Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Monday, 21 April 2008

Noticeboard 20/04/2008

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 20th April
8.30am Holy Communion Acts 7:55-60, Pg. 1100; John 14: 1-14, Pg. 1082
11.00am Holy Communion

3.30pm Commissioning of Diocesan Discovery multicultural parish links representatives in Christchurch Cathedral.

Mon 21st
8.00pm Whist drive in the small hall of the parish centre.

Tues 22nd
2.00pm School Board of Management meeting in the school.
7.45pm Music Group practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Thurs 24th
8.00pm Blessington M.U. Rev. Ted Woods talking on "Passion for Life"

Fri 25th
8.00pm Uppsala University Choir (Swedish) Concert in the Church with 'Fuinneamh' €10 admission to cover cost of 40-seater bus

Sat 26th
10.00am Car Boot Sale in the car park of the parish centre. Cars €15, Vans €20. Volunteers needed for the car boot sales to help man the gate and to help with teas. Please sign Rota sheets in church porch.

Sun 27th, 6th Sun of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion. Acts 17: 22-31, Pg. 1113. John 14: 15-21, Pg. 1082.
11.00am Family Service

Tues 29th
11.00am. Thinking of visiting the Holy Land? Information morning in the Coffee Bar of Bewele's Hotal, Newlands Cross.

Wed 30th
8.00pm. Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.

Sun 4th, 7th Sun of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion. Acts 1: 6-14, Pg. 1093; John 17: 1-11, Pg. 1085.
11.00am Holy Communion

Wed 7th
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.

Sat 10th
7.30pm Annual Boys' Brigade Display in the Parish Centre.

Sun 11th, Pentecost Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion. Acts 2: 1-21, Pg. 1093, John 20: 19-23, Pg. 1089
11.00am Morning Prayer.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Rector's Letter - April 2008

A Word from William

On Friday 7th the Women’s World day of Prayer Service was held in St. Aongus. Thank you to Valerie for helping to organising the local area service. Mary Hendrick of St. Aongus parish gave the address on the story of ‘Mary and Martha’ and made the point that we should all take time to pause in our busy lives.

The Archbishop moved his usual Maundy Thursday service for clergy to Tuesday 18th . The commissioning of lay readers including Daphne Harvey, from Blessington parish, who has been with us in Tallaght also took place.

We concluded our Lenten worship in Holy Week and unfortunately the funeral of Mark Patton took place on Good Friday, a young man who I married just a few years ago. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

We celebrated Easter with a full church and thank you to Janet Edgely and the ladies who decorated the church so beautifully, as they do on a continuous basis throughout the year.

On our family service on the 30th it happened to be ‘Doubting Thomas Sunday’. Our Indian Parishioners have a special affection for St. Thomas. He is reputed to have brought Christianity to India and they have the same feelings that we in Ireland would have towards St. Patrick. The story goes that St. Thomas went to India as an architect to build a palace for a prince. However, St. Thomas out of pity, gave away the money to the poor and could not build the palace. He was put in the prison. That night, the King’s brother died and he was told the beautiful palace beside the river in the heavens was his brothers. He came back from the dead and told the story to the King. They were later converted to Christianity.

The Boy’s Brigade organised tea / coffee after Church in aid of the Laura Lynn Foundation (children’s hospice) after the family service in March. It’s the BB Ireland’s chosen charity of the year. They managed to raise the sum of 500 which will be sent to BB Ireland to forward to the Foundation.

God Bless William

Intercultural Anti-Racism Day - 8th April 2008

The Tallaght Intercultural Action (TIA) Drop in Centre which meets in our Small Hall from Mon – Thurs are having an event in the Main Hall on Intercultural Anti-Racism Day. There will be food, music, dancing and art with guest speaker Mayor Rotimi from 10.30am – 1.30pm

SCHOOL NEWS, April 2008

Ms. Edel McGlynn got a very positive response to our Green Schools application in the form of a letter from An Taisce. There were just a couple of suggestions made and there have now been sent on to the committee.

The Bí Gnóthach project “Baking Blasters” went really well this term and a total of €351.51 was raised by the children in 5th and 6th class. This will be sent to the Peoples Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). 5th and 6th class went to the secondary school finals and award ceremony on Friday 7th March. It was very interesting to see the work produced by the secondary schools.

