Notice board – 1st
March to 1st May 2019
Friday 1st March
7.30pm - Women’s World Day of Prayer Service, Mount
Carmel Church, Firhouse.
Saturday 2nd
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
10.30pm - Church’s Ministry of Healing, Quiet
Day, The Mageough Church, Cowper Rd. Lead by Rev. Lesley Robinson (Rector of
Sunday 3rd March
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Clontarf Choral Competition, St. John’s the Baptist, Seafield Rd
West. Junior Competition 3pm and Senior Competition 7pm
Monday 4th March
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen of main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 5th
March – Shrove Tuesday
2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd
Tuesday afternoon of month September
to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring
whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us,
everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club reopens,
main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 6th March – Ash Wednesay
10.00am - Ash Wednesday Holy Communion and
prayers for the sick.
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
8.00pm - Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.
Thursday 7th March
7.30pm - Safeguarding Trust training
for volunteers, St. Ann’s Parish Centre.
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 8th March
10.00am - Safeguarding Trust training, panel members, St.
Catherine’s,Denore Ave.
Saturday 9th March
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
Sunday 10th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 11th March
6.00pm – Mothers Union: Our speaker has cancelled at the last minute so we are going
to ‘Charlie’s a Clepto’ in the civic 8.15pm. Meeting 6pm for meal beforehand in
the civic. Contact Valerie if you wish to go.
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 12th
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Weekly Bible Study, BACI
Lenten course, (1)‘Temptation revisited by coming home’ Parish Hall, all
8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust training
for volunteers, Trinity Hall, Redcross.
Wednesday 13th March
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 14th March
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small
hall, singers and musicians welcome.
Friday 15th March
Saturday 16th March
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match
Sunday 17th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Holy Communion.
Monday 18th March
8.00pm – Whist Drive in small hall, St
Maelruain’s Parish Centre
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 19th
2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd
Tuesday afternoon of month September
to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring
whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us,
everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 20th March
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 21st
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 22nd March
10.30am - Last Friday of the month Coffee
Morning, Small Hall, all welcome
Saturday 23rd March
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match
Sunday 24th March
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 25th March
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 26th
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 27th March
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 28th
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 29th March
10.30am – Parish Coffee Morning, Small Hall, all welcome
Saturday 30th
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
Sunday 31st March
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 1st April
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 2nd
2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd
Tuesday afternoon of month September
to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring
whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us,
everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club reopens,
main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 3rd April
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 4th April
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 5th April
Saturday 6th April
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
Sunday 7th April
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 8th April
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 9th
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 10th April
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 11th April
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 12th April
Saturday 13th April
10.30am to 12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match
Sunday 14th April – Palm Sunday
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 15th April
8.00pm – Whist Drive in small hall, St
Maelruain’s Parish Centre
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 16th
April -
2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd
Tuesday afternoon of month September
to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring
whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us,
everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 17th April – Spy
10.00am - H.C. & BACI Lenten
course, ‘Temptation revisited by coming home’
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 18th
April – Maundy Thursday
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 19th April – Good Friday
- Good Friday Ante Communion Reading
of the Passion.
6.30pm - Village Walk of Compassion from the
Priory – St. Maelruain’s (TBC)
8.00pm - Good
Friday Ante Communion Reading of the
Saturday 20th April – Holy
Sunday 21st April – Easter Sunday
8.30am – Easter Sunday Holy Communion.
11.00am – Easter Sunday Holy Communion.
Monday 22nd April – Easter Monday
Bank Holiday
No Prayers for the Parish, Easter Monday Bank
Tuesday 23rd
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 24th
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 25th
8.00pm - Table Tennis
club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 26th April
10.30am – Parish Coffee Morning, Small Hall, all welcome
Sunday 28th April
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 29th April
8.00pm – Prayers
for the Parish, Kitchen main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 30th
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the
readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Wednesday 1st May
11.00am- Wednesday Weekly
Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards – Girls Brigade
(Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Coopers: 1c and 2c coins will now
be rounded up by retailers, why not donate your coins to the parish? There is a
‘Jar’ in the Church, every cent appreciated! Thank you.