7th April - 3rd
May 2023
7th April – Good Friday
10.00am Good Friday: Anti Communion and Passion Service
8.00pm Good Friday: Anti Communion and Passion Service
8th April 2023
10.00am Church decorated for Easter from 10am
to 11.30am, all donations
of flowers welcome, they can be left at the
Church or with Hazel.
9th April 2023 – Easter
8.30am Easter
Sunday Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of
Hymns before service, all welcome.
11.00am Easter
Sunday Holy Communion Service in Church also on FACEBOOK
10th April 2023 – Bank Holiday
Tues 11th April
7.30pm Bowls
Club open night, Main Hall, all welcome
8.00pm Bible
study of following
Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Sun 16th April 2nd after Easter
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns
before service, all welcome.
Family Service (a week early) in Church & also on FACEBOOK Live
17th April
8.00pm Whist Drive in the Small Hall, all
Tues 18th April
2.00pm Crafty
Chatters, Small
hall, bring your craft, Cuppa and chat.
8.00pm Bible
study of following
Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Sun 23rd April 3rd after Easter
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before
service, all welcome.
11.00am Shortened
Service followed by Easter
General Vestry (AGM) in Church please stay and
see how your parish is doing.
Tues 25th April
8.00pm Bible
study of following
Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Sun 30th April 4th
of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns
before service, all welcome.
Moring Prayer in Church & also on FACEBOOK Live
Tues 2nd May
8.00pm Bible
study of following
Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Wed 3rd May
10.00am 1st Wed of the month Holy Communion with prayer
for the sick.
7.30pm Firhouse Singers Summer Sounds Concert, Church: aid for