rice, wipes, or creams. If you are not attending our meeting on 9th February OR would like to help out…. donations can be left in the SAOIRSE basket in the porch.
Dates for your Diary: February M U Meetings:
Monday 9th Feb: Ronnie Wallace will speak to us on sunny Turkey.
Thursday 12th Feb: Centenary Service St Brigids Church Stillorgan 8pm
As always, all parishioners and friends are very welcome to join with us.
Boys' Brigade
We are actively looking for new leaders for next September. Ideally, someone with some experience of Boys’ Brigade would be good, but training courses are ongoing throughout the year. What is required is a total commitment to attending Boys’ Brigade every Friday night, between 7pm and 10.30pm and to have a genuine interest in working with the boys and implementing the programme. It can be a very rewarding experience. If you are interested or would like more information, please phone John at 4522930 after 6pm.
Flower Guild
There was a full turnout at the coffee morning and it was lovely to see past parishoners Lettie Morrow, Ruth Farrell and Margaret Mahon again . We all had the chance to catch up on news and to remember times past!
Janet Edgley thanked Eileen for all her hard work and wished her well. We will all miss Eileen, but no doubt her new parish in Tipperary will be calling on her expertise when they hear of her many talents, such as her beautiful voice and reading skills, always a joy to which to listen as well as her knowledge of flowers. Janet presented Eileen with two camellia shrubs to remind her of all her friends in St. Maelruains.
Many thanks to Janet also, who invited us all to her home for the occasion.
Thanks to our helpers Hazel Walshe, Patricia Byrne and Madora also to my back up team Yvonne McGlynn and Sylvia Moody who looked after catering all year.
Thanks also to all who donated or brought items for our raffle or mince pies for the supper
This continued support enabled us to make our annual contribution to parish funds.
Since our last notes we have held our January Drive on the 19th and again numbers were small due to a bitterly cold night.
Thanks to Boswell for his Trojan work, it was much appreciated.
Wishing all our players and supporters all the best for the coming year. Our February drive will be held on Monday 16th in the small hall at 8.00pm. Hon. Sec. George Furney.
School News
The amount of money raised for MS by the children doing the ReadaThon was €905.49, a fantastic effort and well done to all the readers.
The Christmas Bazaar went really well too, congratulations to the Parents’ Association for all the effort and hard work which they put into the event, a total of €1,469.90 was raised.
Our thanks once again to Tallaght Community Gardaà for bringing the Garda Band and Santa to visit us on Thursday 11th December, the children really enjoyed t and the treats!
On Thursday 18th December we had The Christmas Concert. Junior and Senior Infants put on a play with Mrs. Edel Beckett and Ms. Geraldine Healy choreographing. 1st and 2nd class, under the guidance of Ms. Caroline Rountree and Ms. Bernie Dixon, did an extract from the Sound of Music. 3rd and 4th class, with Ms. Annette Boles, did poems some of which were about Cats. 5th and 6th class performed some Christmas songs.
The School Christmas Carol Service, which was held on the 21st December, was lovely. The children sang and read beautifully. It was great to have so many staff and parents attending too.
This term started on Wednesday 7th January. 1st and 2nd class with Caroline and Bernie are going to Imaginosity, in Sandyford Industrial Estate on Friday 23rd January. They will be doing a Drama Workshop there.
We will welcome back 2 former pupils, Edel Twamley and June McKevitt, for work experience, at the beginning of February.
5th and 6th class are going to Croke Park to the GAA Museum on Thursday 5th February. They will be having a tour of the Museum and behind the scenes in the Stadium.
The individual Parent’s meetings will take place before the mid-term break. The mid-term break is 19th and 20th February.
Ash Wednesday & Lenten Services
There will be a service at 8.00pm on each Wednesday of Lent.
Improved Amplification
(Women's) World Day of Prayer
The (Women’s) World day of Prayer service for 2009 is on Friday 6th March in St. Mark’s, Springfield at 8.30pm. All welcome.
Offertory Envelopes
If you give over €250 to the parish per annum the parish can claim back from The Revenue Commissioners either 20% or 41% depending on your tax rate.
Easter Vestry
The Easter Vestry is an opportunity for you to elect the Select Vestry (committee) to run the church for the coming year and also a chance for you to hear how your parish is doing.
Craft Group
Church Review
Spring Dance!
Parish Social and Fundraiser Event
In the Parish Centre
Sat 28th March
8.00pm – 12.30pm
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353
Sunday 1st February 2009
Holy Communion
Sun 1st, 4th Sun after Epiphany
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion. St. Bridget's Day.
Tues 3rd
7.30pm National conference in the understanding of alcohol misuse (2nd week), Regency Hotel & Conference Centre, D9 838 8888 or 087 918 07777.
8.00pm 'TALC' Anti litter meeting in the Plaza Hotel
Wed 4th
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.
Sun 8th
3rd Sun before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Morning Prayer.
3.00pm Brainarama for Primary School children (including infants) in Castleknock Parish Centre, 3 - 5pm.
Mon 9th
Rector on Diocesan retreat in Rosses Point, Co. Sligo, Mon 9th - Wed 11th (will be available on his mobile phone)
8.00pm Mothers' Union meeting, Mr. Ronnie Wallace talk on Turkey. (Please bring donations of baby food, formula, rice, wipes and baby cream for MU project SAOIRSE refuge)
Tues 10th
7.45pm Music Group practice in church, singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm Women's World Day of Prayer planning meeting in the parish centre.
'It Takes Two' conference in Castleknock Hotel and County Club, Phone 806 6288
Wed 11th
Alpha Course (Basic Christianity) starting with introductory meal and talk in the Contact Centre, behind the Boxing Club, between St. Dominic's Shopping Centre and Millbrook Lawns Health Centre. To book, please contact the Rector on 086 8030239.
Thurs 12th
3.30pm School Board of Management meeting in the Parish School.
Sun 15th
2nd Sun before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion
Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.