Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 27 March 2015

 Noticeboard 29th March - 12th April 2015

Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer

Monday 30th March

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

8.00-pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall, needs your support.

Tuesday 31st March

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

Wednesday 1st April

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

Friday 3rd April – Good Friday

10.00am – Ante Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

8.00pm – Ante Holy Communion

Saturday 4th April

9.00am - Decoration of Church for Easter, donations of flowers, greenery and decorations gratefully received, a warm welcome awaits all helpers!

Sunday 5th April – Easter Sunday

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 6th April – Easter Monday Bank Holiday

No Prayers for the parish.

Tuesday 7th April

2.00pm - Crafty Chatters meeting in the small hall, bring along whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one, all welcome!

Thursday 8th April

3.00pm  - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.

Sunday 12th April

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am Morning Prayer.



Friday, 20 March 2015

 Noticeboard 22nd March -  5th April 2015

Sunday 22nd March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Family Service.

7.00pm – Thanksgiving Service for the Gift of Sport with Tony Ward in St. Ann’s Dawson Street.

Monday 23rd March

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

Tuesday 24th March

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

7.00pm - History of Ireland from the first settlers to Christianity in Tallaght Library with Frank Tracy.

7.30/8.00pm - ‘Now and Then’s’ production of ‘A Gospel Line’ in the Priory. Running until Fri 27th  doors open at 7.30 seating on a first come basis, tickets €10 / €5 ph 085 820 6973

8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust new workers training in Taney Parish Centre.

Wednesday 25th March
9.00am - Alpha Course & Breakfast in An Solas Methodist Church, Jobstown.

10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

8.00pm – Select Vestry meeting

Thursday 26th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

3.30pm - Tea Dance in An Solas (Methodist Church, Jobstown) 3.30pm – 6pm

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Friday 27th March

10.30am – Parish Coffee moning in the Small Hall, come along for a chat and a cuppa!

Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer

Monday 30th March

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

8.00-pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall, needs your support.

Tuesday 31st March

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

Wednesday 1st April

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

Thursday 2nd April

10.00am - Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

Friday 3rd April – Good Friday

10.00am – ante Holy Communion (Every morning in Holy Week)

Sunday 5th April – Easter Sunday

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion



Friday, 13 March 2015

Noticeboard 16th March -  29th March 2015

Sunday 15th March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Holy Communion

Monday 16th March

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

8.00pm – Whist Drive in the small hall @ St. Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 17th March St Patrick's Day

11am - Service for St. Patrick's day @ St Maelruains

Wednesday 18th March
10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

Thursday 19th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Sunday 22nd March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Family Service.

7.00pm – Thanksgiving Service for the Gift of Sport with Tony Ward in St. Ann’s Dawson Street.

Monday 23rd March

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

8.00pm - Safeguarding Trust new workers training in Taney Parish Centre.

Tuesday 24th March

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

Wednesday 25th March
10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

8.00pm – Select Vestry meeting

Thursday 26th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Family Service



Saturday, 7 March 2015

Noticeboard 7th March -  29th March 2015

Saturday 7th March
The Parish School will be bag packing in Dunnes, City West.

10.00am - Churches Ministry of Healing ‘quiet day’, Megeough  Home.
Sunday 8th March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Morning Prayer followed by

@12pm Summer Sale Committee meeting, looking for new members to set up this committee with the aim to help organise the summer sale on the 23rd May 2015. Please attend if you can help out in whatever capacity. Many hands make light work!

Monday 9th March

8.00pm - Jane Burns talking on Christian Aid to the Mother’s Union. Donations of tea towels for Saoirse. 

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

Tuesday 10th March

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

Wednesday 11th March

10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

Thursday 12th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Sunday 15th March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Holy Communion

Monday 16th March

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

Tuesday 17th March St Patrick's Day

11am - Service for St. Patrick's day @ St Maelruains

Wednesday 18th March

10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

Thursday 19th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Monday 23rd March

8.00pm - Prayers for the Parish upstairs, Main Hall needs your support.

Tuesday 24th March

7.30pm - Bowls Club @ Parish Centre

Wednesday 25th March

10.00am - Lenten Service @ St Maelruains

11.00am - Lenten C of I course: ‘Same Sex Issues & the Bible’ upstairs, P’ Hall.

Thursday 26th March

3.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall

8.00pm - Music Group Practice in the small hall.

8.00pm Table Tennis Club @ Parish centre new members always welcome contact parish office.

Sunday 29th March - Palm Sunday

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am - Family Service