Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 23 February 2018

NewsletterMARCH 2018

I visited the first year students of Mount Seskin Community College, Jobstown, who questioned me on my role and vocation as a follow up from Christian Unity Week on 24th January. On 28th I attended the National Holocaust Memorial in the Mansion House which I try to do annually. The Holocaust, which occurred in a civilised society, seems to become more relevant with each passing year.
We had a defibrillator training evening for members of each parish organisation on 31st January. We are very grateful to David Beegan, a parishioner and school parent, who generously gave his time to run the training.
Local TD and  Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone, visited all four of the classrooms in our Parish School on 2nd February. The children were delighted to host her and enjoyed asking her questions.
On 23rd  January BACI (Bible Association of the Church of Ireland) launched their Lenten course, the Five Marks of Anglican Mission which we have been using during Lent. The 2018 Lent Studies have been designed to foster a biblical approach to the Five Marks of Mission, originally formulated in the Anglican Communion back in 1984 and much emphasised in the Church of Ireland in recent years so we looked at (1) TELL: Proclaiming the Good News of God’s Kingdom, (2)TEACH: teaching, baptising and nurturing new believers. In the remaining weeks of Lent will look at (3)TEND: responding to human need by loving service, (4)TRANSFORM: unjust structure, challenging violence, pursuing peace and reconciliation and finally (5)TREASURE: create, sustain and renew life.
On 16th February we were delighted to have a concert of ‘An Evening of Romantic Music’ in aid of the church (Valentine’s day fell on Ash Wednesday) There were various soloists and a choir of teenage girls, ‘The Plurabelles’, who are representing Ireland in South Africa this July to compete in the World Choir Games. It was a lovely evening with a full audiences and we are very grateful for the aprox €625 raised for the parish.
As we take time to contemplate during Lent we also look forward to renewal and rebirth at Easter this year falling on April fools day. 
‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose’ a quote to think about as we approach Easter. Don’t spend so much time focused on a life that can’t be kept that you miss out on the life that can’t be lost.
God bless                                                                                                                                                  William.

On Sun 18th February we were delighted to welcome baby Alex Joshua Williams for Baptism,  son of Ashleen and brother of Ashwin. Please pray for Alex and his family as he begins his Christian life.

LENT We will continue to have a service on Wednesday mornings at 10am during Lent where we will be using the above mentioned 5 Marks of Mission course.

There will be a service each morning of Holy Week,  services as follows:
Mon 26th  – Thurs 29th 10am Holy Communion        
Good Friday   
10am  Good Friday Ante Communion. 
8.00pm Good Friday Ante Holy Communion.
Easter Sunday                      
 8.30am  Easter Holy Communion.               
11.00am Easter Holy Communion.

EASTER VESTRY The Easter Vestry (Parish AGM) will take place this year on Sunday 15th April after a shortened Holy Communion Service. This is an opportunity for you to have your say in the running of the parish.

The date for St. Maelruain’s confirmation, in Christchurch Cathedral, has be set for Pentecost Sunday 20th May, if you or your child is interested in Confirmation please contact the Rector on 086 803 0239

MOTHERING SUNDAY is 11th March, an opportunity to show your mum how much you care!

We will have our St. Patrick’s Day Holy Communion Service at 11.00am.
This year there will be a parade starting in ITT, coming out of the pedestrian gate, past our Church, along Main St., passing the Priory and turning left onto the Greenhills Road before re entering the College side gate. On returning to the College grounds there will be musical entertainment. I am delighted to see the local third level college at the heart of the community in Tallaght. We are hoping that we can have the church open so those passing can come in and see our Church and grounds, any volunteers to help man the Church and grounds on the day? Please contact the Rector on 086 8030239.

THE CLOCK FALLS FORWARD on Palm Sunday 25th March, so don’t forget to change your clocks.

