March 2016 Newsletter
Saturday 6th we held one of the Diocesan ‘Come and C’ services here
in Tallaght. We were grateful to our Music Group, to our African children for
singing a traditional song in English, led by our parish reader Victoria Osho
(who also read the lesson) and to our Saturday morning Indian congregation (who
being Marthoma, are in full communion with the Anglican Communion) for singing
two joyous songs in Malayalum. As the theme of the service was ‘Proclaim the
Good News’ Rev’d Abigail Sines had
organised a newspaper for everyone to cut out the ‘good news’ and also those needing ‘good news’
to be placed on a banner from which the Nuns from our ecumenical prayer group
said prayers. I preached on the theme and asked why we failed to make the ‘Good
News’ relevant to those who need it most. We ended the service with a blessing
by the Archbishop Michael Jackson. We followed the service with refreshments at
the back of the Church served by Hazel,
Victoria and Valerie which proved
to be popular. Thank you to all who came to the service and who made the
afternoon so enjoyable.
We began Lent with an Ash Wednesday Holy
Communion service at 10am on 10th February. This year during Lent we
used the Biblican Association of the Church
of Ireland’s Lenten
Course ‘Reconciliation’. The topics we will / have covered each Wednesday at
the 10am service are: Power and Service, Transcending Boundaries, Reaching Out
to the Other, Taking Down the Walls and Do as You Would Be Done By. We are
grateful to the BACI for the Lenten course as with the demise of the Hibernia
Bible Society it has been difficult to find a suitable Lenten course.
On 12th February there was a
benefit night held in aid of Mark Parkhill, one of our primary school pupils
and a member of our Boy’s Brigade Company, who has been undergoing treatment in
Crumlin Children’s Hospital. The evening was organised by one of Mark’s
teachers, Edel Beckett and her sister, BB leader, Linda McGlynn. The evening,
which was held in The Roadstone Social Club,
Kingswood, was a great success. It was
also lovely to see support from Rathcoole Football Club who Mark plays for. We
pray for Mark as he continues his treatment.
Tours of the Church and grounds continued
in February, we had visits from St. Dominic’s School and St. Martin de Porres
School on the 10th and 15th respectively. It is always
interesting to answer questions about the church, grounds and about the Church of Ireland from the students of schools
from the winder community.
On 16th February, Billy Gould,
our Glebe Warden, organised a group of men from the parish and some members of
Bowls Club to paint the lower half of the walls of the main Hall in the Parish
Centre. As you know, the hall is used by the I.T.T. on a daily basis therefore
needs to be maintained regularly to be kept in good condition. Thank you to
Billy and to the men who helped paint, it looks great and your hard work is
very much appreciated.
God Bless William.
8th February, the Funeral of May Boothman, formally of Virginia
House and sister of Dickie Boothman (Richard), took place here in St.
Maelruain’s at 11am. Our condolences to her cousins Graham Heather and Desmond
Haine. May was the last of the original farming families of St. Maelruain’s.
She had looked after her parents and then subsequently her brother Dick. After
the Boothman’s time, Virginia House had become an Arts Centre before being
demolished to build a high rise on the other side of The Square Shopping
Centre. The passing of May gave us a chance to think about how the ‘face’ of
Tallaght has changed over the years.
The funeral of Alan Ingram took place in
Massey’s Funeral Home in Templeogue
Village on Friday 26th
February. We extend our condolences to his family and friends.
We welcomed into Christ’s family Annie Sybil June,
daughter of Conor and Wendy Sloan on Sunday 28th February. Later on
that day Milly Isobel daughter of Ruth (nee Beattie) and Rick Ogge, who were
home from Melbourne,
was baptised. Following Milly’s baptism Emmily Lane, who was home from the UK was received into the Church of Ireland.
Please pray for Annie, Milly, Emmily and their families.
CONGREGATION CANDLE We hosted the candle at our
Family / Baptism service in February. The candle is travelling around parishes
and congregations across Ireland
to promote prayer for climate justice and to encourage ‘green action’ by
churches. It is crucial that action is taken now for the millions of climate
refugees already suffering as a result of climate change, for future generations
and for the whole of creation. We were the first of five Churches in Tallaght
to host the candle and we lit the two Baptismal candles from the Eco candle. Let’s
hope and pray that climate change is taken seriously across our planet so that
the babies baptised that Sunday will be able to live to old age.
