Noticeboard 12th April – 30th
April 2015
Sunday 12th April
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am - Morning Prayer.
Monday 13th April
8.00pm - Prayers for the
Parish upstairs, Main Hall, needs your support.
8.00pm - Mother’s Union
AGM and Bring and Buy Sale.
Tuesday 14th April
7.00pm - ‘How the Poor
Survived in 18th Century Ireland’ talk by Sean Bagnall in Tallaght
8.00pm - Orlagh Well
Service planning meeting in Orlagh Retreat Centre.
Wednesday 15th April
7.30pm - Showing the ‘Focus
on the Family’ film ‘Irreplaceable’ (The Family) Redeemer Christian Church of
God, 66 Broom Rd, Broomhill Ind Est.
Thursday 16th April
3.00pm - Bible Study of
the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.
8.00pm – Table Tennis Club
in the main hall parish centre, over 18s new members welcome
Friday 17th April
2.30pm - Parish School
Board of Management meeting in the School, Kilclare Ave., Jobstown.(opposite
the swimming pool, Outer Ring Road).
Saturday 18th April
2.00pm - ‘Church in
Chains’ Exhibition in DEC, Glenageary Rd Lwr.
7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade
Display in the Parish Centre.
Sunday 19th April – EASTER VESTRY
(AGM) after 11am service
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11.00am - Shortened Morning Prayer Service
which will be followed by our Easter
Vestry Meeting (parish AGM) at 11.20am A opportunity for you to have your say in
the running of the Parish.
Monday 20th April
8.00pm - Prayers for the
Parish upstairs, Main Hall, needs your support.
8.00pm - Whist Drive in
the small hall, all welcome.
Tuesday 21st April
Thursday 23rd April
3.00pm - Bible Study of
the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.
8.00pm - Music Group
Practice, small hall, singers and musicians
8.00pm – Table Tennis Club
in the main hall parish centre, over 18s new members welcome
Friday 24th April
10.00am – 12pm - Parish
Coffee morning in the small hall. All welcome for a cuppa, a chat and a catch
9pm - Crossroads social
group meet in the bar of Buswells Hotel.
Saturday 25th April
3,00pm - Girl’s Brigade
Display in the Main Hall, all welcome.
Sunday 26th April
8.30am – Holy Communion
11am – Holy Communion
Monday 27th April
8.00pm - Prayers for the
Parish upstairs, Main Hall, needs your support.
Tuesday 28th April
Thursday 30th April
3.00pm - Bible Study of
the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.
8.00pm – Table Tennis Club
in the main hall parish centre, over 18s new members welcome
Saturday 23rd May 2015 10am-1pm Parish Summer Sale
Saturday 23rd May 2015 10am-1pm Parish Summer Sale