Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday 3 February 2017

Newsletter January /  February 2017

We held our annual Christmas Sing Along on Friday 2nd December. The evening was a great success; we opened the evening with one of our Indian children playing the piano and closed with an African child parishioner also playing the piano. In between we were entertained by our own Music Group, the ICA Choir, ‘Now and Then’ and a new addition to the line up, the Dominican Active Men’s Social (DAMS). Now and Then performed some of the numbers from their up coming production of The Messiah, which will be performed in The Priory, Tallaght, in the week before Holy Week.  We had our usual mince pies, wine, tea and coffee along with a gift stall and raffle. The evening was well attended with numbers up from the previous year. Thank you to Ronnie Scott and his helpers for all their work in organising the evening, a good night was had by all and people were home in time to watch the Toy Show on RTE+1!

The following evening we were delighted to welcome the Leinster Singers for their annual Christmas Concert, they were joined by three pupils from Alexandra College and the CIE Male Choir. The concert was followed by refreshments in our small hall where the participants and the audience had a chance to meet.

I was invited as a guest to the South Dublin Chamber of Commerce Christmas lunch on 9th December. I am very grateful to the Chamber who managed to find warehouse space for us to sort out the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. I’m delighted to say we were up a third on the number of Shoe Boxes donated to 3,500 for the area.

We had a ‘Christmas’ Tree of Angels in the church yard (our common graveyard is used by the local community). Parishioner Mark Luttrell and his daughter Melisa (who lost a baby through miscarriage) are raising awareness for the need to have a means to remember those have had infant loss, people came to the churchyard and hung a little angel in memory of their lost loved one over the Christmas period. Mark and Melisa set up ‘Light Up the Sky’ in the summer to help families talk about babies who died and to remember them. Christmas is a happy time but for some people, who have suffered loss, it is a time tinged with sadness.

I attended St. Martin de Porres 40th anniversary Mass and former priests lunch. St. Martin’s in the Aylesbury area of Tallaght was originally Dominican but was handed over to the Diocese around the time I arrived in St. Maelruain’s. It was a lovely chance to meet up with former priests of the parish over lunch.

We had a lovely run up to Christmas day with our Parish School joining us on Sunday 18th at our Children’s Carol service in the morning which was followed that evening by our Nine Lessons and Carols Service. Our Christmas services went well and we had our annual New Year’s Eve multicultural service to welcome in the New Year. Following on from the ‘morning after the night before’ I was delighted to see our service on Sunday 1st January so well attended. Thank you to all who helped over the festive season with readings, music, flowers and decorations, refreshments and churchwarden duties, it was very much appreciated.
Since Christmas we are now back into the full swing of Parish Life and are looking forward to the brighter evenings. On 11th January I was invited to the home of  the RC Auxiliary Bishop (for the Tallaght Area) Eamon Walsh along with the priests of the area for Christmas dinner. Again, it was a lovely evening and an opportunity to meet with the other clerics of Tallaght.
Following on from the Alpha course, which was in held in An Solas Methodist Church at the end of last year, we are held a ‘reunion’ on 19th January. We have decided to meet up every seven weeks to continue the fellowship amongst those who attended the course.
On Sunday 22nd  I attended, along with parishioners,  a service in St. Dominic’s Church, Old Bawn, for Christian Unity Week. Former Archbishop of Dublin Right Rev. John Neill preached on ‘Crossing Barriers’.
The start of 2017 has been unsettling in world wide politics and we pray to God for guidance, wisdom and thoughtfulness for those who lead both home and abroad.                                          God bless     William.

FUNRERAL The funeral of Neville Wright took place in St. Maelruain’s on Friday 6th January. We express our deepest condolences to his wife Heather and to their children Shirley, Jennifer and Ian and to their extended family and friends.

BETHANY SUPPORT GROUP TRAINING The Bethany Bereavement Support Group is a voluntary parish based ministry which aims to help the bereaved and grieving. They are inviting five parishioners who would be willing to attend a twelve week course of training (one evening a week and one full day on a Saturday) starting in September  along with some Taney Parishioners to set up a parish Bethany Group. To be considered for the course you will be asked to attend an information evening and also be interviewed. They also ask that you yourself have not been bereaved within two years. Please contact the Rector for more information 086 803 0239.

