Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday 8 December 2007

Money, Money, Money!

Have you ever wondered :
How much it costs to run the Parish every year?
Where your Collection Money goes to?
Are there any Tax Breaks for the Church?
Please read on!!!

Here is a short breakdown on how much is spent on a monthly basis (approx.)

Parochial Assessment €4,850.42
Salaries for Parish Staff €1,986.02
Light and Heat €950.00
Telephone €85.00
Insurance €760.00
Curate’s Rent €625
Office Expenses (stationery, postage, cleaning etc) €350
Repairs to Building (excluding Church roof) €1,700

The Parochial Assessment is our largest expense, which is paid to the Diocesan Office to cover Clergy Salaries, Expenses and Pension as well as a contribution to the Central Diocesan Fund to cover the work carried out by Diocesan Committees etc.

Where your collection money goes to?
It goes towards the above expenses.

What is the Envelope Scheme?
These are special printed envelopes, which come in a box for the 52 weeks of the year they also have a special number and the date for each Sunday. So instead of putting your money straight onto the collection plate you place your money/cheque into the special envelope. It you can’t attend for any reason please fill your envelope just the same and bring it the next Sunday you are there. Because the number on the envelope is assigned to you, you will be able to keep track of what you have donated to the church over the year.

How do I get involved?
At the bottom of the announcement sheet there is a section for envelopes. Please fill in and return to Rev Deverell.

Are there any tax breaks for the church?
Yes, but only if you donate through the envelope scheme or make a donation (for example Gift Day) in your name over €250 in the tax year (Jan to Dec). For the year 2006 we have just received a tax rebate of over €5,000. This is a very large sum and does not cost you any more than what you have donated. If you have donated over €250 in the Tax Year (Jan- Dec) a form will be sent to you from the parish asking you to fill in your details and the rate you are paying tax at i.e. 20% or 41%. The church will receive the income tax back on the amount you donated.

For Example:
Tax Rate Donation Church Receives Income Tax Refund
20% €250.00 €62.50
41% €250.00 €173.73

If you have any Ideas for fundraising please contact me to discuss – Jane Carroll – Hon. Treasurer.