Saturday 6th April
Marriage of Dr. Emmanuel Okoro and
Mary Ann Ezieinma.
Sunday 7th April
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Holy Communion.
Monday 8th April
Tuesday 9th April
7pm - ‘Anglo Irish Gentry’ talk in Tallaght library by Frank Tracey.
Monday 8th April
8pm - Mother’s Union,
AGM and Bring and Buy Sale, Small Hall.
8pm - Prayers for the parish: Parish Hall
Upstairs, needs your support.
Tuesday 9th April
7pm - ‘Anglo Irish Gentry’ talk in Tallaght library by Frank Tracey.
Wednesday 10th April
5pm - Confirmation classes in the Rectory,
6 Sally Park, Firhouse Rd.
8pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall
Thursday 11th April
8pm - Music Group practice, small hall,
singers and musicians welcome.
Sunday 14th April
8.30 - Holy Communion.
Acts 9: 1 – 6 (7 – 20) John 21:
1 - 19
11am - Shortened Morning Prayer.
Easter Vestry following service, AGM of your parish,
please attend and have your say in how the parish is run on your behalf.
Monday 15th April
8pm - Prayers for the parish: Parish Hall,
upstairs, needs your support.
8pm - Whist Drive in the Small Hall, all welcome!
Wednesday 17th April
5pm - Confirmation Practice.
8pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday.
Thursday 18th April
8.30pm - Harding OBU table quiz, Conservative
Club, Camden Row.
‘Faith in Action’ Conference in the
Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines, one lay person required, if
interested please contact the Rector @ 086 803 0239
Saturday 20th April
7pm - Boy’s Brigade Display in the Parish