Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Noticeboard 02/12/2007

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 2nd, Advent Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Holy Communion
Advent Discovery Service in Tallaght, Fr. Matthew Philip.

7.30pm Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death service in St. Nicholas, Frances St.

Tues 4th 2.00pm
Board of Management meeting in the Parish School.

7.45pm Music Group practice in the church, singers and musicians welcome

Wed 5th 11.00am
First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.

7.00pm Theology College Advent Carols in Zion Church, Rathgar.

Fri 7th Primary School Christmas Bazaar.

Sun 9th, 2nd Sunday of Advent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Morning Prayer.
4.00pm Diocesan Discovery Committee meeting in the Parish Centre.

Mon 10th 8.00pm
Mother’s Union Indian cookery demonstration by two of our Indian parishioners, Sisily and Annama.

Tues 11th 7.45pm
Music Group practice in the church, singers and musicians welcome

Fri 14th 7.30pm
Essential Multimedia Youth Service in Christchurch Cathedral.

Sat 15th 8.00pm
‘Leinster Singers’ Christmas Story Concert in the Church.

Sun 16th, 3rd Sunday of Advent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Primary School Carol Service
7.00pm Nine Lessons & Carols, followed by tea / coffee & mince pies.

Mon 17th 8.00pm
Whist “Turkey” drive in the main Hall of the Parish Centre.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Rector's Letter - December 2007

A Word from William
I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land from Monday 5th - 12th November. It was a study tour rather than a pilgrimage. The idea was to learn as much about the Holy Land as possible to encourage others to visit in the future. It was a privilege to visit the sights. I was struck by the sheer scale of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem, it would make the pyramids pale by comparison.

While the sights were terrific maybe it is a mistake to look for God among the stones but in reality he is present among your travelling companions many of who had coped with crosses in their own lives and in people that we all meet in our everyday lives.

On 16th I preached for Rev Stella Durand of St. Peter’s, Kiltegan at their annual healing service. I spoke in general about healing and tried to answer the most frequently asked questions, ‘What is healing?’ ‘Is it more than just physical healing?’ Obviously I don’t have all the answers and there are many questions which have no answers but faith can be a source of great comfort.

On 18th November we had the Girl’s Brigade and Boy’s Brigade enrolment service at our 11.00am service. It was a delight to see the church packed to capacity. We are lucky to have so many dedicated leaders and I thank them for the great job that they do. As it was my first Sunday back after my trip to the Holy Land I explained to the young people where I had been and gave them a talk illustrated by maps and pictures.

The Select Vestry have decided to change the time of our Midnight Christmas Eve service this year from 12.00am to 11.30pm – so please take note. The details of our other festive services are in the ‘News’ section of this newsletter.

May I take this opportunity to wish all the Losset readers a very happy Christmas and healthy New Year!

With all of God’s blessings for the season,

School News - December 2007

The Parents’ Association will be organising the Christmas Bazaar again this year. It will be held on Friday 7th December in the school hall. There will be a raffle also. The money which is raised at this event, helps to defray the cost of transport on the various field-trips that are undertaken
during the year.

The children from 6th class organised a Halloween Party for the school on Friday 26th October. It was a great success and the money raised, €258.85 was sent to the RTE People in Need Telethon. Well done to the class.

Phase 1 of the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme is now finished and we have entered Phase 2. The children each received a really smart pair of lunch-boxes one each for the fruit and vegetables which they bring in from home. It really is incredible to see the improvement that has been made. Let’s hope it continues.

No doubt you have noticed the publicity around the initiative being undertaken by the Office of the Ombudsman for Children called “The Big Ballot.” The whole school has been involved in this. It is an interesting idea whereby the children learn about the function of the Ombudsman for children and get an opportunity to vote on issues which are important to them. The findings will be published in due course.

The school collected 35 shoe-boxes for the Samarian’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Appeal. This is down on last year, but every little helps.

The ReadaThon for MS Ireland, is still on-going so we have not got a final figure as yet.

Our Home/School/Community Liaison Co-ordinator, Ms. Marion Hefferon ran a parenting course which was well supported. There will be a Christmas Craft Class during the month.

