Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday 14 February 2009


Our Turkey Drive was held on 15th Dec and while numbers were a bit down on previous years, it was a very enjoyable night.

Thanks to our helpers Hazel Walshe, Patricia Byrne and Madora also to my back up team Yvonne McGlynn and Sylvia Moody who looked after catering all year.

Thanks also to all who donated or brought items for our raffle or mince pies for the supper

This continued support enabled us to make our annual contribution to parish funds.

Since our last notes we have held our January Drive on the 19th and again numbers were small due to a bitterly cold night.

Thanks to Boswell for his Trojan work, it was much appreciated.

Wishing all our players and supporters all the best for the coming year. Our February drive will be held on Monday 16th in the small hall at 8.00pm. Hon. Sec. George Furney.