MOTHER’S UNION / FAMILIES FIRST   Our pre- Christmas night was a trip to Tallaght Leisureplex for ten pin bowling. This was a great success and we had great fun with some of us being more successful than others! We had a good few bowlers and a few people joined us for supper afterwards. With all the exercise we had worked up an appetite and we had a lovely supper of various finger foods and some festive sweet treats. All in all we had a great night's fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. So thank you to everyone for coming along and making a most enjoyable evening. We had our Christmas dinner on Monday 9th  Jan in McGettigan’s Cookhouse at Kingwood Hotel, this was our first visit to the Cookhouse and we were very well looked after and had a lovely meal at very good value.

Our next meeting is on 13th  February when our  speaker will be Caroline Morrissey, on First Aid, so do come along to what I'm sure will be a most interesting and informative evening. As usual our meetings are open to everyone so you don't have to be a member to come along. You are assured of a very warm welcome.

We had a lovely letter from Saoirse for our contributions to them especially at Christmas, so thank you for your ongoing support of this very valuable and important project. They are hoping for donations of toilet rolls this month.

FLOWERS A big thank you goes to those who helped with the decorating of the Church for Christmas and to those who donated flowers for the occasion. The Church looked lovely over the Christmas. 

Thanks also to Canon William and to Valerie who always arrive with tea, coffee and biscuits for all. It's a good excuse to stop and have a chat for a while.

We would welcome new people to join us on the Flower Rota. No experience necessary, as there is always lots of help to hand, just a willingness to provide flowers for the Church for two weeks of the year. Please contact Regina at 4522930 / 0861255161 if you would like to help.

TABLE TENNIS  We reopened on January 18th and are looking forward to shedding those extra kilos we gained over Christmas, all with the help of table tennis!  If you'd like to join us, we play in the Parish Centre every Thursday at
8pm. We are open for new members and all standards of player are welcome. 

BOWLS CLUB Our club held its annual Christmas Dinner on 9th December in Lucan Golf Club. An excellent meal was followed by a great nights dancing and singing. My thanks goes to Ann and Denis Kane who organised the event and I hope thy will continue to do so in the future.

Our club competitions are well under way as are the league and cup competitions. The price team are moving along very nicely while the Rohu is in a tough group. The ladies and gents are into the quarter finals of their respective cups.

It is with great sadness we remember Neville Wright who passed away on Tuesday 3rd January 2017. Neville and Heather were founding members of our Bowls Club and Neville was captain for a number of years. Our prayers are with Heather and the family at this sad time.                                                                    

BOYS BRIGADE   The Boys Brigade finished up for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December with some festive fun in Leisureplex and started back on Friday 20th January. If anybody is interested in joining Boy’s Brigade please come along on any Friday evening  Anchors 7pm – 8:00pm  (ages  4 – 7)   Juniors 7pm - 8:30pm (ages 8 – 11)  Company 7pm - 9pm  (ages 12 – 18)

GIRLS BRIGADE Happy New Year from the 26th Company St Maelruain’s Girls’ Brigade!!  We are back from a lovely Christmas break, getting ready for our arts & crafts and dance competitions and already working hard preparing for our annual show – our Company Display – which will take place on April 1st this year. 

The Girls’ Brigade has been an important part of the St Maelruain’s Parish Community for a long time now – over 40 years.  We are always looking for new members, girls aged from 3 years old upwards, to join us.  If you are interested or would like some more information, please contact Captain Fiona Monahan on 086 8519163.

WHIST DRIVE  The February Whist Drive is on Monday 20th  at 8.00pm in the Main Hall. All Welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS  We will be meeting on the 7th and the 21st February from 2 - 4pm in the Parish Hall.   Please get you knitting needles, crochet hook, needle and thread or anything else you  are working on.   The chat is always good and the cup of tea always hot,  you would be most welcome!

PARISH COFFEE Our next Coffee Morning takes place on Friday 24th February 10.30am – 12.30pm. Do drop in if you can for tea, coffee, cake and chat. All welcome!

SUMMER SALE 2017 The date for this year’s summer sale has been set, Saturday 27th May. Thankfully here is a stretch in the evenings at last and we are now looking forward to spring, time to clear out those cupboards, attics and garages? Donations of unwanted gifts, furniture and household items (in good condition!)  gratefully received. Please put the date in your diary and bring along your family and friends on the day.