The Tesco Tokens collection went well this year and we have enough tokens to get the new indoor tennis net that we needed.

Ms. Annette Boles will be taking the children in 3rd and 4th class to the Helix on Thursday 13th December to see Alice in Wonderland. Ms. Edel McGlynn and Ms. Caroline Rountree will be taking the Junior and Senior Infants and 1st and 2nd class to see Santa and the Snowtown Meltdown in the Helix on Wednesday 19th December. The children in 5th and 6th class will be going to Newgrange Heritage Centre on 4th December.

The School Carol Service will be on Sunday 16th December.

Some of the classes are planning a concert on Thursday 20th December, so it’s going to be a busy run-up to Christmas!

Mothers' Union

On 15th November we had a visit from local woman Maureen Bolger who told us about Teenline. This is a help line similar to Childline and was born out of the tragic death of Maureen’s son Darren when he was sixteen.

Maureen told us Darren took his own life. She went on to tell us how her grief drove her to start Teenline so that young people would have someone to talk to and not go down the same road as her son. Parents are the last people most teenagers will open up to if they are in trouble. We wish her and her team well in this venture.

On a much lighter note we look forward to a talk on Indian cookery from Sisely at our next meeting on December 10th .

God bless you and yours this Christmas. – Gail Sheridan.

Bowling Club - December 2007

Twenty-five members of our Club attended the Spawell Hotel on Friday 19th October for our
prize giving. It was lovely to have Eileen & Stewart and also George & Suzette and we thank Stewart for presenting the prizes to the following: -
Mixed Doubles Audrey Fletcher & Denis Kane
Ladies' Singles Pat Dunne
Mens' Singles Billy Gould

Our thanks to Billy for arranging the night and all members enjoyed the night very much. We also send best wishes to Pat Dunne who is in Hospital and hope she will be back bowling in the near future

Our Christmas Dinner has being arranged for the Plaza Hotel on Saturday 14th December and names to be given to Ann & Denis Kane who have organised this event and we thank them.

We send best wishes to all our teams in the coming season and wish them all the best of luck. - Heather Wright, Hon Secretary.

Boys' Brigade - Christmas 2007

Our enrolment service was well attended with a full turnout of boys, supported by parents and friends. We had a joint enrolment with the Girls Brigade and it was lovely to see the church packed to capacity again. Thank you to all who helped with tea afterwards and to all the ladies that provided beautiful tray bakes and biscuits. The retiring collection was in aid of Make a Wish Foundation and Down Syndrome Ireland. Thank you to all who donated to these very worth causes.

Junior and Company Section will do the annual sponsored night hike the night of the Christmas Fair, this year in aid of the Make a Wish Foundation. We are grateful to Tallaght Garda Station who will provide transport for the boys.

We close for Christmas on 16th December when we have heard that we will have a visit from a very special person that night. All the staff would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and good health in the New Year. We look forward to seeing all the boys back in mid January (date to be decided!).

Whist Drive - Turkey Drive 17th December

Our monthly drives have been well supported since we re-opened in September.

Our Turkey Drive will be held on Monday 17th December in the Parish Hall at 8.00pm Donations of raffle prizes would be much appreciated. Hoping to see you all on the night at our last fund raiser of the year.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas – George Furney - Hon Sec.

Decoration of Church for Christmas

The Church will be decorated for Christmas on Sat 15th Dec., 2007, between 10am and 12pm. Donations of flowers, greenery and decorations would be gratefully received, and a warm welcome awaits for any much needed helpers.

Items For Sale - In Aid of Church Roof Fund

For Sale

Two dishwashers, one silver and one white,
Both less that two years old. Also a fridge freezer, cream coloured. All offers considered!
In aid of the church roof fund.
Phone the Rector on 086 803 0239

Craft Group

WANTED! When Christmas is over and it is time to take down the decorations and Christmas cards, rather that throw your cards in the recycle bin would you save them for the craft group, who can use them to create cards for next year? Please contact Janet Edgely at 451 3924 (evenings).

