Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Rector's Letter - April 2008

A Word from William

On Friday 7th the Women’s World day of Prayer Service was held in St. Aongus. Thank you to Valerie for helping to organising the local area service. Mary Hendrick of St. Aongus parish gave the address on the story of ‘Mary and Martha’ and made the point that we should all take time to pause in our busy lives.

The Archbishop moved his usual Maundy Thursday service for clergy to Tuesday 18th . The commissioning of lay readers including Daphne Harvey, from Blessington parish, who has been with us in Tallaght also took place.

We concluded our Lenten worship in Holy Week and unfortunately the funeral of Mark Patton took place on Good Friday, a young man who I married just a few years ago. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

We celebrated Easter with a full church and thank you to Janet Edgely and the ladies who decorated the church so beautifully, as they do on a continuous basis throughout the year.

On our family service on the 30th it happened to be ‘Doubting Thomas Sunday’. Our Indian Parishioners have a special affection for St. Thomas. He is reputed to have brought Christianity to India and they have the same feelings that we in Ireland would have towards St. Patrick. The story goes that St. Thomas went to India as an architect to build a palace for a prince. However, St. Thomas out of pity, gave away the money to the poor and could not build the palace. He was put in the prison. That night, the King’s brother died and he was told the beautiful palace beside the river in the heavens was his brothers. He came back from the dead and told the story to the King. They were later converted to Christianity.

The Boy’s Brigade organised tea / coffee after Church in aid of the Laura Lynn Foundation (children’s hospice) after the family service in March. It’s the BB Ireland’s chosen charity of the year. They managed to raise the sum of 500 which will be sent to BB Ireland to forward to the Foundation.

God Bless William