Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Newsletter October 2019

FROM THE RECTOR A few years ago I was involved with the Pauline Circle, an Ecumenical discussion group, when we moved our Bible Study group to a Tuesday I was no longer able to attend their meetings. At the beginning of June I received a phone call from the Pauline Circle asking me to give an address which I agreed to do with the knowledge that I had already prepared to speak at a Pentecost Novena in Greenhills Church on the subject of the promise of the Holy Spirit as we wait between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday. I find the readings of the Acts of the Apostles between Easter and Pentecost challenging as it confronts us on how the early church exploded in numbers and how the Apostles were guided by the Holy Spirit. I fear that we often ignore the third person in the Trinity, imagine the madness of having a smart phone and not being connected to the internet? Is that what we, as Christians, are doing by not being connected to the Holy Spirit?

We had our Confirmation Service in Christchurch Cathedral on Sunday 9th June. It was a lovely occasion and it was a pleasure preparing Tirzah, Jake, Lauren, Nathan and Beyonce for their Confirmation. We were lucky to be able to take photos outside the Cathedral before a deluge of rain.

On Tuesday 11th June the staff of the Engineering Department from TUD (Tallaght Campus) came over to the church for a tour, our doors were open for ‘Tallafest’ (a fun day held in Tallaght Village)  on 22nd June when we had a heritage walk at 1pm beginning with a talk in the church then at 2pm we had a historical talk on the WW1 dead of Tallaght. We also had a tour of the church and graveyard lead by local historian, Tomas Maher on 11th July. Into September we continued to have tours of the Church and graveyard by various groups who I hope enjoyed their visit and went away with a better knowledge of our Church and history.
The Great Rope of Tallaght is 1.5-kilometre sculptural thread of rope that weaved its way through the streets of Tallaght from 13th  – 15th June and our Crafty Chatters crocheted bunting flags for their section of the rope. We were delighted to have that section of the rope in Church for July.

At our Family Service on 28th July said goodbye to our Indian parishioners Monsey and Shiney and their children Jaden & John  as they move to Boston, US.  We were sad to say goodbye but wish them well in their new life in America.

On Thursday 22nd August there was a Coffee Morning to let people see the refurbishment of the Small Hall and it’s facilities. It was also an opportunity for parishioners to thank the volunteers organised by our ‘Coffee Mornings’ for all their hard work over the summer for the painting of the hall and the sanding and varnishing of the floors. Thank you to all involved in the refurb, you did a fabulous job and all your hard work in very much appreciated by the Parish.
On 26th September I attended the ICA’s Ecumenical Service to remember past members. It was a lovely opportunity to catch up with all the ladies that I know from the wider community who are members of our Crafty Chatters and to give them advanced notice of our upcoming Harvest Service and Christmas Sing Along (Friday 29th November!).
Bishop Eamonn Walsh has announced his retirement as the auxiliary Bishop of  the Diocese of Dublin. He was here to welcome me to Tallaght and has made me welcome not just at his rural deanery lunches but also his Christmas priests lunches in his own home. He always showed great interest and kindness, not just to myself  but also to my family. He will be missed in Tallaght.                       
God Bless                                                                                                                                                             William

FUNERALS On Monday 26th August the funeral of Hilary Gibney took place here in St. Maelruain’s. We extend our deepest condolences to Hilary’s husband Brian, to her daughter Ruth and to her extended family and friends. Hilary was also mum to her late daughter Rachel who passed away shortly after being confirmed by Archbishop Donald Caird.

The family of Hilary Gibney would like to express their appreciation for all the support that they have received at this difficult time. In particular, they would like to thank Janet Edgely and the Mother’s Union and Flower Guild for their kindness and help in organising the reception after Hilary’s funeral and the beautiful flowers for the Church.

We were so sorry to hear of the sudden death of Carol Fox whose funeral took place in Taney Parish Church on Saturday 28th September. Carol was the founding Captain of our 26th Girl’s Brigade Company, we are very grateful to Carol, and her family, for the 45 years of service that she gave to the Company. We express our deepest condolences to her husband Donald, children Nicola, Craig, Bruce and Alec and their families and to Carol’s wider family and friends.

BAPTISMS The Baptism of Emerson Hugh Temple, son of Craig Temple and Lyndsey Black took place on 8th June  and on 23rd June we had the baptism of Maeve, baby daughter of Femi and Florence Oshisaya, on 24th August we had the baptism of the children of Femi and Lola Abadahun, Fife (6), Moy (2) and Sammy (1), we welcome all these children into Christ’s flock and pray for them and their families.

