Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Noticeboard  Sunday 22nd March to 12th April 2020

(please note during this time services will be available to all via @stmaelruainscoi on Facebook)

Sun 22nd Of  March - Lent 4                                               
8.30am            Holy Communion.
11.00am          Family Service & Mothering Sunday on FACBOOK LIVE/

Tues 24th March                   

8.00pm            Bible Study (BACHI) Lenten Climate Change Course, Small Hall.

Wed 25th March                 

10.00am          Lent HC Course  ‘God, the lover of life’   FACEBOOK live

Fri 27th March                    

10.30am          Parish Monthly Coffee CANCELLED due to COVID19

Sat 28th March                     

7.00pm            4th Sat. Taize Style Vine Service & dialogue sermon F’BK live.

Sun 29th March 5th Sunday Of Lent                      

8.30am           Holy Communion.
11.00am          Morning Prayer 2 and FACEBOOK  live.

Tues 31st March                  

8.00pm            Bible Study (BACHI) Lenten Climate Change Course SMALL HALL

Wed 1st April            

10.00am          1st Wed Holy Communion with prayers for the sick, Lenten course
                         ‘Jesus feeds five thousand people’ on FACEBOOK live.

Sun 5th April 6th Sunday Of Lent
8.30am            Holy Communion.
11.00am          Holy Communion 2 on FACEBOOK live.

Mon 6th April                       

10.00am          Holy Week Holy Communion Service on FACEBOOK live

8.00pm            Taize Style Praise & Testimony Vine Service on FACEBOOK live

Tues 7th April                      

8.00pm            Bible Study of following Sunday readings.

Wed 8th April            Spy Wednesday       

10.00am          Holy Week Holy Communion Service on FACEBOOK live

8.00pm            Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.

Thurs 9th April Maundy Thursday

10.00am          Maundy Thursday Holy Week HC on FACEBOOK live

Fri 10th April Good Friday

10.00am          Good Friday Anti HC & reading of Passion on FACEBOOK live

8.00pm            Good Friday Anti HC & reading of Passion on FACEBOOK live

Sun 12th April Easter Sunday        

8.30am and 11.00am Easter Sunday Holy Communion on FACEBOOK live