There will be a service each morning of
Holy Week, services as follows:
Mon 21st – Thurs 24th 10am
Holy Communion
Good Friday 10am
Good Friday Ante Communion.
8.00pm Good Friday Ante Holy Communion.
Sunday 8.30am
Easter Holy Communion.
Easter Holy Communion.
VESTRY The Easter Vestry (Parish AGM) will take
place this year on Sunday 10th April after a shortened Holy
Communion Service. This is an opportunity for you to have your say in the
running of the parish.
EASTER FLOWERS The church will be decorated for Easter on Saturday
March 26 th from 9am. We would be grateful for donations of flowers and
greenery for the decorating and look forward to seeing all the ladies from the
flower guild who do such a lovely job every month, putting flowers in the
Perhaps you would like to donate some flowers in memory of a loved one. Perhaps you would like to come and join us and help us arrange them, help us clear up or simply stay for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee which Valerie very kindly provides for us. We are always looking for extra people to help so all are welcome. Absolutely no experience necessary!!!!
ST. PATRICK’S DAY There will be a Holy
Communion service in the Church on St. Patrick’s day at 11.00am.
FAMILY SERVICE Due to the date Easter falls on, we have
decided to move Family service in
March to Sun 20th .
GOOD NEWS CLUB followed Church In Chains
Lenten Project which involved praying for different persecuted Christians in
prisons the world over. The money raised at coffee after the Family Service was
sent to Church in Chains.
/ FAMILIES FIRST We extend our sympathy to Pam Stroughair, on
the recent death of her brother. On Monday 8th February Sgt Mark Redmond gave a talk on crime
prevention. We were very pleased to have
some Clondalkin members attending.
On March 14th
Brian Murtagh of YMCA will give us a talk on his work in Tallaght. All
welcome On 15th March, Diocesan President Karen Nelson
Commissioning Service, Holmpatrick
Church, Skerries at 8pm. Monday 11th April, AGM and Bring & Buy.
SAOIRSE Donations:
March -Toilet Rolls April - Kitchen Rolls TEA Ladies March: Iris Harley/Yvonne
Diocesan Council Meeting: Mageough Home 7.30pm on 7th April.
We'd just like to acknowledge and thank everyone on behalf of the Parkhill
family for the generosity and support our BB family have given, our parish and
anyone who helped by buying tickets or donating. Daniel is doing great and had
the best night. Well done to Edel McGlynn and Linda McGlynn, along with the
help of lots of others, who made it a such fantastic night, it was a great
joint effort for a great cause.
On another note, our BB display will now be held on
the Saturday 14th May. The time will be confirmed nearer the date. Wishing you
all a lovely Spring.
AND THEN’S production of ‘Godspell’ will take to
the stage from Mon 8th March – Fri 11th in St. Mary’s
Priory, Tallaght Village. Doors open at 7.30pm show
starts at 8.00pm sharp. For more info contact 085 820 6973
BOWLS Well done to Tallaght
bowls club on reaching the final of the Gordon Miller memorial Trophy. The
final is on 15th of March in Greystones. We are playing Whitechurch bowling
club. Our club Competitions are progressing well.
WHIST DRIVE The March Whist Drive is on Monday 20th at 8.00pm in the Small Hall. All Welcome!
CRAFTY CHATTERS Crafty Chatters meet on the
first and third Tuesday of each month at 2.00pm in the small hall. Come
along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! A
warm welcome awaits all.
PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH continue on Monday evenings at 8.00pm, in
the Main Hall, needs your support.
BIBLE STUDY of the reading for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm
upstairs, Parish Hall.
There will be no coffee morning in March due to our usual date being Good Friday. However, there will be TWO Coffee Mornings in April instead. The dates for April are Friday 1st April, and Friday 29th April. We meet in the small hall and all are welcome!
There will be no coffee morning in March due to our usual date being Good Friday. However, there will be TWO Coffee Mornings in April instead. The dates for April are Friday 1st April, and Friday 29th April. We meet in the small hall and all are welcome!
SALE will
take place on Saturday 28th May in the Parish Centre.