HARVEST Our Harvest Service will take place on Sunday 13th October at 3.30pm when our speaker will be Frank Sage who will tell us of the work of Storehouse who provide Christmas hampers for people in need in Tallaght. The service will be followed by refreshments in the Hall.

TAIZE We had our first Taize service on Sat 28th September, we intend to have  a service  on 4th Saturday of each month in St. Maelruain’s, as part of the local Vine initiative and everybody is welcome. The service is informal, similar to our family service but giving people the opportunity to give their opinion about the reading. We had tea / coffee after the service at the bottom of the aisle with roughly thirty people in attendance, primarily from the wider community. I hope that this service with be successful in addition to our Sunday services facilitating people who find it difficult to attend on a Sunday morning.

BOWLS Our club reopened on Tuesday 17th September. Our match secretary Audrey is busy organising dates for our league matches. We look forward meeting up with other teams when our league matches start. We send good wishes to Muriel and Jim and hope they will be back bowling very soon.

WHIST DRIVE Our  next Whist Drive take places on Monday 154h October in the Small Hall, all welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS  Crafty Chatters will be held on the 1st and 3rd of each month (8th and 22nd October) Tuesday's of the month from 2 - 4pm in the Parish Hall.   You are very welcome to come and bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! We hope you all had a very enjoyable summer & look forward to seeing you all.

PARISH COFFEE MORNING Teams worked in relay over several weeks in the old Parish Hall during the summer  We are very grateful to our volunteers, John Donoghue, John Bright, Ivan Rafter and Alex Bryan for all the hard work they did for us and to a donator for providing the paint and also to all our attendees who gave donations to fund the project.  It was a lot of work but we also had a lot of fun.....the phrase 'you missed a bit' was taken to a whole new level!! Thank you, from Regina, Vivienne and Barbara

Our next coffee mornings will be held on Friday 25th October, and 29th November at 10.30am - 12.30pm.  No meeting in December.  Come along and bring a friend, for a cuppa and a chat.  All welcome.

MOTHERS UNION    We had our Opening Service in September and had a good turn out and Rev Avril gave us an interesting address so we thank her for that.

Our next event is on Saturday 12th  October when we will visit Newbridge House near Donabate. We will meet at the church at 10am  and hopefully share the drive out. If you would like to go please let me know as I have to let the staff know. I already have some names. Saoirse are looking for tea towels. 

On Saturday October 19th  the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese are holding a Fashion Show in The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan at 7.30pm. Please phone Jean Denner 847 3323 for tickets if you would like to go, cost €15.

Another date for your diary is Friday 13th  December, our December outing will be to the Civic Theatre to see ‘Snow White’. The show is at 6.30pm and we will meet at 5pm for something to eat first. Please let me if you would like to go.

We look forward to a good turn out for our outings. All are welcome.                                               Thank you. Valerie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BOYS BRIGADE  Boys’ Brigade has started back on Friday evenings after the summer break:
Anchor Section: 7.15 - 8.30pm    Junior Section:  7.15 - 8.45pm   Company Section: 7.15 - 9.15pm .  If you know of any boys who would be interested in taking part please contact the Parish office 462 6006, we’d love to have them.

TABLE TENNIS The club is back in full swing after the summer holidays. We are delighted to have taken delivery of two new tables,  thanks to a grant from South Dublin County Council.

The first two nights back were spent assembling the tables but we have them all ready for play now. Many thanks to the members who arrived, complete with screwdrivers and spanners to help with assembly. We play on Thursday nights in the Parish Centre from 8pm to 10pm, over 18 s. Everybody welcome, beginner or advanced players. It’s a great way to keep fit!!  Come along and give it a try.

FLOWER GUILD  We were very sorry to hear that Hilary Gibney, who was one of our members,  had passed away after a long illness. Hilary was a member for many years, she will be missed and our thoughts are with her family. 

As the Harvest is upon us, we will be decorating the Church on Fri 11th October, from 10am to 12pm. We would be very grateful for help and for donations of flowers and greenery. If anyone would like to drop in an arrangement, done at home or some flowers, please call Hazel at 451 3608 to arrange. Thanks to all the ladies on the flower list for their continued help.

BIBLE STUDY of the readings for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Centre, all welcome!

TIDY TOWNS Preparations for the ‘Tidy Town’ competition are well under way, the competition is no longer just about cleaning up and prettying up with floral baskets and planters but includes efforts to promote wildlife along with the history of  the town /village taking part. St. Maelruain’s has been a site of Christianity since Celtic times so we are at the centre of history in Tallaght. The committee meet in the Parish Centre once a month on a Thursday evening, it would be great if some parishioners could get involved, please contact William if interested.