MOTHER’S UNION / FAMILIES FIRST On Monday 12 February Amie Hourie who is the Diocesan action and outreach  representative came to our branch to talk about what this section looks after. Amie gave us a very interesting talk telling us her own story and about the work of the Mothers’ Union in Ireland which reaches out to a lot of deserving causes including making fiddle blankets for people with Alzheimer’s, hats and scarves for the homeless, teddies for the refugee children, shoe boxes for children in a crèche in Darndale to name a few and also how Mothers’ Union supports worthy causes in a lot of countries worldwide.
We finished off with a lovely supper supplied this month by Regina and Vivienne and also delicious home made coffee cake supplied by Yvonne. Next month our speaker will be Philip McKinley who is going to speak to us on his work in DCU as chaplain, so do come along to what I'm sure will be a most interesting evening.  Look forward to seeing you then.                                                                                                                                                                         Valerie. 

TABLE TENNIS Table Tennis continues to run on Thursdays at 8 pm in the Parish Centre. We have had quite a few new members since before Christmas and there's a great buzz with all tables in use. There's always plenty of chat over a cup of tea during the evening and then it's back to play to burn off the calories! 

We still have room for more players, so all are welcome to join us.                                                                      Regina             

FLOWERS GUILD The Church will be decorated for Easter on Saturday March 31st  from 10am to 12.00pm. We would appreciate gifts of flowers and greenery and of course welcome anybody that would like to help on the day. There's a job for experience needed!                  Regina

BOYS BRIGADE The  new session for the boys is now in full swing and the boys are beginning to work towards their end of year display on the 28th April. Junior section took part in the figure marching competition in St Columba’s Parish Centre in Swords. It was a great night and the boys should be very proud. They did extremely well with very little practice, and I would like to say a huge thank you to the boys and their parents for their support. Anchors and Juniors made some Valentines chocolate treats last Friday which went down very well. Boys Brigade will not be running on Friday 16th March (St Patrick’s weekend) and Friday 30th March (Good Friday).                                                       Evan

GIRLS BRIGADE The Girls Brigade have been taking part in the DDLETB Get Active Challenge over the last few months - a challenge to youth groups across Co Dublin to encourage more physical exercise in a non-competitive, inclusive, fun environment.  Not only did we successfully complete the challenge, we exceeded the required amount of aggregated hours so that each participating GB member received a certificate and a medal. But the excitement didn't end there - we were delighted to have been awarded a very special prize by the DDLETB - Best Female Group Award.  As Girls Brigade Ireland celebrates 125 years this year, this award was extra-special for us!!               Fiona

BOWLS We have finished all our Rohu and McIlwaine matches. Unfortunately it has being a difficult season due to some of members being sick at home or in hospital. We hope they will be back to play our club competitions.  We thank all the subs who stepped in at short notice.

We are hosting the Miller and Hope finals on Saturday 24th March.       Heather

WHIST DRIVE Our next Whist Drive take places on Monday 19th March in the Small Hall, all welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS Crafty Chatters will be meeting on the 6th and the 20th March from 2 - 4pm in the Parish Hall. You are very welcome to come and join us to do a craft or just to come and chat and see what is going on. Janet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

PARISH COFFEE  Just a reminder that our March Coffee Morning is on 23rd March, 10.30am - 12.30pm which takes place a little earlier than usual due to Good Friday falling on our usual day.  We will return to our usual last Friday of the month on 27th  April.  All welcome.                                                                         Vivienne, Regina and Barbara.

NOW AND THEN  Now and Then will be performing their production of (St. Pater’s) ‘The Witness’ in St. Mary’s Priory running from Tuesday 20th March  - 23rd March at 8.00pm The Tuesday evening will be in aid of SAOIRSE

SUMMER SALE The date for this year’s summer sale has been set, Saturday 26th May. We are looking forward to a stretch in the evenings and to Spring, time to clear out those cupboards, attics and garages? Donations of unwanted gifts, furniture and household items (in good condition!)  gratefully received. Please put the date in your diary and bring along your family and friends on the day.

CROSSROADS is a Church of Ireland Social Club for those in their 20’s & 30’s and a little older….
They meet on the last Friday of the month in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin. For more details, David @ 085 7272 019.You can also follow them on Facebook, to join  Crossroads Group, please send message request to Valerie Raitt Thomas or Beryl Healy.