We are delighted to welcome back three past pupils currently in Transition Year in St. Mark’s, to teach volleyball to the senior children. It’s lovely to have Stephanie Graham, Rebekah Connolly and Ailish Berkeley with us again for 6 weeks.

The children in Junior and Senior Infants with Edel and Ms. Geraldine Healy, Special Needs Assistant (SNA), went to the playground at Jobstown Enterprise Centre on Friday 7th March. Started out as a beautiful morning but…!

We returned to school after the Easter vacation on Monday 31st March and we have a very busy term ahead of us.

On Wednesday 2nd April the children from 5th and 6th class are going to the Arts Centre for a Drama Workshop.

Edel is taking the Infants to Newgrange Farm on 10th April. The Infants with Edel, Ms. Caroline Rountree’s 1st and 2nd class and Ms. Annette Boles’ 3rd and 4th class are participating in the Skipathon, for the Irish Heart Foundation on Friday 11th April.

1st and 2nd class with Caroline and Ms. Bernie Dixon, (SNA) and 3rd and 4th class with Annette are going to Glenroe Farm on Friday 18th April.

The staff is attending an Active Playground Workshop on Wednesday 23rd April. We feel that the new games are badly needed for the play-times.

The school photographer will be coming on Thursday 24th April and we will be involved in the National Spring Clean on Friday 25th April. The children will be dressing up in “Fancy Head-Gear” for the event!

On Tuesday 29th April, our DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) cuiditheoir, Ms. Erica Mulholland will be speaking to the staff about the programme, Ready Set Go Maths.

Finally children from 5th and 6th class are participating in a Basketball Tournament, organised by the Gardaí on Wednesday 30th April, in the National Basketball Arena. Ms. Karen Mooney, our multi-talented secretary, coaches the Basketball Team.

Whist Drive 21st April 08

The next whist drive will take place on Monday 21st April in the small hall.

Sewing Machines wanted

"Do you have a hand sewing machine you no longer use? If so it can be put to good use in Africa......Contact Miriam Gibney on 087 2939751 or evenings 01 4952772."

Churches Ministry of Healing

‘Soul Spark’, Prayer and Spiritual Growth which will be held on Fri 11th April 2008 7.30pm – 9.30pm and Saturday 12th April 10.00am – 4.00pm in St. Mary’s Donnybrook. The course will be led by Rev. Sue Watterson. Coffee, tea and soup will be available on Saturday – please bring your lunch. For more information contact (01) 872 7876

Discovery Easter Praise

Will take place on Sunday 13th April in St. George and St. Thomas Church, Cathal Brugha Street at 3.00pm. The preacher will be Rev. Clement Ninziza, an Anglican priest from Burundi who is studying at the Irish School of Ecumenics. During the service there will be an opportunity for people to renew Baptismal promises.

Easter Vestry

A shortened Easter Vestry (AGM) will take place on Sunday 13th April at 11.30pm following a shortened 11am Morning Prayer Service in the Church.

This is an opportunity for you to come and see how the parish is doing. It is also an opportunity for you to have the chance to elect our Select Vestry (new committee) who run the parish on your behalf.

Mothers' Union

There was a very good turn out for the theatre on Monday 10th March, considering the how stormy the night was. Our next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Monday 14th April. The committee would like to encourage everyone to attend. If you only started coming, if you always came or if you used to come but stopped recently, please attend, your input is important in planning the coming year.

The MU outing takes place on 17th May to Dunbrody Famine Ship in New Ross. The cost is €55 which includes the bus, coffee in the morning, entrance fee and dinner in the Dolmen Hotel in Carlow on the way home. It promises to be a great day out.

There are spaces available and all are welcome but please let Valerie know asap (462 0144) The bus company need a substantial deposit so the deadline for PAYMENT is at the M.U. A.G.M. on Mon 14th at the VERY LATEST!!

Bowling Club

The final of the Hope Competition took place on Monday 31st March in Kill o’ the Grange Parish Centre. The winners were St Thomas’s and we congratulate them in winning the final. Also our Hope team for going so far in this competition. Well done to St Paul’s for winning the Miller final against Christ Church, Rathgar. The final of the Rohu takes place on Friday 4th April and the Price final on Thursday 10th April.

