Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 11 April 2014

NOTICEBOARD 11th April - 10th May

Saturday 12th April 

7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade Display, guest of honour former Rector Robert Kingston (who headed up the building of the Parish Hall).

Sunday 13th April
8.30am - Holy Communion.

11am - Holy Communion, Palm Sunday.

7pm - Showing video of the ‘Now and Then’  production of Jesus Christ Super Star in the Main Hall of the Parish Centre.

Monday 14th April
10am - Holy Week Holy Communion.

8pm - Mother’s Union AGM and Bring and Buy Sale.

8pm - Prayers for the Parish upst’rs, Main Hall needs your support (Lent?).

Tuesday 15th April

10am - Holy Week Holy Communion.

Wednesday 16th April

10am - Holy Week Holy Communion.

Thursday 17th April
10am - Maundy Thursday Holy Communion.

3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’hall

Friday 18th April - Good Friday
10am - Good Friday Ante Holy Communion.

10pm - Good Friday Ante Holy Communion.

Saturday 19th April

10am - Decoration of Church for Easter, donations of flowers, greenery and decorations gratefully received, a warm welcome awaits all helpers!

Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday

8.30am - Holy Communion

11am - Holy Communion 

Monday 21st April

8pm - Whist drive in the small hall of the parish centre, all welcome!

Tuesday 22nd April

7pm - Talk on Ernest Shackleton by Neil Webber in Tallaght Library.

Thursday 24th April

3pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs P’Hall.

Friday 25th April

10.30am Parish Coffee morning, small hall of the parish centre, all welcome.

Sunday 27th April 2014

 11.30am EASTER VESTRY - after 11am service,

Shortened family Service before Easter Vestry at 11.30am when children will leave for Good News Club. Coffee afterwards by the Donaldson family while the votes are being counted.

Future Planning For Diary
10th May 2014
 10am- 1pm St Maelruains Parish Summer Sale  at the Parish Centre. Contact Ronnie Scott if you can help sell raffle tickets, provide for stalls or prizes, Help out on the set up or on the day :-)