Notice board – 13th October to 20th December 2018
Saturday 13th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
Mothers Union Ladies weekend, Cavan crystal hotel
(Friday eve & Saturday)
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 14th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Morning Prayer
- Mageough Harvest Service with Rector preaching.
Monday 15th
- Safeguarding Trust new staff & volunteer training, Irish Church Mission,
Bachelors Walk.
8.00pm –
Whist Drive, Small Hall. All welcome
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 16th October
-4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and
3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre.
Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new
one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 17th
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
- Music group practice, Small Hall, singers and musicians welcome.
Thursday 18th October
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 19th
8.00pm - St Dominic’s Ch. concert in
aid of Youth Choir, donations welcome.
Saturday 20th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 21st
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Holy Communion.
Monday 22nd
8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust new staff
& volunteer training, All Saints Raheny
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 23rd October
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 24th
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7.00pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
- Christian Aid talk, Women in Brazil, Dundrum Methodist Church.
- Music group practice, Small Hall, singers and musicians welcome.
Thursday 25th October
7.30pm - Safeguarding Trust new panel
training, Howth Parish Centre.
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 26th
- Last Friday of the month Parish Coffee morning, Small Hall, everyone is asked
to bring along a photo of themselves as a child or teenager, we will all have a
go at guessing who's who, all welcome!
Saturday 27th
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 28th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 29th
Bank Holiday Monday
Tuesday 30th October
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 31st October
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
Thursday 1st November
11.15 am Tallaght Mothers Union - holy
communion Christ Church Cathedral
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Saturday 3rd
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 4th
8.30am –
Holy Communion
11.00am –
Holy Communion
Monday 5th November
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 6th November
-4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and
3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre.
Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new
one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 7th
10.00am - 1st Wed of the
month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick.
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 8th
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Saturday 10th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 11th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 12th
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 13th November
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 14th
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 15th November
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 16th
Saturday 17th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 18th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Holy Communion.
Monday 19th
8.00pm –
Whist Drive in small hall, St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 20th November
-4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and
3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre.
Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new
one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 21st
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 22nd November
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Saturday 24th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 25th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Family Service
Monday 26th
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 27th November
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 28th November
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 29th November
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 30th November
7pm - Christmas Sing Along. Family fun for all ages. Join us to celebrate and sing christmas tunes... Draw for Bumper Raffle on night, tickets on sale now...
Saturday 1st
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
Sunday 2nd
8.30am –
Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 3rd
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
Parish Centre kitchen all welcome.
Tuesday 4th December
-4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and
3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre.
Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new
one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club reopens, main
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 5th
10.00am - 1st Wed of the
month Holy Communion with prayers for the sick.
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 6th
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 7th
Saturday 8th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
Sunday 9th December
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 10th
8pm – Mothers Union, ten pin bowling tallaght
Leisure Plex
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 11th December
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 12th
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 13th December
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre
Friday 14th
Saturday 15th
10.30am to
12pm – Girls Brigade Tiny tots and explorers
7.30pm - Bowls Club,match night,
Sunday 16th
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am – Holy Communion.
Monday 17th
8.00pm –
Whist Drive in small hall, St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
8.00pm – Weekly Prayers for Tallaght,
upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre
Tuesday 18th December
-4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and
3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre.
Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new
one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm - Bowls Club, main Hall
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs
Parish Hall
Wednesday 19th December
Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).
7pm onwards –
Girls Brigade (Juniors, Seniors, Brigaders & Associates)
Thursday 20th December
8.00pm - Table Tennis club (18yrs and older) Parish Centre