Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday 9 November 2017

Newsletter November 2017

November 2017
FROM THE RECTOR We had a lovely 11am Harvest Morning Service on Sunday 8th October followed that afternoon by our Harvest Service at 3.30pm when Rev’d Alan Breen from Kill O Grange preached. We had good attendances at both services and were joined by members of the wider community, of almost a hundred, for our afternoon service which was followed by refreshments (and play area!) in the hall. I was glad to see some of the sons and daughters back for the service along with their children.

Thank you to the ladies of the parish who so beautifully decorated the church, we really are lucky in St. Maelruain’s to have such talented and creative people. Thanks also to those who donated flowers, greenery, decorations, fruit and vegetables, it is very much appreciated.
On Saturday 21st October Gail Sheridan was commissioned as a parish reader in Christchurch Cathedral so on Sunday 22nd at our 11am Family Service we had a prayer of welcome for Gail.  We are looking forward to Gail being part of our services in St. Maelruain’s and we are very grateful for everything that she already does in our parish.

On the evening of Sunday 22nd there was a ‘Songs of Praise’ in Taney Parish Church, local parishes were asked to take part in the service and I was asked to describe my favourite hymn which happens to be ‘How great thou art’ which to me, is a very moving hymn which incidentally was voted most popular hymn in a recent ‘Songs of Praise’ poll. It was sung as the offertory hymn and the collection was in aid of the Marie Keating Foundation (breast cancer).

We are looking forward to our annual ‘Christmas Sing Along’ on Friday 1st December in the Main Hall, your support for this event would be much appreciated.

God bless                                                                                                                  William

BAPTISM On 19th August Noah William Keane, baby son of Erica (nee Cole) and Donal was baptised. We welcome Noah into God’s family and pray for him and his family as he begins his Christian life.  

REMEMBRACE SUNDAY there will be a Remembrance Service on Sunday 12th November at 10.45am before the 11.00am Morning Prayer Service.

GIFT DAY Sunday 19th November has been set for our annual GIFT DAY. A letter will be going out to all parishioners laying out the position of the parish. Can I on behalf of the Select Vestry encourage all to give as generously as possible? The financial situation of the parish continues to be difficult, we are very grateful to everyone who gave last year but your continued support is vital to the viability of Tallaght Parish Church. If you would like to receive your letter by email please let the parish office know at                  William

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY   Our annual CHRISTMAS SING ALONG takes place in the Parish Centre on Friday 1st   December at 7.30pm where we sing Carols and Christmas songs, we have a Gift stall, a raffle and refreshments of wine, tea, coffee and mince pies. Please do what you can to help, buy / sell raffle tickets, donations of wine, mince pies and items for the gift stall would be greatly appreciated. Please phone Ronnie Scott  086 804 5090 for more information.

TEAM HOPE CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL We had the launch of the Christmas shoe box appeal in October and the date for the returned boxes is officially Friday 10th but please have them returned by Sunday 12th at the very latest.

FLOWER GUILD Thanks you so much to all the ladies that decorated the Church for the Harvest and to everybody, including our one gentleman who brought us beautiful flowers and vegetables. There was a great buzz as we worked, all the arrangements and the Church looked beautiful when it was finished. We had two new ladies with us, Norma and Alison and we hope they enjoyed helping us. We are delighted to welcome them to the flower guild.

Thank you too, to William and Valerie who made tea and coffee for all while we took a welcome break for a chat. 
We will be decorating the Church for Christmas on the week end of the 15/16 December, (to be confirmed). All are welcome to help.                                                                                                                                                      Regina

TABLE TENNIS We continue to play on Thursday nights in the Parish Centre and would welcome some new players . No experience needed, so why not come along and give table tennis a try. We play from 8 pm to 10 pm.          Regina 

MOTHER’S UNION / FAMILIES FIRST Our October meeting took the form of an outing to City Hall in Dame St. We had planned to visit Dublin Castle but it had been booked up for months! We had  a very pleasant morning seeing round the city hall including the Rotunda Room which was all set up for a wedding, which was nice to see.  There were 11 of us altogether and we had refreshments afterwards in the coffee shop before we went our separate ways.

