Noticeboard 23rd April -
28th May
Saturday 23rd
3.00pm - Mother’s
Union Holy Communion and Tea Party for indoor members in St. Bridget’s
Sunday 24th
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Family Service - Coffee after
church by Rod and Carrie Lucas.
Monday 25th April
11.00am - Ecumenical
Bible Week planning meeting, Holy Rosary, Old Court.
5.15pm - Come and C
Service in DCU Interfaith Centre, Philip McKinley.
8.00pm - Prayers for
the parish, Main Hall, needs your support.
Tuesday 26th April
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
Wednesday 27th April
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 28th April
8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust workers training
in Crinken, Shankhill.
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small hall,
singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Friday 29th
10.30 - Parish Coffee
Morning in the Small Hall, all welcome!
9.00pm - Crossroads
Social Group meeting in Buswells Hotel from 9.00pm, last Fri of
every month, contact David at 085 7272 019 for more
Sunday 1st
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 2nd
Bank Holiday Monday
Tuesday 3rd May
- CITI, lay lecture series, Wisdom, Power and the
Cross, €10, email
for more information.
2.00pm - Crafty Chatters meeting in small
hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one, all welcome!
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
- Homelessness and Refuggee ‘Walk in my shoes’
planning meeting in the Parish Centre, Gerry Bates.
Wednesday 4th May
– Eve of
Ascension Thursday. First Wednesday of the
month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 5th May - Ascension
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small hall,
singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis
Sunday 8th
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 9th May
8.00pm - Prayers for
the parish, Main Hall, needs your support.
Tuesday 10th May
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
Wednesday 11th May
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 12th May
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small hall,
singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New members welcome
Sunday 15th
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 16th May
8.00pm - Whist Drive in small hall, All
8.00pm - Prayers for
the parish upstairs, main hall, needs your support.
Tuesday 17th May
2.00pm - Crafty Chatters meeting in small
hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one, all
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
Wednesday 18th May
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 19th May
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small hall,
singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis
Maelruain’s Parish Summer Sale Saturday
May 2016
Parish Centre
1c and 2c coins will now be rounded up by retailers, why not donate your coins
to the parish? There is a ‘Jar’ in the Church, every cent appreciated!
Thank you.