Christmas in St. Maelruain's

Sat 15th
Leinster Singers Concert in the Church at 8.00pm

Sun 16th
Primary School Carol Service at 11.00am Followed by tea / coffee in the Parish Centre
Nine Lessons and Carols Service at 7.00pm Followed by tea / coffee in the Parish Centre.

Sun 23rd
Holy Communion at 8.30am & Family Service 11.00am

Mon 24th
Midnight Christmas Eve Holy Communion 11.30pm PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME.

Mon 25th
Christmas Morning Holy Communion 8.30am
Christmas Morning Family Holy Communion 11.00am.

Mon 31st
Following the success of last year’s New Years Eve service we will be having a service to welcome in the New Year starting at 11.00pm


On Saturday 3rd November Benjamin Edward Dillon, baby son of Alison and Eddie was baptised.
Saturday 17th November saw the baptism of Asomachukwu and Obialunanma Agina daughers of Alphonso and Uho.
At the family service on Sunday 25th November the baptism of Finn Michael, baby son of Michael and Helen Meenan took place.
We pray for all these children and their parents as they begin their Christian lives.


The funeral of Royston (Roy) Wallis took place in St. Maelruain’s on Wednesday 14th November. We extend our condolences to Royston’s wife Kathleen and family.

The Church Review

Subscriptions for the 2008 Church Review (Diocesan Magazine) are now due. Please forward payment of €39 to the parish office as soon as possible. If you would like to subscribe for the first time please contact the parish office at 462 6006.

Regina Donoghue has been distributing the Church Review for many years and as of January will no longer be in a position to collect the magazines. Thank you Regina for all your help.

The magazines are collected from Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines on the Thursday before the first Sunday of each month. We are appealing to any parishioners who work in town or in the Rathmines area to collect the magazines and deliver them to the church or parish centre. If you would like to volunteer please contact the Rector 086 803 0239 or the parish office.

The Rector will gladly collect on occasions like holidays etc.

Money, Money, Money!

Have you ever wondered :
How much it costs to run the Parish every year?
Where your Collection Money goes to?
Are there any Tax Breaks for the Church?
Please read on!!!

Here is a short breakdown on how much is spent on a monthly basis (approx.)

Parochial Assessment €4,850.42
Salaries for Parish Staff €1,986.02
Light and Heat €950.00
Telephone €85.00
Insurance €760.00
Curate’s Rent €625
Office Expenses (stationery, postage, cleaning etc) €350
Repairs to Building (excluding Church roof) €1,700

The Parochial Assessment is our largest expense, which is paid to the Diocesan Office to cover Clergy Salaries, Expenses and Pension as well as a contribution to the Central Diocesan Fund to cover the work carried out by Diocesan Committees etc.

Where your collection money goes to?
It goes towards the above expenses.

What is the Envelope Scheme?
These are special printed envelopes, which come in a box for the 52 weeks of the year they also have a special number and the date for each Sunday. So instead of putting your money straight onto the collection plate you place your money/cheque into the special envelope. It you can’t attend for any reason please fill your envelope just the same and bring it the next Sunday you are there. Because the number on the envelope is assigned to you, you will be able to keep track of what you have donated to the church over the year.

How do I get involved?
At the bottom of the announcement sheet there is a section for envelopes. Please fill in and return to Rev Deverell.

Are there any tax breaks for the church?
Yes, but only if you donate through the envelope scheme or make a donation (for example Gift Day) in your name over €250 in the tax year (Jan to Dec). For the year 2006 we have just received a tax rebate of over €5,000. This is a very large sum and does not cost you any more than what you have donated. If you have donated over €250 in the Tax Year (Jan- Dec) a form will be sent to you from the parish asking you to fill in your details and the rate you are paying tax at i.e. 20% or 41%. The church will receive the income tax back on the amount you donated.

For Example:
Tax Rate Donation Church Receives Income Tax Refund
20% €250.00 €62.50
41% €250.00 €173.73

If you have any Ideas for fundraising please contact me to discuss – Jane Carroll – Hon. Treasurer.