Our November meeting will be addressed by Mary McLoughlin from HOPE.  Hold On Pain Eases. HOPE gives support and counselling to people who are feeling anxious, depressed or suicidal through a drop in centre in Tallaght  Village. The meeting is at 8pm in the small hall on Monday 13th  November and all are welcome to come along. We will have a collection in aid of HOPE at the meeting. Eileen Dunne and Liz Norris are on tea duty.

I would like to say Vivienne Bright has agreed to be our treasurer after the very sad and sudden death of our treasurer for many years Pam Stroughair.  We are very grateful to Vivienne for taking on this role. 

Saoirse are looking for kitchen rolls for November. Hope to see u all on the 13th  November.             Thanks, Valerie              

BOWLS CLUB    We are looking forward to our league matches over the next few months. We send best wishes to Ann Kane who is recovering after her operation and look forward to seeing her back bowling very soon. Our thoughts are with Christy and his family on the death of Breda.

Our  Christmas dinner will be held in Lucan Golf Club on Saturday 9th December                               Heather
GIRLS BRIGADE On Sunday 26th November, the Girls’ Brigade an enrolment service in St Maelruains Church at 11am, followed by tea and coffee in the parish hall afterwards.  All are welcome.

Girls Brigade meets on Wednesdays  at 7pm for Juniors, Seniors and Brigaders (ages 9 and up) and Saturdays at 10.30am for Explorers (under 9 years). Please contact Captain Fiona Monahan (086-8519163) if interested in joining.  Visit our website at   Fiona

BOYS BRIGADE We had our Coffee Morning fundraiser on 22nd October which was a huge success and we’d like to thank the parents and the Parish for their continued support its very much appreciated.

We have been forced to postpone our enrolment service till early next year as we are missing a number of members on the 26th November. We will be sending out the new date in the next couple weeks.  We will be finishing up and having our Christmas party on the 8th December 2017. Finally we are always looking for new boys so if anyone knows anyone who might be interested please come down we would be delighted to have them.             Evan.

WHIST DRIVE  The November Whist Drive take place on 20h at 8.00pm, all welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS  Crafty Chatters will be meeting on 7th and 21st  November from 2 - 4pm in St. Maelruain's Small Hall.   You will be made very welcome,  come and visit us to see what we are all about!   Janet

PARISH COFFEE  Our next Coffee Morning is on 24th November, 10am - 12.30pm in the Old Hall.  This will be our last Coffee Morning before Christmas.  Drop in for a cuppa and a chat, and an early mince pie.  All welcome.

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH Meet in the committee room of the parish centre on Monday evenings at 8.00pm, needs your support.

BIBLE STUDY  of the readings for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Hall.

HEAVENLY PARTNERS Our modern society has more lonely people in it than ever before and loneliness is a cause of ill health and early mortality. It doesn’t matter whether you are in your 20s or 80s, whether you’ve never had a close soul mate or whether you are now widowed or on your own for any other reason, chances are you would love to have someone special in your life to love and be loved by. Someone who’d put your first and who would be first for you.

‘Heavenly partners’ is the Irish branch of Stratford-upon Avon based ‘friends 1st’ which for the past 18 years has been run by Katharine Gray and has helped people of all ages get married and thousands more find new friends. The key thing that makes this organisation different from the on line sites that you may have heard about is, is that although they have a website which is for information only, their service is delivered in person, off line and through the post – and through their team of staff .

Are you lonely and not particularly enjoying facing life on your own? Do you wish God would answer your prayers for a soul mate? Maybe you should contact ‘Heavenly Partners’, the off line Christian friendship and introduction agency that has been helping like minded Christians ‘on their own’ meet. For an informal chat about their service call

01 531 4997 or have a look at Please keep in mind that this service has a  minimum charge of approximately €500.