Noticeboard Saturday 7th June to 7th July 2020
Sun 7th June
11.00am - Holy Communion on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Tues 9th June
8.00pm - Bible Study of following Sun readings via Zoom details Wm. 4621044
Saturday 13th June
7.00pm - Taize Style Ecumenical Service on Facebook live using Sunday’s readings
Sun 14th June
11.00am – Morning Prayer on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Tues 16th June
8.00pm - Bible Study of following Sun readings via Zoom details Wm. 4621044
Sun 21st June
11.00am - Holy Communion on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Tues 23rd June
8.00pm - Bible Study of following Sun readings via Zoom details Wm. 4621044
Saturday 27th June
7.00pm - Taize Style Ecumenical Service on Facebook live using Sunday’s readings
Sun 28th June
11.00am – Family Service on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Tues 30th June
8.00pm - Bible Study of following Sun readings via Zoom details Wm. 4621044
Wed 1st July
10.00am - 1st Wed of the month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick. on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Sun 5th July
11.00am - Holy Communion on FACEBOOK live until restrictions are lifted
Tues 7th July
8.00pm - Bible Study of following Sun readings via Zoom details Wm. 4621044
*Sun 8.30am Holy Communion Services cancelled until restrictions are lifted
Select Vestry (8th April) and Easter Vestry (19th April) postponed due to Corona Virus
All activities suspended till restrictions lifted
All Services via Facebook Live till restrictions lifted
Link to service will be available on Parish website later in day of recording.
As of morning of 5th June 2020
Note on reopening:
Churches will open their doors again on 20th July with services starting 26th July unless we are advised otherwise. We plan on resuming with our 8.30am Holy Communion service without hymns. At this service we normally had less than fifteen people so we don’t anticipate that social distancing will be a problem, this service is quiet and meditative. As our 11.00am services resume I expect there will be some reluctance for parishioners to congregate.
We plan on having every third pew in use with two meters dividing non household members.
If numbers require we can use our porch and vestry which are wired for sound and we also have the option of using our halls where we can broadcast the service live. We will use sheets instead of hymn books and prayer books. So, plans are in place for keeping everyone safe while still being able to come together as a parish community. As guide lines recommend facemasks should be worn while congregating indoors. Please see photos highlighting social distancing in Church. When people are exiting we envisage opening both doors at entrance of church and will encourage people to leave the building quickly and have a chat outside in the open air. Regarding Holy Communion, I will wear a mask for the consecration and distribute in the aisle and I would quite understand if people want to receive spiritually.
Mon 8th June: Job 38: 39 - 39: 12 Corinthians 12: 1 - 3
Tues 9th June: Job 39: 26 - 40: 5 John 14: 25 - 26
Wed 10th June: Job 39: 26 - 40: 5 John 14: 25 -26
Thurs 11th June: Genesis 21: 1 - 7 Hebrews 3: 1 - 6
Fri 12th June: Genesis 24: 1 - 9 Acts 7: 35 - 43
Sat 13th June: Genesis 24: 10 - 52 Mark 7: 1 - 13