Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 29 January 2015

February 2014
As usual, the build up to Christmas and New Year’s was busy. Early in December I attended the ITT sports scholarship award in the College and later on that same evening went to our Bowl’s Club Christmas dinner.

The 14th of December was the date for the  Tallaght Methodists Carol Service. They lost their minister last year and said goodbye to their hall administrator Jill Cosgrove at Christmas. I have had a good deal of involvement with the Tallaght Methodists along with the chaplain of Mount Seskin Community College (formerly Jobstown Community College) Paddy Doyle so I was sorry to have to say goodbye to Jill.

On December 8th I was installed as a Canon of Christchurch Cathedral and on Monday  16th  I read the 8th Lesson on behalf of the Chapter at Christchurch Cathedral’s Nine Lessons and Carols, one of my first duties as a new Canon. I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and support on this appointment.

The Marthoma (our Saturday afternoon Indian congregation) who are in full Anglican Communion with the Church of Ireland had their Holy Communion and Carol Service on Saturday 21st.  The Archbishop Right Rev’d Michael Jackson preached at the service which was followed by their Indian Christmas Dinner.

The following day we had our Children’s Carol Service at 11.00am with a Nativity Play by the children from the Good News Club and a piece sung by the Parish School Choir led by Ms Caroline Rountree. At 7.00pm we had our Nine Lessons and Carols service with an excellent attendance. I would like to thank Janet Edegly and the ladies who so beautifully decorated the church for Christmas, it really was lovely and I would also like to thank the ladies who provided the supper after the Carol Service, it was very much appreciated.

Christmas week continued on with a service on Christmas Eve at 11.30pm and with services at  8.30am and 11.00am on Christmas Day which all went off well. We had a multicultural service on New Year’s Eve to welcome in 2014. Valerie played the key board with some of the music group and our African parishioners sang a couple of African songs while we were waiting for the New Year bells to be tolled. It was a lovely way to welcome in the New Year.

On 4th January we were again joined by the Archbishop to say goodbye to our Syrian Orthodox Congregation who had been using Tallaght Church for almost a decade as they move to Brookfield Parish Church. We wish them well in their new location.

On 20th January I attended a service in the chapel of Tallaght Hospital for Christian Unity Week which was held by the hospital Ecumenical Chaplaincy Team at the start of the week. On the subject of Christian unity, Bishop Eamon Walsh kindly included me for his lunch for the priests of the area the following Friday for the second year running.

As many of you will know by now Valerie broke her hip on Saturday 25th at a women’s self defence class with Amy. She needed a pin to repair the break and thankfully not a hip replacement. Thank you to everybody who has shown so much concern for her with their prayers and good wishes.

God bless                                                                                                                                                   William.

On Saturday 4th January we had the baptisms of Sophie Rose and Chloe Isabella daughters of Jonathan and  Katya McNaughton. We wish both these children all of God’s blessings as they begin their Christian lives.

The funeral of Henry Freemantle took place in St. Maelruain’s on Wednesday 29th January. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife Harriet, to his children Gary, Michael and Wendy and to all his family and friends.

Subscriptions for the Church Review were due in January. Thank you to those who have paid. If your sub remains unpaid please forward €40  to the parish office as soon as possible.


It’s seems like a distant memory now, but the Christmas  Sing Along was a great success and the sum of approximately €2000 was raised. Ronnie Scott would like to thank all those who donated raffle prizes, helped sell tickets, bought

tickets, helped on the stalls, assisted with the mince pies and beverages, helped set up and tidy up and anyone else who gave up their time and effort to make this event such a success.  A big thank you to all involved!

We had our New Year Dinner locally on Monday 13th January in the Blazin’ Grill – good food, good company, a great evening to celebrate New Year as a group.

SAOIRSE Jan/Feb donations from members: Kitchen Towels/Black plastic sacks.

On Monday 10th February at 8pm Alice Leahy Director and co-founder of TRUST, a non-judgemental, befriending, social and health service for people who are homeless will speak to us.  This meeting is open to all, please come and bring a friend.
Trust have a “wish list. Second hand clothes, clean, ready to wear:
Men: Jeans Waist 30/32/34 only. Shoes/Runners: Sizes 7/8/9/10/11.
Ladies: Jeans – All sizes. Shoes Runners: All sizes.
For both men and women: T-shirts; jumpers; fleeces/hoodies; shirts; tracksuits; anoraks; Towels.
Maybe this would be an incentive to sort those wardrobes?  Please drop donations into church porch or to Valerie.    Thank You – we appreciate your help.

On Monday 10th March Sean Kennan will speak to us on Kilmainham Jail.
Tea Ladies: February: Janet Edgely& Noelle Lewis
Tea Ladies: March: Regina Donoghue & Carol Laughlin

Happy New Year everybody. We have resumed after the Christmas break, with planning starting for our annual display in April. Please note the new finishing time for company section will be 10.00 pm on Friday nights. Preparations are taking place for various district competitions. Arrangements are being made for company and junior sections to visit the Curragh Military Camp museum at the end of February and we look forward to seeing a full turn out from those sections.


We are back in full swing on Thursdays at 8 pm, with tables busy all night. There is still plenty of room for more players. It doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or experienced player, you will be guaranteed a fun night followed by tea and biscuits so that you won't be worried about the calories you may have lost! We are in the Parish Centre from 8 to 10 on Thursday night.
Why not give it a try?

As you came to Church this morning , you will have noticed that work has begun on the roof of the stables, which has been in need of attention for some years. This project is being funded entirely from the proceeds of St. Maelruain's Flower Festival and we are looking forward to seeing the completed works in a few weeks.
We hope everybody will enjoy the Spring flowers that should be emerging shortly around the Parish Centre and in the flower beds. These flowers were supplied by the Flower Festival committee last September, when we planted in the region of 300 snowdrops and daffodils as a reminder of the the festival and the great week end we all enjoyed.
In order to preserve them from year to year, we would love to see everybody taking care not to walk on them or park on them. It was a terrific event, made possible by your co operation and help. Thank you all again.
Regina Donoghue . Flower Festival Committee

After the great success of the Flower Festival last year not only financially but also socially, has anybody in the parish any NEW ideas for raising much needed funds for the parish??

The Crafty Chatters are meeting on Tuesday 4th December at 2.15pm in the small hall.   Please come and join us for an afternoon of chat, crafts, good company and fun. All Welcome!

PARISH COFFEE MORNING - 28th February, 10.30am - 12.30pm.
Another chance to stop, take some time out, and smell the coffee!  We have received very nice compliments on the lovely aroma of coffee as you enter the door and the freshly baked cakes served at our Coffee Mornings and we thank everyone for their kind comments.  Thank you to all who come and support the coffee mornings, but there is always room for more to come. All are invited to join us on the last Friday of the month.