Noticeboard 7th March - 29th March 2015
Saturday 7th March
The Parish School will be bag packing in Dunnes, City West.
10.00am - Churches Ministry of Healing
‘quiet day’, Megeough Home.
Sunday 8th March
8.30am - Holy
@12pm Summer Sale Committee meeting, looking for new members to set up this committee with the aim to help organise the summer sale on the 23rd May 2015. Please attend if you can help out in whatever capacity. Many hands make light work!
Monday 9th March
8.00pm - Jane Burns talking on
Christian Aid to the Mother’s Union. Donations
of tea towels for Saoirse.
Tuesday 10th March
7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre
Wednesday 11th March
10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains
11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’
upstairs, P’ Hall.
3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday,
upstairs P’Hall
8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.
Sunday 15th March
8.30am - Holy
Monday 16th March
Tuesday 17th March St Patrick's Day
11am - Service for St. Patrick's day @ St Maelruains
Wednesday 18th March
10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains
11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’
upstairs, P’ Hall.
3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday,
upstairs P’Hall
8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.
Monday 23rd March
Tuesday 24th March
7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre
Wednesday 25th March
10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains
11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’
upstairs, P’ Hall.
3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday,
upstairs P’Hall
8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.
Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday
8.30am - Holy