21st February - 27th
Sunday 21st February
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 22nd February
7.00pm - Launch of Women of the 1916
Rising exhibition, Ballyroan Library, Marian Rd, Rathfarnham.
7.30pm - Social Justice film series in
Christchurch Cathedral music room ‘Cathy
come Home’ introduced by Mike Allen of Focus Ireland.
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs, main hall,
needs your support.
Tuesday 23rd February
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings
for the following Sunday.
Wednesday 24rd February
10.00am - Lenten Holy Communion
Service. ‘Transcending Boundaries’.
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 25th February
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small
hall, singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New
members welcome
Friday 26th February
10.30am – Parish Coffee Morning, in the parish
centre, small hall 10.30am -12pm. All welcome to call by for a cuppa and a
7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade
8.00pm – ‘Now and Then’ fundraiser in
Metro Bar (opp. the Church) in aid of their upcoming musical Godspell (the week before Holy Week) €5.
Saturday 27th February
9.30am - Mothers’ Union breakfast Springfield Hotel, Leixlip, Stella O’Malley, psychologist
will be speaking on, “Bringing up Happy Children in an Anxious World”
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 28th February
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer – Family Service Baptism of Annie Sloan & Eco Candle
Coffee after Family Service by
Good News Club in aid of Church in Chains
Monday 29th February
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs, main hall, needs your support.
Tuesday 1st March
2.00pm - Crafty Chatters meeting in
small hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one,
all welcome!
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - World
Day of Prayer rehearsal in the Church for Fri 4th March at 8pm
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings
for the following Sunday.
Wednesday 2nd March
10.00am - Lenten Holy Communion
Service. ‘Reaching out to others’.
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 3rd
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New
members welcome
Friday 4th March
7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade
8.00pm - World Day of
Prayer service @ St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village.
Sunday 6th March
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 7th March
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs, main hall,
needs your support.
Tuesday 8th March
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings
for the following Sunday.
7.30 Doors open for 8.00pm – ‘Now and Then’ present ‘Godspell’@ St Mary’s Priory, Tallaght
Wednesday 9th March
10.00am - Lenten Holy Communion
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
7.30 Doors open for 8.00pm – ‘Now and Then’ present ‘Godspell’@ St Mary’s Priory, Tallaght
Thursday 10th March
8.00pm - Music Group practice, small
hall, singers and musicians welcome.
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New
members welcome
7.30 Doors open for 8.00pm – ‘Now and Then’ present ‘Godspell’@ St Mary’s Priory, Tallaght
Friday 11th March
7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade
7.30 Doors open for 8.00pm – ‘Now and Then’ present ‘Godspell’@ St Mary’s Priory, Tallaght
Saturday 12th March
7.30pm Bowls Club meets at parish centre
Sunday 13th March
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Morning Prayer
Monday 14th March
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs, main hall,
needs your support.
Tuesday 15th March
2.00pm - Crafty Chatters meeting in
small hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one,
all welcome!
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings
for the following Sunday.
Wednesday 16th March
10.00am - Lenten Holy Communion
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 17th
March – St. Patricks Day
Sunday 20th
March – Palm Sunday
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Holy Communion
Monday 21st March – Holy Week
8.00pm - Prayers for the parish upstairs, main hall,
needs your support.
Tuesday 22nd
March – Holy Week
7.30 – Bowls Club meets at parish
centre - New members welcome.
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings
for the following Sunday.
Wednesday 23rd
March – Holy Week
10.00am - Lenten Holy Communion
6.45pm - Girl’s Brigade
Thursday 24th
March – Holy Week
8.00pm - Table Tennis - New
members welcome
Friday 25th March – Good Friday
March Parish
coffee morning post postponed till Friday 1st April
Sunday 27th March – Easter Sunday
8.30am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Family Service – Easter Day
Coopers: 1c and 2c coins will now be rounded up by retailers,
why not donate your coins to the parish? There is a ‘Jar’ in the Church, every
cent appreciated! Thank you.