Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Newsletter December 2015

December 2015
FROM THE RECTOR   On 3rd November we were delighted to welcome the ITT College to the church for their annual prize giving ceremony. It was lovely to welcome locals and to see the church full of young people. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the refreshments afterwards as it was the evening of our bible study. The following Friday we again welcomed the ITT for their remembrance service in the Church. The College has now reached a quarter of a century and the list to remember is ever increasing. Following the service we went over to the Peace Garden (remembrance garden) in the College grounds followed by lunch.

It was decided this year, to have two separate services for the GB / BB Enrollment Service due to the large numbers in the church, the Girl’s Brigade themselves filling seven pews. So on Sunday 8th November we welcomed the Girl’s Brigade for their Enrollment Service and we had the return of 24 filled shoeboxes from parishioners for Team Hope’s Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. It was lovely to see all the girls, leaders and families. The following Sunday we welcomed the Boy’s Brigade for their Enrollment Service and similarly it was great to see the boys, leaders and their families. The service was followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre.

We had school tours of the Church on 10th, 11th and 26th November. These tours are always interesting and it continually amazes me on some of the questions these primary school children ask! Our parish school was due to visit us for a tour with their teacher Edel Beckett (nee McGlynn) but unfortunately it was cancelled due to the inclement weather. With the change of plans I went to the school where I was delighted to see parishioner Zoe Smart, on teaching practice as a student of CICE. Zoe had prepared a ‘virtual’ tour of the Church and grounds followed by questions from the children.

Tallaght Churches  held a together ‘Concert of Hope’ on Sunday 19th  November in the Maldron Hotel at 7.30pm with some of the music groups from the seven churches involved. Our own Music Group sang first and did themselves proud also deserving a mention were the Romanian group who were a pleasant surprise. Well done to all involved!

Congratulations to Benny Myers who was awarded a special merit in the special needs and carers category  at the ‘Tallaght Person of the Year Award’s’ on Friday 20th November in the Red Cow Inn. Congratulations also go to Janet Edegly who was nominated for the Sgt Andrew Callanan Community Award.  It was a lovely evening and it is heartening to see people who give so much to the community being deservedly awarded and recognised for all there efforts.

On Sunday 22nd at our Family Service we were delighted to welcome the O’Halloran family to St. Maerlruain’s for the dedication of prayer books given by our MU, in memory of Anne. The prayer books were purchased with the donation the O’Halloran family gave to the MU in thanks for the refreshments they provided following the funeral of Anne. The service was followed by tea / coffee in the hall hosted by the MU in aid of Mothers’ Union projects home and abroad.

As I write these notes it’s hard to believe that Christmas it approaching, where has the year gone? We look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ in St. Maelruain’s again this December and to welcoming in the New Year. Please see below the dates and times of our festive services.

May I take this opportunity to wish all the readers of the Parish Newsletter a very happy Christmas and good health for the New Year.

God Bless                                                                                                                                                              William.

                    Christmas in St. Maelruain’s    
Sun 20th December: Good News Club Carol Service at 11am and

Nine Lessons and Carols at 7pm                    

 Thurs 24th December: ‘Midnight’ Holy Communion at 11.30pm  

Fri25th December Christmas Morning Holy Communion  with hymns at 9.00am -

Fri  25th December  Christmas Morning Family Holy Communion at 11am –

Sun 27th December Family Service

Thurs 31st December  New Year’s Eve Multi Cultural Service at 11pm.

FUNERAL On 11th November the funeral of Norman Warner took place here in St. Maelruain’s. We extend our deepest condolences to his children Donna and Shane and family.

WEDDING Paul Donoghue and Cassandra Killeen were married on 14th November, we wish the newly weds every future happiness as they begin their married life.

ENVELOPES Church giving envelopes will be available in the Church Porch at the end of the month. If anybody would like to join the envelope scheme, keeping in mind the tax rebate available to the parish, please ask the Rector or contact the Parish Office 462 6006.

If you would like to subscribe to the Church of Ireland all Ireland weekly newspaper please contact the Parish office.

Subscription of €40 is now due on orders of the Diocesan Church Review Magazine, please send payment to Parish Office as soon as possible. If you do not wish to continue with you subscription or if you would like start receiving the magazine, can you please let the Parish Office (462 6006) know before the end of December.

The Church will be decorated for Christmas on Saturday the 19th December from 9.00am in the church. Donations of flowers, greenery and decorations gratefully received. A warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to come along and help to decorate the church, young, old, male or female! Flower Guild for Dec: Imelda Bird and Janette Wilson.

On Thursday 5th November, the Mothers Union Communion Service in Christ Church Cathedral was very well attended and members of our Group hosted the refreshments afterwards.
On Monday 9th November we had a very informative talk followed by a very lively questions and answers on  “How to Look after your Teeth”.
Some members attended The Friendship Dinner in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip on Friday 13th November.
On Sunday 22nd Nov. following Morning Service, we  hosted our Fund raising coffee morning in aid of  MU work overseas and here in Ireland.  Thank you to all of you who so generously supported us, the sum of €201 was raised. Also on Sunday 22nd Nov. prayer books in memory of Anne O’Halloran were donated by her family & St Maelruain’s  Mothers Union where she was such a loyal member and is fondly remembered.  Many members of her family attended.
On Monday 14th December: we plan to hold a Christmas Quiz followed by festive supper. Members please bring along your favourite Christmas treat to share.
SAOIRSE donation for December is Christmas fare.
Our New Year Dinner will be on Monday 11th January , once again in the local Blazin Grill.
Finally, thank you to all our members who have so loyally supported SAOIRSE during the year, it is very appreciated by them.   Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

TABLE TENNIS  We would like to wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.
We will close for Christmas on December 10 th and reopen January 21st  ( to be confirmed). We would welcome some new members in the New Year, so if you want to work off the Christmas dinner and pud in a fun way, table tennis is a great way to start. Why not come along and give it a try . Looking forward to seeing our current players back.

BOY’S BRIGADE  Just to say the boys had their annual enrolment in November, thanks to all who came. The BB would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy A Happy New Year. We will be finishing up on Friday the 11th December and will return on January 15th at 7.30pm.  All boys are welcome. 

BOWLS We are looking forward to our Xmas bowls dinner which is being held in the Lucan
Golf Club. The bowls competitions are well under way. Wishing all our members in the Bowls Club a happy Xmas and New Year.

WHIST DRIVE  The December ‘Turkey’ Whist Drive is on Monday 21st   at 8.00pm in the Main Hall. All Welcome!

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH  continue on Monday evenings at 8.00pm, in the Main Hall, needs your support.  

BIBLE STUDY  of the reading for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Hall.

PARISH COFFEE MORNING  We are taking a break this month and so there is no meeting in December.  We hope to see everyone again for our next Coffee Morning on Friday, 29th January 2016.  We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year.   Regina, Vivienne and Barbara

Sunday Services
9.00am Service          Holy Communion each Sunday.               11.00am  Service   Holy Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.            Morning Prayer: 2nd  and 5th Sundays of each month.
Family Service: 4th Sunday of each month.
1st Wednesday of  each month Holy Communion with laying on of hand for the sick at 10.00am

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