Noticeboard 12th February to 19th March 2023
Sun 12th Feb 2nd Sunday Before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
Gen 1: 1 – 2: 3 pg. 3 Psalm 136: 1 – 9, (23 – 26) Matt 6: 24 – 36 pg 971
11.00am Morning Prayer in Church also on FACEBOOK Live
Mon 13th Feb
3.00pm Mothers’ Union coffee in the Civic Theatre café. All welcome
7.15pm Anam Cara, support for bereaved parents, meeting in Maldron Hotel.
Tues 14th Feb
8.00pm Bible study of following Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Sun 19th Feb Sunday before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
2 Peter 1: 16 – 21 pg. 1222 Matt 17: 1 – 9 pg. 984
11.00am Holy Communion in Church also on FACEBOOK Live
Mon 20th Feb
8.00pm Whist Drive in the Small Hall, all welcome
Tues 21st Feb
2.00pm Crafty Chatters, Small hall, bring your craft, all welcome
8.00pm Bible study of following Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Wed 22nd Feb
10.00am Ash Wednesday Holy Communion, beginning of Lent.
Sat 25th Feb
7.00pm Taize Style Vine lay led Service in St. Maelruain’s.
Sun 26th Feb 1st Sunday in Lent
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
11.00am Family Service in Church & on FB
Tues 28th
8.00pm Bible study of following Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Wed 1st March
10.00am 1st Wed of the month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick
Saturday 4th March
Mothers Union “Spring Gathering” on Saturday 4th March 2023.
Sun 5th March Sunday before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
Romans 4: 1 – 5, 13 – 17 pg. 1131 John 3: 1 – 7 pg. 1065
11.00am Holy Communion in Church also on FACEBOOK Live
Tues 7th March
2.00pm Crafty Chatters, Small hall, bring your craft, all welcome.
8.00pm Bible study of following Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Sun 12th 3rd Sunday in Lent
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
Exodus 17: 1 – 7 pg. 75 Psalm 95 John 4: 5 – 42 pg. 1067
11.00am Morning Prayer in Church also on FACEBOOK Live
Mon 13th March
8.00pm Mothers’ Union President Ada Lawson, visiting speaker, Small Hall
Tues 14th March
8.00pm Bible study of following Sun readings via Zoom: Wm. 4621044
Fri 17th March
11.00am St. Patrick’s Day Holy Communion Service
Sun 19th 4th Sunday In Lent Mothering Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion Service
10.30am Choir Practice of Hymns before service, all welcome.
Exodus 2: 1 – 10 pg.58 Luke 2: 41 – 52 pg. 1029
11.00am Morning Prayer in Church also on FACEBOOK Live