Twenty members are attending the Annual Bowls dinner in the Stillorgan Park Hotel on Friday 18th April.

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 13th May in the Parish Centre at 7.30 p.m.

Parent and Toddler Group

Parents and pre-school children of all ages are invited to attend Parish and Toddler Group Sessions in the hall of our Parish School on Monday mornings from 9.30am to 11.00am.

These sessions will commence after the Easter holiday on Monday 7th April. We have plenty of toys, books and arts and craft materials to keep the little ones amused. Refreshments are provided for children and parents.

The school is located on Kilclare Avenue in Jobstown, across the road from the new Tallaght Leisure Centre.

If you would like any further information please contact Jenny on 087 674 6062.


The funeral of Mark Patton took place here in St. Maelruain's on Good Friday 21st March. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.


At our family service on 30th March George Emmanuel and Tambari Nwifa Lecara Ndegwe, son and daughter of Prince and Tola were baptised into God’s Christian family. Please pray for these children and their parents.

Summer Sale 7th June - Your Church Needs You!!

How can you help to make the 2008 Sale a great success??
Volunteer to help on a stall
Sell Raffle tickets, Buy raffle tickets
Make a donation to the raffle and donate Items for the various stalls
Come on the day and stay for tea / coffee!!
Any enquiries to Ronnie Scott 086 804 5090

Volunteers Wanted!

A Trinity College research team, led by Professor Harald Hampel and based at The Adelaide & Meath Hospital Tallaght, is currently seeking volunteers aged 55+ to participate in a memory study. The team has developed a powerful new test for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease which represents a significant step towards tackling the disease. Research is ongoing and volunteers aged 55 or over (with or without memory problems) are urgently needed. To find out more, call the team on (01) 896 3697 or (087) 2356161 [please leave message if phone is unattended], or e-mail

Boys' Brigade - April 08

All sections are busy preparing for our annual display on Saturday, May 10th. Our inspecting officer this year is Philip Daley, National Director, Boys' Brigade, Republic of Ireland.

Company and junior sections went for a hike around the lakes at Glenasmole on Good Friday. The day was good for walking and we were pleased to have some parents join us on the hike. There was a good turnout of boys, who all retuned safe, tired and hungry......same applied to leaders!!

We would like to say a big thank you to all the parishioners and friends who supported the coffee morning after the 11am service on Sunday 30th March in aid of The Laura Lynn Children’s
, which is the chosen charity for the Boys Brigade in Ireland for its 125th anniversary. The amount raised was €437.76, which will be passed to Boys Brigade Ireland . Thank you again.

Meanwhile, our own fundraising for Make A Wish Ireland is coming to an end and we hope to hand a cheque over at the display. Anchor boys will be going on their sponsored walk soon in aid of Make a Wish.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Noticeboard - 06/04/2008

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 6th April, 1st Sunday after Easter
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion

Tues 8th
7.45pm Music group practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Fri 11th
Wedding of Alister Rhodes and Michelle Kirwan.
7.30pm - 9.30pm Churches Ministry of Healing 'Soul Spark' in St. Mary's, Donnybrook. Continues on Saturday from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Tea and coffee available - Bring packed lunch.
8.00pm Tallaght FM Table Quiz in Molloy's Conservatory. €40 for table of 4.

Sun 13th, 3rd Sun after Easter
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Shortened Morning Prayer.
11.30am Shortened Easter Vestry. (Annual General Meeting of the Parish).

3.00pm Diocesan Discovery Service in St Thomas', Cathal Brugha St.

Mon 14th
8.00pm Mothers' Union AGM and Bring & Buy Sale. For those who are going to on the MU outing to Dunbrody Famine Ship the AGM is the very latest deadline for payment of €55 to Valerie.

Wed 16th
8.00pm Women's World Day of Prayer review meeting in the Parish Centre.

Fri 18th
7.00pm Girls' Brigade display in the Parish Centre.

Sun 20th, 4th Sun after Easter
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion
3.00pm Commissioning of Diocesan Parish Links Representatives in Christchurch Cathedral.

Mon 21st
8.00pm Whist drive in the small hall of the parish centre.

Tues 22nd
7.45pm Music Group practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

2.00pm School Board of Management meeting in the school.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838