Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Newsletter May 2018

Newsletter MAY 2018

FROM THE RECTOR  We had our daily services during Holy Week culminating with our Easter Sunday service which was well attended.
On Good Friday a 2nd annual secular ‘Walk of Compassion’ took place from the Priory to our Church, passing by all the ‘helping’ organisations in Tallaght Village on the way. Last year we stopped at each organisation for thanks and an information talk but it was too wet to do so this year so we made our way directly to St. Maelruain’s for the formalities. It was lovely to see the church filled with the volunteers and community workers from all of the area. We finished just in time to be greeted by the people attending our Good Friday evening service.
I would like to thank  Regina, Vivienne and the ladies of the Flower Guild for all the work they put into the decoration of the Church for Easter, it looked beautiful, they never fail to amaze me with their creativity.
We have increased our numbers at our 8.30am Service from three or four people, to twelve and to twenty at Easter, I think in part due to parents who need to bring children to sporting activities later on a Sunday morning and also for those who work on a Sunday afternoon and for some who have just come off night duty. We are thankful for the increasing numbers at our 8.30am and also at our 11am services.
We had five 5th class tours of the church and grounds from Scoil Maelruain in April, with some very bright children who were well able to answer my questions to them and I managed to answer theirs!
As the parish activities are drawing to an end for the summer break I attended the BB and GB displays which were as always, great evenings and a pleasure to see the young people showing their talents to family and friends. Thank you to the leaders for all their work with the youth.
I am looking forward to seeing all the readers of the Newsletter at our Parish Summer Sale on Sat 26th May at 10am!
God bless                                                                                                                                                William.

CONDOLENCES On behalf of the parish the Select Vestry would like to extend their deepest condolences to Valerie, William, Amy and Lionel and to their wider family on the sudden death of Valerie’s Mum Eithne on 9th April. A Memorial Service to celebrate her life of 91 years took place in Rathfarnham Parish Church on 14th April.

EASTER VESTRY The Easter Vestry (Parish AGM) took place this year on Sunday 15th April after a shortened Service. The Select Vestry and Churchwardens are:

Rector's Churchwarden: Joseph Jeevanayagon Rector's Glebewarden: Billy Gould
People's Churchwarden: Vivienne Bright       
People's Churchwarden: Ronnie Scott  
Select Vestry:
Hilary Armstrong, Jim Bird (Treasurer), Laura Fryday, Percy Griffin, Brian Good, Pat Hardiman, David Harley, David Hutchinson Edgar (Secretary), Peter Manly, Frank Sage, Derek Sargent, Alan Scott

CONFIRMATION The date for St. Maelruain’s Confirmation, in Christchurch Cathedral has be set, as usual, for Pentecost Sunday 20th May. While last year we had a ‘bumper year’ this year we have one candidate, Oscar, who will be Confirmed in a few weeks time. Pease pray for Oscar as he prepares for his Confirmation.

GOOD NEWS CLUB On Sunday the 24th of March the Good News Club held a coffee morning after church in aid of Church in Chains. Church in Chains support persecuted Christians around the world. During lent the Good News Club concentrated on learning about six Christians who are imprisoned due to their faith. We are delighted to report that we raised €370. Thank you to all who gave so generously.    Amy                                             

WHIST DRIVE Our next Whist Drive take places on Monday 21st May in the Small Hall, all welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS We will meet the 1st and 3rd  Tuesday in May (1st and 15th) and 1st and 3rd  Tuesday in June (4th and 19th).  For July and August we will meet every Thursday from 7pm – 9pm in the Small Hall. You are very welcome to come and join us to do a craft or just to come and chat and see what is going on.                        Janet       

GIRLS BRIGADE  The Girls Brigade celebrated their 45th display on April 21st in St Maelruain’s Parish Hall.  It was a wonderful event where the girls showcased their talents for signing, dancing, and arts & crafts, followed by tea, coffee and tasty treats served to the proud parents, grandparents and guests afterwards.  This is an important year for the Girls Brigade as GB Ireland celebrates its 125th year.  The Officers and girls will now enjoy a well-earned break over the Summer months.  GB will resume in Tallaght in September.  If you are interested in joining please contact the Captain via email or the parish office.

Our AGM will take place on May 17th at 8 pm after which we will close for the summer holidays. The club has had a good season with some new members joining us and thus creating a good buzz on Thursday nights. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment but it's amazing how our competitive streak comes to the fore when the play off for club trophies is taking place. We had good fun over the last few weeks as the matches were played, with the winner of the men's shield being one of our new members, 

Hugh Behan  and the winner of the ladies' trophy being Regina Donoghue. Well done to all concerned . The trophies will be presented at the AGM.

The club will reopen around September 20th . We hope everybody has a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you all back in September.                                                                                                         

Many thanks to the ladies who helped to decorate the Church for Easter, to those who donated flowers from near and abroad and to the gent who always arrives to us with bunches of flowers for special Church occasions. Thank you also to Valerie and William who are always on hand to help out and make us all a cup of tea as we work. 

We are pleased to welcome Alison and Jacynta to the Flower Guild. Thank you ladies for the beautiful arrangements prepared for Easter. We are always looking for volunteers for the Flower Guild. No experience necessary, so if you would like to help out, contact me via the Parish Office. Regina
Our next Coffee Morning takes place on Friday, 25th May 10.30am - 12.30pm.  This will be our final meeting before the Summer break.  All welcome to join us for chat and chat!! Vivienne, Regina and Barbara.

On Monday 9 April we had our AGM and Bring and Buy which went very well.  Our next event will be on Wednesday 6th June when we will go to ‘Shout’ the mod musical in the Civic Theatre.  Meal at 6.15pm and the show will be at 8pm. The cost is €35 including a tip. If you wish to go, please let me know. There will be a sign up sheet in the church each Sunday. This is open to everyone so feel free to join us for what sounds like a great night.

Before I finish would like to thank the parishioners very  much for all the cards, texts, phone calls and coming to the memorial service after the recent sudden  sad death of my dear Mum in early April. Your support and care to us all is very much appreciated.                                     Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer. Thanks again.  Valerie

On behalf of the Mother’s Union I would like to extend our sincere condolences to Valerie, William, Amy and Lionel on the sad passing of Valerie’s Mum, Eithne, our thoughts and prayers are with you.         Hilary 

BOWLS CLUB Our AGM was held on Tuesday 1st May in the parish hall. The Club would like to express their sympathy to Valerie and family on the sad passing of Valerie’s Mum, Eithne.

Alan Stewart has agreed to be Captain for the new season. Our annual barbecue will be held on Saturday 23rd June at 5.00 pm in the garden of Willie and Joan Harris.  Looking forward to seeing you all there.  We are reopening on Tuesday 11th September.  

The date for this year’s summer sale is Saturday 26th May10am – 1pm  Donations of unwanted gifts, furniture, books, toys, plants and household items (in good condition!)  gratefully received! All the usual stalls, raffles prizes, tea, coffee and goodies. Please put the date in your diary and bring along your family and friends on the day and help make this major fundraiser for the parish a great success!

Rathfarnham Parish are having their FETE on Saturday May 19th in The High School, Rathgar at 10.30am.

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH continue until the end of the month before the summer break but  BIBLE STUDY  of the readings for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Hall.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: TALLAFEST will be held this year on Sat 30th June for more info.

is a Church of Ireland Social Club for those in their 20’s & 30’s and a little older….They meet on the last Friday of the month in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin. For more details contact David on 085 7272 019. You can also follow them on Facebook, to join  Crossroads Group, please send message request to Valerie Raitt Thomas or Beryl Healy.